Instruction 265 View Records
Instruction / 4QInstruction / 4Q418 / Priest / Qumran / Sektenregel (Qumran Scrolls) / Wisdom literature 1 View Records
Instruction / Bible. Sprichwörter 1-9 / Bible. Sprichwörter 10-29 / Rhetoric / Speech / Wisdom 1 View Records
Instruction / Biomedicine / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre / Christology / Geschichte 2008 / Human dignity / Bioethics 1 View Records
Instruction / Biomedicine / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre / Geschichte 2008 / Bioethics 14 View Records
Instruction / Biomedicine / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre / Geschichte 2008 / Human dignity / Bioethics / Person 3 View Records
Instruction / Bkaʼ-rgyud-pa / Mahāmudrā / Mi-bskyod-rdo-rje 1507-1554 1 View Records
Instruction / Buddhist literature / Pāli / Tipiṭaka / Translation 1 View Records
Instruction / Canonical process / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Geschichte 2005 / Admission to / Lawyer / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Instruction / Canonical process / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Geschichte 2005 / Argumentation / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 2 View Records
Instruction / Canonical process / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Geschichte 2005 / Bias / Judge / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Congregatio Rituum, Verfasserschaft1, Inter oecumenici / Geschichte 1964 / Catholic church / Liturgical reform 2 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Kongregation für den Gottesdienst und die Sakramentenordnung / Catholic church / Liturgy / Publication (Print) / Usage / Vernacular language 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Kongregation für den Klerus / Congregation / Congregational leadership / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic church / Lack of priests / Layman / Priest 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Kongregation für den Klerus / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic church / Priest 2 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Kongregation für den Klerus / Lack of priests 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Bischöfe / Church authority / Geschichte 1978 / Bishop / Religious 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Bischöfe / Geschichte 1978 / Bishop / Religious 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Evangelisierung der Völker / Disciplining / Geschichte 1878 / Catholic church / Priest / USA 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Evangelisierung der Völker / Geschichte 2001 / Catholic church / Mission (international law / Pastoral care in foreign lands / Priest 3 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Institute des Geweihten Lebens und die Gemeinschaften des Apostolischen Lebens / Catholic church / Religious life / Renewal / Spirituality 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Institute des Geweihten Lebens und die Gemeinschaften des Apostolischen Lebens / Christology / Geschichte 2008 / Authority / Obedience / Religious life 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Institute des Geweihten Lebens und die Gemeinschaften des Apostolischen Lebens / Geschichte 1999 / Bride / Metaphor / Religious life / Women's religious order 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Institute des Geweihten Lebens und die Gemeinschaften des Apostolischen Lebens / Geschichte 2008 / Authority / Obedience / Religious life 2 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Selig- und Heiligsprechungsprozesse / Geschichte 2007 / Canonization process / Local church 3 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex canonum ecclesiarum orientalium / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex Iuris Canonici (1983) / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex iuris canonici (1983). 1095 / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Certitude / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Church authority / Delegation / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Church office / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Compulsion / Fear / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Conception of History / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Defender of the bond / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Disease / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marital consent / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Error / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marital consent / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Judge / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Legal counsel / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marriage process / Mixed marriage / Nullity of marriage 2 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marriage process / Notary / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 21 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage / Personalism / Personality psychology 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage / Proof evaluation 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Geschichte 2005 / Canonical process / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage / Reception 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Geschichte 2006 / Canon law / Leaving the church 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Geschichte 2006 / Canon law / Leaving the church / Marriage law 4 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Missale Romanum / Church authority / Geschichte 2002 / Bishop / Liturgical reform 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Missale Romanum / Geschichte 2002 / Beginning / Mass 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Missale Romanum / Geschichte 2002 / Canon law / Liturgy 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Missale Romanum / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic church / Reception / USA 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Bischöfe / Geschichte 2004 / Bishop 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church / Mass 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic church / Work 1 View Records
Instruction / Catholic school / Catholic upbringing / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic church, Kongregation für das Katholische Bildungswesen / Religious 1 View Records
Instruction / Church / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 23,8-12 / Jesus Christus / Office / Service 1 View Records
Instruction / Church / Order / Pastoral Epistles 1 View Records
Instruction / Church congregation / Catholic church, Kongregation für den Klerus / Reform 1 View Records
Instruction / Church music / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Missale Romanum 1 View Records
Instruction / Church order / Pastoral Epistles / Pauline letters 1 View Records
Instruction / Church work / Catholic church, Kongregation für den Klerus / Parish / Repentance 1 View Records
Instruction / Church work / Geschichte 2004 / Catholic church / Liturgy / Migration / Popular piety 1 View Records
Instruction / Church work / Geschichte 2004 / Catholic church / Migration 3 View Records
Instruction / Čirāġ-i Dihlī, Šaiḫ Nāṣir-ad-Dīn Maḥmūd ca. 1276/77-1356 / Sufism 1 View Records
Instruction / Commentary / Eucharist / Clericalism 1 View Records
Instruction / Committee / Francis Pope 1936- / Aufsichtsbehörde / Supervision 1 View Records
Instruction / Conclusion / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Missale Romanum / Mass 1 View Records
Instruction / Confession / Forgery / Geschichte 1614 / Behavior / Jesuits / Publicity 1 View Records
Instruction / Constructivism / Learning environment / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Instruction / Contemplation / Geschichte 1999 / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Institute des Geweihten Lebens und die Gemeinschaften des Apostolischen Lebens / Nun / Religious life 1 View Records
Instruction / Cooperation / Education / Geschichte 1999 / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Institute des Geweihten Lebens und die Gemeinschaften des Apostolischen Lebens / Religious life 1 View Records
Instruction / Cremation / Funeral / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre 1 View Records
Instruction / Criticism / Geschichte 1986 / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre / Liberation theology 2 View Records
Instruction / Deaf / Geschichte 2009 / Catholic church, Consilium de Apostolatu pro Valetudinis Administris 1 View Records
Instruction / Eleventh of September terrorist attack / Suicide bombings 1 View Records
Instruction / Faber, Petrus Heiliger 1506-1546 / Jesuits 1 View Records
Instruction / Fasting 2 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 1936 / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Evangelisierung der Völker / Medical mission / Midwife / Nun 1 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 1978 / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Bischöfe / Local church / Order 1 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 1986 / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre / Liberty of conscience 3 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 1994 / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Institute des Geweihten Lebens und die Gemeinschaften des Apostolischen Lebens / Religious life 2 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 1999 / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Institute des Geweihten Lebens und die Gemeinschaften des Apostolischen Lebens / Nun / Religious life 1 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 1999 / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Institute des Geweihten Lebens und die Gemeinschaften des Apostolischen Lebens / Religious / Training 1 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 2000 / Healing / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre / Prayer 1 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 2001 / Liturgiam authenticam / Liturgy / Vernacular language 1 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 2001 / Liturgy / Vernacular language 3 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic church, Conferencia Episcopal Española / Self-determination / Spain / Terrorism 1 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Institute des Geweihten Lebens und die Gemeinschaften des Apostolischen Lebens / Religious life 3 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Missale Romanum 3 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Missale Romanum / Liturgical reform 1 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Missale Romanum / Liturgical singing 1 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Missale Romanum / Liturgy / Sex difference 1 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Missale Romanum / Liturgy of the word 1 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Missale Romanum / Lord's supper 1 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 2002 / Godparent / Catholic church, Diözese Eichstätt 1 View Records
Instruction / Geschichte 2006 / Catholic church, Conferencia Episcopal Española / Secularization / Spain 1 View Records
Instruction / God / Judaism / Literature 1 View Records
Instruction / God / New Testament 1 View Records
Instruction / Greek-Catholic Church / History / Barkóczy, Franz von 1710-1765 1 View Records
Instruction / Guru / Bombay / Neo-Hinduism / Spirituality 1 View Records
Instruction / Hatha yoga / Child 1 View Records
Instruction / Healing / Catholic church / Prayer 1 View Records
Instruction / Hinduism / Religious education / Tales 1 View Records
Instruction / History 1600-1650 / Contemplation / Prayer / Spirituality 1 View Records
Instruction / History 1600-1650 / Novice formation / Spirituality 1 View Records
Instruction / History 1605-1621 / Nuncio / Paul, V., Pope 1552-1621 2 View Records
Instruction / History 1605-1621 / Papal legate / Paul, V., Pope 1552-1621 1 View Records
Instruction / History 1605-1641 / Spiritual direction / Spirituality 1 View Records
Instruction / History 1621-1623 / Gregor, XV., Pope 1554-1623 / Nuncio 2 View Records
Instruction / History 1621-1623 / Gregor, XV., Pope 1554-1623 / Papal legate 2 View Records
Instruction / History 1847-1907 / Nuncio / Spain 1 View Records
Instruction / History 1964-1994 / Liturgy 1 View Records
Instruction / History 1965-2011 / Dharma / Neo-Buddhism / Western world 1 View Records
Instruction / Homily / Catechesis 1 View Records
Instruction / Homosexual / Geschichte 2005 / Priestly ordination 9 View Records
Instruction / Iconography / Church / Jesus Christ / Judge / Justice / Last Judgment / Public space / Queen of Sheba / Solomon Israel, King / Wisdom 1 View Records
Instruction / Immigrants / Church work / Catholic church 2 View Records
Instruction / Indictment / Geschichte 2005 / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Canonical process / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage / Procedural law 1 View Records
Instruction / Infant baptism / Geschichte 1980 / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre / Catholic church 1 View Records
Instruction / Instance / Geschichte 2005 / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Canonical process / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 5 View Records
Instruction / Interaction / Communication / Faith / Paradigm shift / The Modern 1 View Records
Instruction / Intertextuality / Geschichte 2008 / Authority / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Institute des Geweihten Lebens und die Gemeinschaften des Apostolischen Lebens / Obedience / Religious life 1 View Records
Instruction / Islam / Eleventh of September terrorist attack / Fundamentalism / Pastoral counseling / Suicide bombings 1 View Records
Instruction / Islam / Eleventh of September terrorist attack / Suicide bombings 1 View Records
Instruction / Italy / Geschichte 2008 / Catholic church, Kongregation für das Katholische Bildungswesen / Catholic theology / Study program reform / Theological studies 1 View Records
Instruction / Jesus Christus 1 View Records
Instruction / Klangtherapie / Massage / Meditation / Musical education / Singing bowl 1 View Records
Instruction / Listening / Word of God 1 View Records
Instruction / Overcoming of / Seven mortal sins 1 View Records
Instruction / Prayer 1 View Records
Instruction / Progressive education / Religious instruction / Teacher 1 View Records
Instruction / Ramaṇa, Mahārṣi 1879-1950 1 View Records
Instruction / Sermon 1 View Records
Instruction / Veda 1 View Records
Instruction / Work 1 View Records
instruction / Talmud studies 1 View Records
instructions 1 View Records
Instructions 1 View Records
Instructions / Egotism / Adoration / Praise of God 1 View Records
Instructions / Epiphany / Jesus Christus / Resurrection 1 View Records
Instructions / History 1520-1630 / Germany / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Lutheran theology / Test of faith / Theological studies 1 View Records
Instructions / Ignatius, Antiochenus -110, Ad Polycarpum / Colossians / Ephesians / Haustafel / Christian / Immitation / Bible. Timotheusbrief 1. / Klemens, I., Pope, Epistula ad Corinthios 1. / Love / Pauline letters / Reception / Wife 1 View Records
Instrucción 2 View Records
Instruction morale 1 View Records
instruction system 1 View Records
instrução 1 View Records
instructional methods 1 View Records
Instruction of Ahiqar 1 View Records
Instruction baptismale 1 View Records
instruction chrétienne 1 View Records
instruction méthodique 1 View Records
Instruction on penance 4 View Records
Instruction on penance / Adult 1 View Records
Instruction on penance / Catholic church / Parish work 2 View Records
Instruction on penance / Catholic church / Work with the aged 1 View Records
Instruction of Amenemope 2 View Records
instructional explanation 1 View Records
Instruction set architecture / SQL (Computer program language) 1 View Records
Instance / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex Iuris Canonici (1983) / Canonical process / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Institution 1 View Records
Institution / Islamic theology / Germany / Professorship / Theological college 1 View Records
Instrumental music / Protestant Church / Worship service 2 View Records
Instructions de la Propaganda Fide 1 View Records
Instrument building 2 View Records
Insight 1 View Records
Insight / Gestalt theory / Problem oriented teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Insight / Learning theory / Problem oriented teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Insight / Learning theory / Religious instruction / Vocational school 2 View Records
Inspection 1 View Records
Inspiration 1 View Records
Insurance 1 View Records
Insemination 1 View Records
Instructio de ecclesiali theologi vocatione 1 View Records
instructions išiul- treaties law covenant Hittite 1 View Records
Installation (Art) / Historical consciousness / Religious instruction / Remembrance 1 View Records
Installation (Art) / Oppermann, Anna 1940-1993 / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Institution account / Elementary school / Banquest / Lord's supper / Religious instruction / School for educationally subnormal children 1 View Records
Institution account / Foot washing / Education, Elementary / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Institutionalization 4 View Records
institutionnalisation 1 View Records
Inclusion 12 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Integration / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inculturation / Initiation / History 900-1500 / Christianity / Europe / Judaism 1 View Records
Incunabula 1 View Records
Index 2 View Records
Indexing 6 View Records
India 1 View Records
India / Cow / Geschichte 1800- / Campaign / Protection magic / Sacred animals 1 View Records
India / Hinduism / Buddhism / Religious instruction / School year / School year / School year / School year / Yoga 1 View Records
India / History 1250-1350 / Čishtiyya / Sufi 1 View Records
India / Religion / Religious instruction / Religious practice / Secularism / Swedes / Understanding 1 View Records
Indians / Intercultural education / Great Britain / Religious identity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Individual / Community / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Indonesia 3 View Records
Indonesia / Educational system / Religious education 1 View Records
Indonesia / Intercultural education / Discourse analysis / Religious instruction / Religious tolerance 1 View Records
Indonesia / Interfaith dialogue / College student / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Indonesia / Islam / Christianity / Hinduism / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Indonesia / Islam / Educational system / Education policy / Geschichte 2000- / China / Educational reform / Islamic religious instruction / Lesson plan development / Malaysia / Pakistan / Religious pedagogy / Russia / Turkey / Yunnan 1 View Records
Indonesia / Israel / Japan / Peace / Religious education / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / South Korea / USA 1 View Records
Indonesia / Multi-cultural society / Reconciliation / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Induction 1 View Records
Indulgence 2 View Records
Inerrancy 1 View Records
Inference / Method / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Influence / Francke, August Hermann 1663-1727 / Hoffmann, Gottfried 1658-1712 / Drama / Pietism / Weise, Christian 1642-1708 1 View Records
Influence / Islam / Ǧāmiʿa al-Islāmīya bi-'l-Madīna al-Munauwara al- / Foreign student / Fundamentalism / Islamic religious instruction / Islamic upbringing / Saudi Arabia / Student exchange / Transnational policy / Wahhab̄iȳah 1 View Records
Informatics instruction / Internet 1 View Records
Inhalte 1 View Records
Inhibition / Exodus / Adult education / Religious instruction / Speech 1 View Records
Initiation 2 View Records
Initiation / Detachment / Australian Aborigines / Religious instruction / Ritual / Teaching material 1 View Records
Initiation / Europe / History 900-1500 / Child / Judaism 1 View Records
Initiative 1 View Records
Injustice / Heavenly Jerusalem / Christian persecution / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Injustice / Interrogation / Grounded theory / Ethics teaching / Experience / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / Teenagers 1 View Records
Injustice / King, Martin Luther 1929-1968 / Reconciliation / Religious instruction / Teaching material / Violence 1 View Records
Injustice / Overcoming of / Religious instruction 1 View Records
inklusiv 1 View Records
Innocence / Lust 1 View Records
Innovation 1 View Records
Inquisition 1 View Records
Integration 7 View Records
Integration / Abraham, Biblical person / Person with impaired hearing / Reception / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Integration / Child / Religious instruction / Vision disorders 1 View Records
Integration / Familiarity / Multi-cultural society / Participation / Religious pedagogy / Strangeness 1 View Records
Integration / Finland / Discourse / Religion / Religious instruction / Specification 1 View Records
Integration / First communion instruction / Handicapped / Catholic church 1 View Records
Integration / Foreign child / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Integration / Handicapped / Catechesis / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Integration / Handicapped / Elementarization / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Integration / Handicapped / Project / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Integration / Handicapped / Puppet theater / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Integration / Handicapped / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Integration / Handicapped / Religious instruction / School year 5-6 / Teaching material 1 View Records
Integration / Immigrants / Islam / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Integration / Intercultural education / Familiarity / Multi-cultural society / Strangeness 1 View Records
Integration / Intercultural education / Religious education / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / Trade school 2 View Records
Integration / Interfaith dialogue / Hamburg / Confessionality / Cooperation / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Sensibility 1 View Records
Integration / Islamic religious instruction 2 View Records
Integration / Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Lesson plan / Muslim 1 View Records
Integration / Islamic religious instruction / Lower Saxony 1 View Records
Integration / Islamic religious instruction / Value system / Western world 3 View Records
Integration / Pastor / Religion teacher / School 1 View Records
Integration / Religious education 1 View Records
Integration / Theology 1 View Records
Intention 1 View Records
Interaction 1 View Records
Interaction / Bible study / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interaction / Communication / Learning / Religious instruction 3 View Records
Interaction / Comprehensive school / Conversation / Dialogue / Discourse / Communication / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interaction / Correspondence / Pupil / Religious instruction / Teacher 1 View Records
Interaction / Elementary school / Catholic religious instruction / Netherlands / Pedagogical reference / Pupil / Religious education / Teacher 1 View Records
Interaction / Elementary school teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interaction / Europe / Religious education / School teaching 1 View Records
Interaction / Idea of God / Child / Religious instruction / Teenagers 1 View Records
Interaction / Interfaith dialogue / Europe / Religious conflict / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interaction / Protestant religion teacher / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interaction / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interaction / Religious instruction / School development / School ministry 1 View Records
Interaction / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Interaction / School class 1 View Records
Interest 3 View Records
Interest / Germany / Religious instruction / Unchurched person 2 View Records
Interest / Motivation / Pupil / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interest / Pupil / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interest / Pupil / Religious instruction / Test 1 View Records
Interfaith 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Internet / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Internet 2 View Records
Internet / Assistance to the handicapped 1 View Records
Internet / Belief in witches / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Internet / Chatting (Communication) / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Internet / Communication / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Internet / Computer mediated communication / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Internet / Computer supported teaching / Chatting (Communication) / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Internet / Computer supported teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Internet / Confessionality / Catholic church / Protestant Church / Religious identity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Internet / Death / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Internet / Diaconia / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Internet / Education 2 View Records
Internet / Elementary school teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Internet / Extracurricular youth development / Media education 1 View Records
Internet / Film / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Internet / Germany / Elementary school / Mosque / Religious instruction / School for educationally subnormal children 1 View Records
Internet / Grammar school / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Internet / Human being / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Selfie / Self-portrayal 1 View Records
Internet / Human image / Grammar school / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Teaching material 1 View Records
Internet / Parish work / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Internet / Pop music / Religious instruction / Text 1 View Records
Internet / Religiosity / Virtual reality 1 View Records
Internet / Religious festival / Religious instruction / Time 1 View Records
Internet / Religious instruction 46 View Records
Internet / Religious instruction / Right-wing radicalism 1 View Records
Internet / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Internet / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interview 7 View Records
Interview / Learning by discovering / Model / Observation / Religious instruction / Research method / Science of Religion / Subject didactics 1 View Records
INVALSI 1 View Records
Independence 1 View Records
Independence / Islamization / Gesellschaftssystem / Group identity / History teaching / Arabization / Civics / Lebanon / Political system / Religious instruction / School book research 1 View Records
Indifference 1 View Records
Indifference / Competence / Religious education 1 View Records
Indifference / Competence / Religious education / Religious instruction / Vocational training school 1 View Records
Indifference / Competence / Religious instruction / Vocational training school 1 View Records
Indifference / Pupil / Religion / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Institutional counseling 44 View Records
Institutional counseling / Education / Church / Law / Legal status / Religion / Religionsrecht / Religious instruction / Religious organization / Romania / Romania / Romania / Romania / State / State law of churches / State law of churches / Theology 1 View Records
Institutional counseling / England / Germany / Comparative law / Religious instruction / Religious organization / School worship service / Self-determination right / State law of churches 3 View Records
intellectual 1 View Records
Intelligence 1 View Records
Intelligence / Creativity / Cognition / Spirit 1 View Records
interruption 1 View Records
Interruption 1 View Records
Interruption / Manner of living / Metaphor / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Introduction 94 View Records
Introduction / Bible 2 View Records
Introduction / Bible / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Introduction / Bible / Religious instruction / Rise of / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Introduction / Islam / Germany / Higher education / History / History / Arab countries / Deutsches Reich, Wehrmacht / Islamic countries / Near East / Religion / Religious instruction / Selbstunterricht / World War 1 View Records
Introduction / Old Testament / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Introduction / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Introduction / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Instruction de la jeunesse en la piété chrétienne, Gobinet, Charles / Reception 1 View Records
Incardination 1 View Records
In continuità 2 View Records
Inculturation 5 View Records
Inculturation / Catholic religious instruction / Belgium 1 View Records
Inculturation / Hellenism / Pauline letters / Primitive Christianity 1 View Records
Individuality 2 View Records
Intellectuals 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Interrogation / Cooperative teaching / Religion teacher / Theological studies / University didactics 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Interrogation / Europäische Union / Religious pluralism / Teenagers 2 View Records
Interreligiös 4 View Records
Interrogation 17 View Records
Interrogation / Acceptance / Pop music / Pupil / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interrogation / Austria / Acceptance / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interrogation / Bavaria / Acceptance / Motivation to learn / Protestant religious instruction / Pupil 1 View Records
Interrogation / Belief in the hereafter / Vocational school student 1 View Records
Interrogation / Bible / Austria / Protestant religious instruction / Pupil 1 View Records
Interrogation / Catholic church / Germany / Acceptance / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interrogation / Catholic religious instruction / Elementary school child / Bavaria / Religiosity / Religious socialization 1 View Records
Interrogation / Catholic school / Australia / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interrogation / Catholic teachers / Employment / Catholic religious instruction / Religious pluralism 2 View Records
Interrogation / Comprehensive school / Cooperation / Hesse / Catholic religious instruction / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Interrogation / Computer game / Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Media consumption / Teenagers 1 View Records
Interrogation / Concept of / Religion / Religious instruction / Scotland / Student for the teaching profession 1 View Records
Interrogation / Creation belief / Cosmology / Pupil / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Interrogation / Creation belief / Pupil / Religious instruction / Theory of evolution 1 View Records
Interrogation / Definition / Ethics teaching / Germany / Grammar school / Concept of / Pupil / Religion / Religious instruction / School year 8-10 1 View Records
Interrogation / Elementary school teaching / Method / Religion teacher / Religious instruction / Sex difference / Wales 1 View Records
Interrogation / Empirical research / Great Britain / Child / Religious identity / Religious instruction / Teenagers 1 View Records
Interrogation / Employment / Baden-Württemberg / Protestant religious instruction / Secondary school level / Teacher 1 View Records
Interrogation / Employment / Catholic religious instruction / Vocational school student 1 View Records
Interrogation / Employment / Protestant religious instruction / Pupil / Pupil / Saxony-Anhalt / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interrogation / Employment / Protestant religious instruction / Pupil / Saxony-Anhalt / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interrogation / Employment / Protestant religious instruction / Pupil / Secondary school level / Thuringia 1 View Records
Interrogation / Employment / Protestant religious instruction / Religion teacher / Religion teacher / Saxony-Anhalt / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interrogation / Employment / Protestant religious instruction / Religion teacher / Working conditions 2 View Records
Interrogation / Employment / Puberty / Pupil / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interrogation / Employment / Religion teacher 2 View Records
Interrogation / Ethics teaching / Germany / Grammar school / Employment / Pupil / Religion / Religious instruction / School year 8-10 1 View Records
Interrogation / Ethics teaching / Pupil / Thuringia 1 View Records
Interrogation / Europäische Union / Acceptance / Pupil / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interrogation / Europe / Employment / Religion teacher / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Interrogation / Europe / Opinion / Religious instruction / Teacher 1 View Records
Interrogation / Europe / Pupil / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interrogation / Europe / Religiosity / Teenagers 1 View Records
Interrogation / Faith / Existence of God / Reception / Religious instruction / Theodicy / Vocational school student / Vocational training school 1 View Records
Interrogation / German Switzerland / Multi-cultural society / Religion teacher / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Interrogation / Germany / Acceptance / Jewish religious instruction / Pupil 1 View Records
Interrogation / Germany / Acceptance / Parents / Public school / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interrogation / Germany / Acceptance / Pupil / Religious instruction 4 View Records
Interrogation / Germany / Acceptance / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interrogation / Germany / Confessionality / Pupil / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Interrogation / Germany / Course of study / Motivation / Religious instruction / Teacher training / Theology student 1 View Records
Interrogation / Germany / Religion teacher / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interrogation / Germany / Religiosity / Teenagers 1 View Records
Interrogation / Geschichte 1994 / Germany / Sexual behavior / Teenagers (14-18 Jahre) 1 View Records
Interrogation / Geschichte 2008 / Catholic church, Erzdiözese Bamberg / Religion teacher / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interrogation / Geschichte 2017 / Bavaria / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interrogation / Grammar school / Baden-Württemberg / Religiosity / Teenagers / Vocational school 2 View Records
Interrogation / Great Britain / Acceptance / Pupil / Religious instruction / Teacher 1 View Records
Interrogation / Great Britain / Comparison of religions / Pupil / Religious education / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interrogation / History 1998-2000 / Religiosity / Religious instruction / Teenagers / Vocational training school 1 View Records
Interrogation / History 1999-2000 / Media consumption / Pupil / Religious consciousness 1 View Records
Interrogation / Imparting the faith / Picture / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interrogation / Irreligiousness / Baden-Württemberg / Grammar school / Religiosity / Teenagers / Vocational school 1 View Records
Interrogation / Islamic religious instruction / Austria / Employment / Religion teacher 1 View Records
Interrogation / Islamic religious instruction / Employment / Germany / Mosque / Muslim / Parents / Public school / Pupil / Religion teacher 1 View Records
Interrogation / Islamic religious instruction / Professionalization / Public school / Religion teacher / Religion teacher / Teacher training 1 View Records
Interrogation / Israel / Public school / Religious instruction / Student for the teaching profession 1 View Records
Interrogation / Nonverbal communication / Pupil / Religious instruction / Teacher 1 View Records
Interrogation / Nonverbal communication / Pupil / School teaching / Teacher 1 View Records
Interrogation / North Rhine-Westphalia / Protestant religious instruction / Vocational school teacher 2 View Records
Interrogation / North Rhine-Westphalia / Religious instruction / Vocational school 1 View Records
Interrogation / Participation in / Protestant religious instruction / Pupil / States / Teacher 1 View Records
Interrogation / Participation in education / Protestant religious instruction / Pupil / Secondary school level / Thuringia 1 View Records
Interrogation / Pastor / Protestant Church / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interrogation / Protestant religion teacher / Protestant religious instruction / Saxons 1 View Records
Interrogation / Protestant religious instruction / Vocational school student / Vocational school teacher / Vocational training school 1 View Records
Interrogation / Pupil / Religious development / Religious instruction / Swedes 1 View Records
Interrogation / Pupil / Religious instruction / Thuringia 1 View Records
Interrogation / Religious experience / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Indoctrination 1 View Records
Indoctrination / Imam / German language area / Fundamentalism / Islam / Mosque / Muslim / Radicalization 1 View Records
Indoctrination / Islam / Fundamentalism / German language area / Islamic religious instruction / Radicalization 1 View Records
Institute of higher learning 26 View Records
Institute of higher learning / Church property / Government payments (State law of churches) / Hungary / Hungary / Hungary / Church / Legal status / Marriage law / Media / Monument preservation / Religious freedom / Religious instruction / Religious organization / School / State / State law of churches / Sunday 1 View Records
Institute of higher learning / COVID-19 (Disease) / Orthodox Church / Pandemic / Religious instruction / Worship service 1 View Records
Institute of higher learning / Pluralistic society / Religiosity / Religious pluralism / School 4 View Records
Institute of consecrated life 2 View Records
Ingber, Michael / Israelis / Judaism / Religious instruction / Thuringia 1 View Records
Interconnection / Vocational education 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Intertextuality / Bible / Catholic religious instruction / Jona, Prophet / Koran 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Intertextuality / Jonah / Koran / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interior design / Religious instruction / School / Spatial arrangement 3 View Records
Intertextuality 3 View Records
Intertextuality / New Testament / Psalms 2 View Records
interwar period 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Inclusive education / Inclusive school / Religious instruction / Teacher 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Interculturality / Colony / Discourse / Postcolonialism / Religious education / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / Study 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Inclusive education / Inclusive school / Interpretive scheme / Religion teacher / Religious instruction / Subjective theory 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Inclusive school / Heterogeneity / Religion teacher / Religious instruction / Teacher training 3 View Records
Inclusive education / Inclusive school / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Inclusive school / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Inclusive school / Germany / Educational system 1 View Records
Inclusive school / Germany / Protestant religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Inclusive school / Performance differentiation / Religious instruction / Remedial teaching 1 View Records
Inclusive school / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inklusion Schule 1 View Records
Interactionalism / Interaktionserziehung / Constructivism / Attention / Communication / Listening / Religious instruction / Teacher / Watchfulness 1 View Records
Interculturality 3 View Records
Interculturality / Ecumene / Theology / Training 1 View Records
Interculturality / Europe / Heterogeneity / Contextual theology / Religious education / Teaching comparative religion 1 View Records
Interculturality / Home / Ethics / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interculturality / Interdisciplinarity / Conception / Didactics / Interreligiosity / Islamic religious instruction / School book / World of experience 1 View Records
Interculturality / Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Islam / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interculturality / Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Islam / Religious education / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Interculturality / Interreligiosity / Christianity / England / Post-secularism / Religious instruction / School / Secondary school level / Wales 1 View Records
Interculturality / Musical education 1 View Records
Interreligiosity 8 View Records
Interreligiosity / Austria / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interreligiosity / Canon law / Austria / Religious freedom / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interreligiosity / Children's bible / Christianity / Germany / Catechism / Judaism / Religious education / Sermon 2 View Records
Interreligiosity / Competent to act / Nursing staff / Transcultural care 2 View Records
Interreligiosity / Constitutional law / Pluralistic society / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interreligiosity / Curriculum / Digitalization / Collective memory / Religion teacher / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interreligiosity / Empirical pedagogy / Employment / Cultural contact / Teenagers 1 View Records
Interreligiosity / England / Commission on Religious Education / Religious instruction / World view 1 View Records
Interreligiosity / Europe / Educational system / Religious education / Religious instruction / State 1 View Records
Interreligiosity / Finland / Pupil / Religious identity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interreligiosity / Germany / Confessionality / Religious instruction 4 View Records
Interreligiosity / Germany / Pluralistic society / Religious instruction / State law of churches 3 View Records
Interreligiosity / Germany / Religious instruction / Science of Religion / Theological studies / Theology 1 View Records
Interreligiosity / Hamburg / Confessionality / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interreligiosity / Hamburg / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interreligiosity / History 1780-1900 / Germany / Jewish religious instruction / Knowledge communication / Protestant religious instruction / Religion teacher / Religious education / Teacher training 1 View Records
Interreligiosity / History 1780-1900 / Germany / Jewish upbringing / Knowledge production / Protestant religious pedagogy / Religious education / Teaching material 2 View Records
Interreligiosity / History 1780-1900 / History 1780-1900 / Germany / Jewish religious instruction / Knowledge communication / Protestant religious instruction / Religion teacher / Religious education / Teacher training 1 View Records
Interreligiosity / History 2018-2019 / Londrina / Religious instruction / Secularism / Teacher training 1 View Records
Interreligiosity / Religious instruction / Religious organization / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Interreligiosity / School ministry / Season 2 View Records
institutes of religious education 1 View Records
Individualization 3 View Records
Individualization / Deconstruction / Sex instruction 1 View Records
Individualization / Germany / Deconstruction / Sex instruction 1 View Records
Individualization / Germany / New religiosity / Religious instruction / Secularization 1 View Records
Individualization / Germany / Religiosity / Religious instruction / Secularization 1 View Records
Individualization / Imparting the faith / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Individualization / Imparting the faith / Religious pluralism / Sermon 1 View Records
Individualization / Information society / Germany / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Individualization / Mystagogy / Religiosity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Individualization / Pluralistic society / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Individualization / Religiosity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Individualization / Religiosity / Religious instruction / Subjectivity 2 View Records
Individualization / Sex revolution 1 View Records
Industrialization / Immigrants / History 1871-1914 / Catholic / Religious identity / Religious minority / Saxons / Worker 1 View Records
Injustice (Motif) / Fasting drape / Hamburg / Everyday life (Motif) / Nissen-Knaack, Sönke / Poverty (Motif) / Teenagers (Motif) 1 View Records
Inklusionspolitik 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Intersubjectivity / Authorship / Religious instruction 1 View Records
interkonfessionel 1 View Records
International law 2 View Records
International law / Foreign country / Germany / Constitutional law / Political influencing / Religious instruction 2 View Records
International law / Germany / Ausländischer Staat / Political influencing / Religious instruction / State law of churches 1 View Records
Interpretation of 10 View Records
Interpretation of / Bible / Norway / Religious instruction / School book / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interpretation of / Buddhist literature / Buddhism / Sri Lanka / Textbook 1 View Records
Interpretation of / Film / Bible / Jesus Christus / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intersectionality 1 View Records
Intersectionality / Family / Autoethnografie / Religiosity / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Intersectionality / Islam / Germany 1 View Records
Intersectionality / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intersubjectivity 1 View Records
Intersubjectivity / Dialogue / Religious instruction / The Episcopal Church 1 View Records
Intersubjectivity / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Indulgence dispute 2 View Records
Innovation process 1 View Records
Institutio generalis Missalis Romani 1 View Records
interkonfessionell 1 View Records
Intermediate level / Biblical geography / New Testament / Religious instruction / Switzerland 1 View Records
Intermediate level / Catholic church / Catechism / Religious instruction / Secondary school 2 View Records
Intermediate level / Catholic religious instruction / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 1 View Records
Intermediate level / Catholic religious instruction / Secondary school 1 View Records
Intermediate level / Faith / Meaning of life / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Intermediate level / Germany / Protection of animals ethics / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intermediate level / Historical background / Gospels / Jesus Christus / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intermediate level / Historical background / New Testament / Religious instruction / Switzerland 1 View Records
Intermediate level / Idea of God / Protestant religious instruction / Teenagers 2 View Records
Intermediate level / Jesus Christus / Religious instruction / Switzerland 1 View Records
Intermediate level / Religious instruction / Waldorf school 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Inclusive education / Conception / Didactics / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Inclusive education / Pedagogics / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Inclusive education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Inclusive education / Religious instruction / Theology 1 View Records
Inclusion Sociology 2 View Records
Inclusive education 1 View Records
Inclusive Education 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Anthropology / Luke / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Bible history / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Bioethics / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Biography / National Socialism / Parish work / Peace movement / Resistance / Schneider, Margarete 1904-2002 / Schneider, Paul 1897-1939 2 View Records
Inclusive education / Biography / National Socialism / Peace movement / Religious instruction / Resistance / Schneider, Margarete 1904-2002 / Schneider, Paul 1897-1939 / School year / School year 2 View Records
Inclusive education / Catholic religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Child 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Church / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Communication / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Confirmation / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Crucifixion / Devaluation / Ass / Mockery / Religious instruction / School year / School year 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Curriculum / Antisemitism / Jews / Norway / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Death / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Diagnosis / Pupil / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Differentiation / School teaching 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Easy language / German language / Bible / Religious instruction / Translation 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Elementary school / Church / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / World religion 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Elementary school / Jesus Christus / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 3 View Records
Inclusive education / Elementary school / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Elementary school / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Inclusive education / First communion instruction / Handicap / Child 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Germany / Easy language / Religious instruction / School for educationally subnormal children / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Germany / Elementary school / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Godly play / Euthanasia (National Socialism) / Narration / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Inclusive education / Handicap / Pupil / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Handicap / Pupil / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Heterogeneity / Religious pedagogy 3 View Records
Inclusive education / Human dignity / Religious instruction / Theology 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Inclusive education / Constructivism / Heterogeneity / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Inclusive education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Islamic religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Moral education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Multi-cultural society / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy 2 View Records
Inclusive education / Old person (60-90 years) / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Protestant religious instruction 2 View Records
Inclusive education / Protestant religious instruction / Sanctuary 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Protestant religious instruction / School year 1-2 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Protestant religious instruction / School year 3-4 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Protestant religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Religious instruction 9 View Records
Inclusive education / Religious instruction / School 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Religious instruction / School year / School year 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Religious instruction / School year 3-4 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Religious instruction / School year 7-8 1 View Records
Inclusive education / Religious pedagogy 5 View Records
Individual pedagogy 1 View Records
influential factors 1 View Records
Information society / Learning / Literalness / Religious instruction / Wisdom 1 View Records
Information society / Reading behavior / Teenagers 1 View Records
Information society / Religious pedagogy / Vocational education 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Interfaith dialogue / Catholic religious instruction / Religion / Religious education / Religious identity / Religious pluralism / Symbol 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Africa / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Gender-specific role / Islam / Religious identity 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Islam / Religious instruction / Spiritual life 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Constitutional law / Hamburg / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 4 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Dialogue / Elementary school teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Elementary school teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Europäische Union / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Europe / Religious instruction / Research project 2 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Extraterrestrial being / Reception / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Hamburg / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Mosque / Religious instruction / School year / Visit 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Multi-cultural society / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Netherlands / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Religious education 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Religious education / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy 2 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Religious education / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 4 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction 13 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Russia 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / School year 4-7 / Teaching material 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / World religion 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Interfaith dialogue / Religious pedagogy / University didactics 1 View Records
Intercultural learning / Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Islam / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural learning / Interfaith dialogue / Elementary school / Religious instruction 3 View Records
Intercultural learning / Interfaith dialogue / Public opinion 1 View Records
Intercultural learning / Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction 5 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Adult education / Religious education / Role-play 2 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Islam / Judaism / Religious instruction / Western world 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Islam / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Non-Christian religion / Religious instruction / School book / Western world 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Competent to act / Religious education / Religious instruction / Social skills 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Ethics teaching / Habermas, Jürgen 1929- / Post-secularism / Reception / Religion / Religious instruction / Society 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Genesis / Christianity / Ethics teaching / Islam / Judaism / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Germany / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Greece / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Literature / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Multi-cultural society / Religious instruction 4 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Multimedia / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Role-play / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Sanctuary 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Strangeness 2 View Records
Interdenominational comparison / Interfaith dialogue / Evangelische Gesamtschule Gelsenkirchen-Bismarck / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinarity 3 View Records
Interdisciplinarity / Human dignity / Education / Protestant religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Interdisciplinarity / Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interdisciplinarity / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Interfaith dialogue / Didactics / Religious education / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue 30 View Records
Interfaith Dialogue 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Abraham, Biblical person / Religious instruction / School year / School year / School year / School year 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Acceptance / Religious instruction / Respect 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Aesthetic education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Africa / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Australia / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Belgium / Multi-cultural society / Netherlands / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Berlin / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Bible / Narrativity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Catholic church / History 1900-1950 / Apologetics / Province (Province) / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Catholic church / History 1933-1945 / Argentina / Judaism / Spain 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Catholic church / Non-Christian religion / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Catholic church / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Catholicism / Netherlands / Reflexivity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Catholic religious instruction / Christianity / Christianity / Austria / Judaism / Judaism / School book 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Cemetery / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christian / Muslim / Project / Protestant religious instruction / Pupil 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christian / Non-Christian religion / Religious identity / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity 5 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Buddhism / Religious instruction 5 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Catholic religious instruction / Non-Christian religion 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Ghana / Catholic school / Non-Christian religion / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Greed / Buddhism / Overcoming of / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Horkheimer, Max 1895-1973 / Biographical method / Judaism / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Jewish art / Judaism / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Judaism 4 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction 12 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction / School year / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction / Theology 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction / Torah / Value notions 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Judaism / Religious pedagogy 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Juvenile literature / Non-Christian religion / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Media / Non-Christian religion / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Non-Christian religion / Religious identity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Non-Christian religion / Religious instruction 17 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Non-Christian religion / Religious instruction / Ruster, Thomas 1955- 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Non-Christian religion / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Non-Christian religion / Religious instruction / Vocational school 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / World religion 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / Religious instruction / World religion 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christianity / World religion 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christology / Christianity / Non-Christian religion / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christology / Grammar school / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction / School book / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Christology / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Church life 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Comparison of religions / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Conflict resolution / Religious conflict / Religious instruction / South Korea 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Contextual theology / Catholic religious instruction / Religious education / Theology of religions 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Contextual theology / Religious education / Religious pedagogy / Theology of religions 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Cultural contact / Religious instruction / Tillich, Paul 1886-1965 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Cultural identity / Religious identity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Demarcation / Child 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Deutsche Evangelische Oberschule Kairo / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Disparity / Religious identity / Religious pluralism / Religious tolerance 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Dissertation / Teaching Islamic religion 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Diversity / Digitalization / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Drei-Religionen-Schule, Johannisgrundschule / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Ecumene / Abraham, Biblical person / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Ecumene / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Secondary school / Tyrol 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Education policy 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Education policy / Religious tolerance / Senegal 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Eichhorn, Manfred 1951-, Martin und Cemile / Elementary school / Aid / Martin, Tours, Bischof, Heiliger 316-397 / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Elementary school / Catholic religious instruction / Love of neighbor 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Elementary school / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Elementary school / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Elementary school / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / World religion 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Elementary school teaching / Christology / Jesus Christus / Religious instruction / World religion 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Elementary school teaching / Religious instruction / Tolerance 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Environmental ethics / Christianity / Non-Christian religion / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Eschatology / Christianity / Non-Christian religion 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Estonia / Employment / Religion / Religious instruction / Teenagers (14-16 Jahre) 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Ethics teaching / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Ethnology / Curriculum development / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Europe 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Europe / Pedagogical reference / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Europe / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Europe / Religious pluralism / Teaching Islamic religion 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Evangelische Gesamtschule Gelsenkirchen-Bismarck / Muslim / Protestant religious instruction / Worship service 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Exclusivity / Christianity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Experience / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Faith content / Comparison of religions / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Germany / Diversity / Mentality / Professor / Religion / Teacher training / Teaching Islamic religion 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Germany / Education policy / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Germany / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Global ethic / Religious instruction 3 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Global ethic / Religious instruction / School year 5-6 / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Golden rule / Professional life / Religious instruction / Vocational school 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Grammar school / Abraham, Biblical person / Religious festival / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Grammar school / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Teaching material / Tolerance 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Great Britain / Multi-cultural society / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Great Britain / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Great Britain / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Hamburg / Employment / Muslim / Pupil / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Hamburg / Employment / Religion / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Hamburg / Fasting drape / Nissen-Knaack, Sönke / Poverty (Motif) / Reception / Religious instruction / Solidarity 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Hamburg / Multi-cultural society / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Hamburg / Nipkow, Karl Ernst 1928-2014 / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Hamburg / Religious instruction 10 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Hamburg / Religious instruction / State law of churches 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Hermeneutics / Holy books / Comparison of religions / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Hesse, Hermann 1877-1962 / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / History / Christianity / Non-Christian religion / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / History 1900-2000 / Mission (international law 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Idea of God / Bible drama / Abraham, Biblical person / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Idea of God / Child / Netherlands / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Idea of God / Fatherhood of God / Christianity / Islam / Religious instruction / School year / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Illustration / Christianity / Islam / Religion / Religious education / Religious pluralism / Visualization 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Image prohibition / Art / Islamic religious instruction / Jewish religious instruction / Protestant religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Irreligiousness / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Abraham, Biblical person / Christianity / Judaism 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Abraham, Biblical person / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction / School year / School year 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Abraham, Biblical person / Christianity / Judaism / Religious pedagogy 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Angel / Christianity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Anglican religious instruction / Christianity 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Bible / Christianity / Koran / Religious instruction / Revelation 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Brussels / Christianity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity 3 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Comparison of religions / Judaism / Religious instruction 3 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Competence / Knowledge / Parish catechesis / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / School 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Dialogue / Judaism / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Gender-specific role / Religious identity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Gender-specific role / Religious identity / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Germany / Islamic religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Germany / Protestant religious instruction / Social integration / Social justice / USA 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Germany / Protestant religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Judaism 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction 4 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Koran / Picture / Religious instruction / Revelation 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Prayer / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Religious education / Senegal 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Religious instruction 5 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Religious instruction / School year 2-6 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Religious instruction / Subject didactics 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Religious philosophy / Schleiermacher, Friedrich 1768-1834 / Theology of religions 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / School book 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity / Turkey 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Cultural identity / Catholic / Christianity / Religious identity 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Elementary school / Catholic religious instruction / Christianity / Woman 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Eleventh of September terrorist attack / Christianity / Effects / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Perception training / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islamic religious instruction / Catholic religious instruction / Cooperative teaching / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islamic religious instruction / Catholic religious instruction / Participation / Protestant religious instruction / Religion / The Other 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islamic religious instruction / Catholic religious instruction / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islamic religious instruction / Christian / Muslim / Project / Pupil 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islamic religious instruction / Germany 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islamic religious instruction / Lower Saxony / Moral education / Religious tolerance / Value notions 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islamic religious instruction / Religious education 3 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islamic theology / Catholic theology / Protestant theology / Theology of religions 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Islamic upbringing / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Jerusalem / Project / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Judaism / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Law / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Literature / Religious instruction / World religion 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Mission (international law 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Mission (international law / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Mission (international law / Theology of religions 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Modesto, Calif. / Project / Religious instruction / World religion 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Norway / Religious identity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Norway / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Nürnberg <2006 / Religious education 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Parish catechesis / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Peace work / Project / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Peukert, Helmut 1934- / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Poetry / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Practical theology 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Professional life / Religious instruction / Vocational school 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Project / Religious education / Religious instruction / Teaching research / Vocational school 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Protestant Church / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Protestant theology / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Province (Provinz Geldern) / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious education 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious education / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious education / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Secondary school / Teaching comparative religion / Tyrol 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious education / Religious pedagogy / Religious pluralism / Theology of religions 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious education / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious education / Social inequality 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious festival / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious identity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction 36 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / Religious pluralism 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 7 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Theology of religions 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Religious tolerance / Senegal 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Tolerance 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Theology of religions 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Tolerance 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / USA 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Vocational school 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / World religion 1 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Religious pedagogy 2 View Records
Interfaith dialogue / Science of Religion 1 View Records
Internet literature / Digitalization / Bible 1 View Records
Incurably ill person / Coping with life / Boy / Literary presentation / Schmitt, Éric-Emmanuel 1960-, Oscar et la dame rose 1 View Records
Information exchange / E-learning 1 View Records
information literacy 1 View Records
Inklusion Unterricht 1 View Records
Intellectual freedom 1 View Records
Intellectual history / Conscience / Concept of 1 View Records
Intelligentes Design 1 View Records
Interaction pedagogy / Education research / Empirical research / Heterogeneity / Conversation in class / Religious education / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / School teaching analysis / Teaching research 1 View Records
Interfaith education 1 View Records
Interfaith Relations 2 View Records
International policy 1 View Records
International Policy 1 View Records
interpretative power 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Bar Mitzvah (Celebration) / Minecraft (Game) (Computer game) / Reform Judaism / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Bible 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Catholic social teaching 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Communication / Peace / Religious instruction / School year / School year / School year / School year / Social contact / Society 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Confessionality / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Environmental damage / Religious education / Religious instruction / School / School year / School year 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Global learning / Differentiation / School teaching 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Handicap / Ethics / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Handicap / Healing / Bible. Johannesevangelium 5,1-18 / Miracle story / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Handicap / Parish work 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Handicap / Religious pedagogy / Remedial education 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Handicapped / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Heterogeneity / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Heterogeneity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Protestant religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Religion teacher / Religious instruction / Self-understanding 1 View Records
Inclusion (Sociology) / Religious instruction 2 View Records
independent education 1 View Records
integrative education 1 View Records
Interaktionserziehung / Community / Religious instruction / Social psychology 1 View Records
Interkonfessionalität 1 View Records
Internet in education 2 View Records
interpretive approach 1 View Records
I / Elementary school / Family / Friendship / Community / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Iceland / Religious instruction / School 1 View Records
Icon / Elementary school / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Icon / Ethics teaching / Christianity / Religious instruction / School year / School year 1 View Records
Icon / Painting 1 View Records
Icon / Religious instruction / School year / School year / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Iconoclasm / Islam 1 View Records
Iconography 1 View Records
Iconography / Christian art / Picture / Religious instruction / Theology 1 View Records
Iconography / Evil / History / Devil (Motif) / Pop culture / Religious instruction / The Good 1 View Records
Iconography / Großmünster (Zürich) / Glass painting / Polke, Sigmar 1941-2010 / Window 1 View Records
Iconography / Sexuality 1 View Records
Idea / Action oriented teaching / Religious instruction / Team learning 1 View Records
Idea / Norway / Person / Religion / Religious instruction / Textbook 1 View Records
Idea of God 22 View Records
Idea of God / Auferweckung der Tochter des Jaïrus / Miracle story / School year 1 View Records
Idea of God / Belief in resurrection / Religious instruction / Theology for young perople 2 View Records
Idea of God / Catechesis / Bible / Miraculous healing / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Catholic religious instruction / Austria / School book 1 View Records
Idea of God / Catholic religious instruction / Germany / Human image / Bible 1 View Records
Idea of God / Child 2 View Records
Idea of God / Child / Didactics / Faith / Child / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Child / Protestant religious instruction / Theology for young perople 1 View Records
Idea of God / Child / Protestant religious pedagogy / Teenagers 1 View Records
Idea of God / Child / Religious instruction 6 View Records
Idea of God / Child's drawing 1 View Records
Idea of God / Childrens' literature / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Childrens' literature / Religious instruction / Tolerance / Young, Ed 1931-2023 1 View Records
Idea of God / Christian art / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Idea of God / Christianity 1 View Records
Idea of God / Color symbolism / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Concept formation / Creation / Elementary school child / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Child / USA / World view 1 View Records
Idea of God / Creation belief / Employment / Germany (Westliche Länder) / Gymnasium pupil / Catholic religious instruction / Qualitative interview / School year 5-11 / Theory of evolution 1 View Records
Idea of God / Critique of religion / Experience of God / Catholic religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Idea of God / Discussion of Faith / Elementary school / Elementary school child / Elija / Child / Jesaja, Prophet / Jona, Prophet / Micah Biblical character 750 BC/700 / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Dylan, Bob 1941- / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Elementary school / Light / Metaphor / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Elementary school / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Elementary school / Religious instruction / Switzerland 1 View Records
Idea of God / Elementary school teaching / Bible. Exodus 3,1-4,17 / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Elementary school teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Experience of faith / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Faith / Child / Protestant religious instruction / Relationship to God / Teenagers 1 View Records
Idea of God / Faith / Conversation / Religious instruction / Theology 2 View Records
Idea of God / Faith / Didactics / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / Theology for young perople 1 View Records
Idea of God / Faith / Experience of God / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Idea of God / Father / Lord's Prayer / Religious instruction / School year / School year / School year 1 View Records
Idea of God / Father / Relationship to God / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Father figu / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Father loss / Father image / Relationship to God / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Femininity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Feminist theology / Project work / Psalms / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Feminist theology / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / First communion instruction / Catholic church / Religious experience / Value notions 1 View Records
Idea of God / Flight / German language area / Historicity / Exodus tradition / Media / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Germany / History 1800-1991 / Alphabet book / Jesus Christ / Reading instruction / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Idea of God / Germany / Religious instruction / School book / Secondary school level / Teaching material 1 View Records
Idea of God / God / Religious instruction / School year / Sun / Symbol 1 View Records
Idea of God / Grammar school / Church adult education / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Teaching material 1 View Records
Idea of God / Hand / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Idea of God / Human image / Protestant religious instruction / School year / Teaching material / Theodicy / Theological anthropology 1 View Records
Idea of God / Imparting the faith / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Islam / Christianity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Islamic religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Islamic religious instruction / Colloquy 1 View Records
Idea of God / Islamic religious instruction / Everyday life / Experience of God / Action orientation / Child / Muslim / Religious socialization 2 View Records
Idea of God / Islamic religious instruction / Relationship to God / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Idea of God / Israel (Antiquity) / Exodus / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Anxiety / Elementary school / Protestant religious instruction / Quarreling 1 View Records
Idea of God / Junior high school teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Karo und der liebe Gott / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Idea of God / Kassel (Region) / Protestant religious instruction / Secondary school level / Young adult 4 View Records
Idea of God / Kenosis / Perspective adoption / Photography / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Idea of God / Language / Religious instruction / School year / School year / School year / School year / School year / School year / School year 1 View Records
Idea of God / Last Judgment / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Light symbolism / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Literature / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Idea of God / Masculinity / Religious instruction / School year / Teaching material 1 View Records
Idea of God / Middle school boy pupil 1 View Records
Idea of God / Middle school lessons / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Idea of God / Parish work / Photography / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Pop music / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Protestant religion teacher / Sex difference / Subjective theory 2 View Records
Idea of God / Protestant religious instruction / Relationship to God 2 View Records
Idea of God / Protestant religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Idea of God / Public school / Religious freedom / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Religious development / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Idea of God / Religious instruction 11 View Records
Idea of God / Religious instruction / School year / School year 1 View Records
Idea of God / Religious instruction / School year / Teaching material 1 View Records
Idea of God / Religious instruction / School year 10-13 1 View Records
Idea of God / Religious instruction / School year 3-4 / Teaching material 1 View Records
Idea of God / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 4 View Records
Idea of God / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Idea of God / Religious instruction / Television 1 View Records
Idea of God / Religious instruction / Vocational school 1 View Records
Idea of God / Theological cognition theory 1 View Records
Idea of God / Vocational school student 1 View Records
Identity 19 View Records
Identity / Bible drama / Jacob / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Identity / Child / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 18,1-5 / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity / Christianity / Flanders (Belgium) / Germany / Catholic school / Protestant school / Religious instruction / Secularization 1 View Records
Identity / Communication / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity / Confession / Religious instruction / Vocational training school 1 View Records
Identity / Elementary school / Lobe, Mira 1913-1995, Das kleine Ich-bin-ich / Religious instruction / Selfie 1 View Records
Identity / Existence of God / Child / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Identity / Fall of Man / Meaning / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Identity / First name / Religious instruction / Teaching material / Theological anthropology 1 View Records
Identity / Gospels / Childhood / Personality / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Identity / Home 1 View Records
Identity / Home / Religious instruction / Solidarity 1 View Records
Identity / Mental health / Peace / Religious instruction / School year / School year / School year / School year 1 View Records
Identity / Pastor / Religion teacher / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity / Pedagogics / Theology 1 View Records
Identity / Protestant religious instruction / School year 9-10 / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Identity / Religious instruction / School year / School year 1 View Records
Identity / Religious instruction / School year / Social network / Teaching material 1 View Records
Identity / Religious instruction / Secondary school 1 View Records
Identity / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Selfie 1 View Records
Identity / Religious instruction / Solidarity 1 View Records
Identity / Religious instruction / Spirituality / Sports / Vocational training school 1 View Records
Identity / Religious instruction / Teaching material / Theological anthropology 1 View Records
Ideology 2 View Records
Ideology / Islamic upbringing / Children's book / Religious literature / Self-portrayal / Türkisch-Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion 1 View Records
Idol 1 View Records
Idol / Religious instruction / Value notions 2 View Records
Idolatry / Critique of religion / Christianity / Religion / Ruster, Thomas 1955- 1 View Records
Ignorance / Knowledge / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Ijob 3 View Records
Image 4 View Records
Image / Elementary school / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Reception / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imagery 1 View Records
Imagery / Elementary school child / Jesus Christus 2 View Records
Imagery / Empirical pedagogy / Jesus Christus / Pupil 2 View Records
Imagery / Employment / Pupil / Religious instruction / Teacher 1 View Records
Imagery / Everyday life / Ethics / Pupil 1 View Records
Imagery / Jesus Christus 1 View Records
Imagery / Jesus Christus / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Imagination / Educational theory / Congregational pedagogy / Religious education / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Imagination / Learning / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imagination / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Imagination / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Imam 3 View Records
Imam / Germany / Mosque / Teaching Islamic religion 2 View Records
im Film / Jesus Christus 1 View Records
im Film / Religion 1 View Records
Immigrants 4 View Records
Immigrants / Church work / Catholic church 1 View Records
Immigrants / Film / Gangs of New York (Film) (2002) / Ethnic identity / Religious identity / Religious instruction / USA / Vocational school 1 View Records
Immigrants / Muslim / Social integration / Teenagers 1 View Records
Immigrants / Refugee / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Immigration / Germany / History 1989-2019 / Educational work / Jewish upbringing / Jews / Soviet Union / Successive states 1 View Records
Immitation 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Islam / Balić, Smail 1920-2002 / Lesson plan / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Imperialism 1 View Records
Implements 1 View Records
Implements / Material popular culture / Religion / Religious instruction / Science of Religion / Subject didactics 1 View Records
Importance / COVID-19 (Disease) / Pandemic / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Importance / Didactics / Fachkunde / Context / Religious instruction / Theology 1 View Records
Importance / Motivation / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Importance / Religious instruction / Society 1 View Records
Improvement 1 View Records
Improvement / Great Britain / Abolition of / Religious instruction / School teaching / World view 1 View Records
Impulse / Children's questions / Child / Parish work / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Individual lamentation / Figurative language / Catholic religious instruction / Pupils' language / Remedial teaching / Violent behavior 1 View Records
Individual lamentation / Language / Psalms 1 View Records
Individual lamentation / Pupil / Violence 1 View Records
Individuelle Autonomie 1 View Records
Information technology / Business education / Mercantile profession / Structural change 1 View Records
Information technology / Learning 1 View Records
Integration (Politics) / Islamic religious instruction / Germany 1 View Records
Integrational pedagogy 1 View Records
Integrational pedagogy / Islamic religious instruction / Germany / School book 1 View Records
Interactive multimedia / Islamic religious instruction / Computer-assisted instruction / Educational software program / Learning / Learning group / Media literacy / New media / Teaching / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interactive whiteboard / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Intercultural theology / Drama in education / Ecumene / Intercultural understanding / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural Dialogue 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Intercultural learning / Educational planning / Intercultural understanding 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Islam / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Italy / Germany / Netherlands / Norway / Religious education 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Italy / Germany / Netherlands / Norway / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural learning 11 View Records
Intercultural learning / Austria / Religious education / Religious pluralism / Teacher training 1 View Records
Intercultural learning / Ecumene / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural learning / Educational system / Pluralistic society / Religious education / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Intercultural learning / Germany / Liechtenstein / Religious education / Religious education / School pedagogics / Turkey 2 View Records
Intercultural learning / Great Britain / Ethics teaching / Religious education / Religious instruction / Value education 1 View Records
Intercultural learning / Intercultural understanding 1 View Records
Intercultural learning / Intercultural understanding / Ability / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural learning / International cooperation / Religious education 2 View Records
Intercultural learning / Islam / Christianity / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural learning / Islam / Teaching the Humanities 1 View Records
Intercultural learning / Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Liechtenstein / Religious education / Religious instruction / Turkey 2 View Records
Intercultural learning / Kindergarten education / Preschool child / Public image / Religion / Religious education 1 View Records
Intercultural learning / Protestant religious instruction / Religious education 2 View Records
Intercultural learning / Protestant religious instruction / Religious education / Religious pluralism / Vocational training school 2 View Records
Intercultural learning / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Intercultural learning / Religious pedagogy 2 View Records
Intercultural theology 1 View Records
Intercultural Theology 1 View Records
Intercultural theology / Ecumenical theology / Diaconia / Training 1 View Records
Intercultural theology / Ecumenical theology / Religious instruction / Teacher education 1 View Records
Intercultural theology / Ecumenical theology / Theological studies 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Islam / Catholic adult education / Religious identity / Turkey / Vorarlberg 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Islam / Christianity / Drama in education / Protestant religious instruction / Public image / Religious education 2 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Islam / Christianity / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Islam / Gymnasial teaching / Project / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Islam / School year 3-4 2 View Records
Interior space (motif) / Church building / Liturgy / Religious instruction / Subject didactics / Symbol 1 View Records
Interior space (motif) / Furnishing / Church building / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interreligiöse Bildung 9 View Records
Interreligious Studies 1 View Records
Interrelions relations 1 View Records
Iran 1 View Records
Iran / Islamic religious instruction / Christianity / History 2000-2001 / School book 2 View Records
Ireland 10 View Records
Ireland / Catholic religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Ireland / Church / State 1 View Records
Ireland / Education research / Germany / Germany (DDR) / History 1650-2017 / Argentina / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / School book / Swedes 1 View Records
Ireland / Elementary school / Curriculum / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Ireland / Islam / Cohesion / Finland / Religious instruction / Society 1 View Records
Ireland / Islamic religious instruction / Islamic upbringing 1 View Records
Ireland / Public school / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Ireland / Religious instruction / School 1 View Records
Irony / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Irreligion 1 View Records
IRU 1 View Records
Isaac 3 View Records
Isaac / Abraham, Biblical person / Religious instruction / Secondary school 1 View Records
Isaiah 4 View Records
Isaiah / Figurative language / Elementary school / Religious education 1 View Records
Islam 283 View Records
Islam / Africa / Sufism / Training / Ulama 1 View Records
Islam / Anthropology 1 View Records
Islam / Austria / Religious freedom / Religious practice / Restriction 1 View Records
Islam / Belgium / Religion / State 1 View Records
Islam / Belgium / Religious instruction / School 1 View Records
Islam / Berlin / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Catholic religious instruction 3 View Records
Islam / Christian education of children / Catholic church / Religious education 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Hinduism / Alawites / Judaism / Religious instruction / School year / School year / School year / School year / Simile 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Human image / Anthropology / Judaism / Religious education 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Judaism / Lesson plan / Religion teacher / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Judaism / Orientierungsstufe / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Judaism / Performance (Linguistics) / Religious instruction / Semiotics / Symbol education 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Judaism / Prayer 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Judaism / Preschool education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Judaism / Religious education / Religious festival / Religious instruction / School ministry / Season 2 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Judaism / Religious education / Religious instruction / Vocational college 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Judaism / Religious education / Religious pedagogy 2 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Judaism / Religious education / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Judaism / Religious education / Semiotics 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Judaism / Religious festival / School 2 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction / School year / School year / School year 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Judaism / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Prejudice / Religious instruction / Stereotype 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Prophecy / Theology of religions 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Protestant theology / Public image 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Religious education / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Religious education / Religious pedagogy 3 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Religious instruction / School year 3-6 1 View Records
Islam / Christianity / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Islam / Church year / Christianity / Judaism / Religious festival / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Civil society / Christianity / Lebanon / Religious instruction / Value 1 View Records
Islam / Collection of essays / Berlin / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Collection of essays / Eschatology / Buddhism / Judaism 1 View Records
Islam / Comprehensive school / Elementary school / Germany / Grammar school / Catholic religious instruction / Judaism / Junior high school / Religious pedagogy / School book / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Confessionality / Christianity / Religious education / Religious instruction 3 View Records
Islam / Constitutional law / Religious education 1 View Records
Islam / Corporation under public law / Equal rights / Catholic church / Legal status / Liberty / Natural law / Pluralism / Religious freedom / Religious organization 1 View Records
Islam / Critique of religion / Christianity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Cult / Christianity / Judaism 2 View Records
Islam / Cultural identity / Germany / Christianity / Judaism / Learning environment / Religious education / Religious identity 1 View Records
Islam / Custom / Protestant religious instruction / Vocational secondary school 1 View Records
Islam / Death / Dying / Funeral / Grief / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction / School year / School year 2 View Records
Islam / Death / Funeral / Funeral rite / Grave / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction / Ritual / Teaching material 1 View Records
Islam / Depiction / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Islam / Diet / Food / Food laws / Christianity / Judaism / Lent / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Digitalization / Education policy / England / France / Germany / Congregational pedagogy / Judaism / New media / Non-formal education / Protestant religious instruction / Protestant religious pedagogy / Religion teacher / Religious education / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / Religious socialization / School 1 View Records
Islam / Education / Madrasa 1 View Records
Islam / Educational system / Belgium / Pluralistic society / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Educational system / History 1600-2000 / Africa / Literature 1 View Records
Islam / Elementary school / Catholic religious instruction / Religious education 1 View Records
Islam / Elementary school / Ethics teaching / Cultic object / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Elementary school / Hinduism / Buddhism / Judaism / Nature religion / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Elementary school / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Elementary school / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Elementary school teaching / Turkey 1 View Records
Islam / Enemy image / Christianity / Judaism / Prejudice / Religious education / Religious instruction / Resentment / Stereotype / Teacher training 2 View Records
Islam / England / France / Germany / Austria / Netherlands / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Eschatology / Buddhism / Judaism 1 View Records
Islam / Ethics 1 View Records
Islam / Ethics teaching / Alms / Religious instruction / School year / School year / School year / Solidarity 1 View Records
Islam / Ethics teaching / Cleaning / Religious instruction / Ritual / School year / School year 1 View Records
Islam / Ethics teaching / Dates / Ramadan / Religious instruction / School year / School year / School year 1 View Records
Islam / Ethics teaching / Education policy / Preuß, Hugo 1860-1925 / Religious freedom / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / School law / School policy / School teaching / State law of churches / Teacher training 1 View Records
Islam / Ethics teaching / Germany / Constitutional law / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Ethics teaching / Koran / Religious instruction / School year / School year 1 View Records
Islam / Ethics teaching / Prayer / Prayer cord / Religious instruction / School year / School year 1 View Records
Islam / Ethics teaching / Prayer / Religious instruction / Rugs, Prayer / School year / School year 1 View Records
Islam / Ethics teaching / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Ethics teaching / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Ethos / Christianity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Europe / National movement / Reform movement / Religious life / Religious movement / Sect 2 View Records
Islam / Europe / Society 1 View Records
Islam / Experience / Depiction / Muslim woman / Norway / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Fasting / Food laws / Hinduism / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction / Vocational training school 1 View Records
Islam / Film / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Film music / Christianity / Jesus Christus / Judaism / Literature / Reception / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Finland / Germany / Christianity / Judaism / Linguistic consciousness / Name of God / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Islam / Finland / Lutheran Church / Narrativity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Food laws / Religious instruction / Vocational school 1 View Records
Islam / France / Teenagers 1 View Records
Islam / French language area / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Islam / Fundamentalism / Christianity / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Islam / Fundamentalism / Evangelical movement / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Funeral / Christianity / Judaism 4 View Records
Islam / Funeral / Grief / Bereavement 1 View Records
Islam / Garment / Ethics teaching / Pilgrimage / Religious instruction / School year / School year 1 View Records
Islam / Gender conflict / Christianity / Judaism / Sexual identity 1 View Records
Islam / Gender-specific role / Christianity / Judaism / Religious education / Sex difference 1 View Records
Islam / Gender-specific role / Social position / Woman 1 View Records
Islam / Geography teaching / History teaching / France / Religious instruction / School book / Teacher training 1 View Records
Islam / Geography teaching / School book / Switzerland 1 View Records
Islam / German language / Judaism / Literature / Religious education / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / Austria / Protestant religious instruction / Switzerland 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / Austria / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / Christianity 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Islam / Germany / Christianity / Pluralistic society 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / Christianity / Religious education / Religious pluralism / Value education 3 View Records
Islam / Germany / Education policy 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / Employment / Prejudice / Social culture / Social psychology 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / Ethics teaching / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / Ethics teaching / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Switzerland 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / Legal order / Religious freedom / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / Religious freedom / Religious organization / State law of churches 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / Religious freedom / Religious practice / Restriction 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / School 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / School teaching / Sex instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Germany / Society 2 View Records
Islam / Germany / Turkey 1 View Records
Islam / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Catholic religious instruction / School book analysis 1 View Records
Islam / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Grammar school / Hinduism / Buddhism / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Protestant religious instruction / School book analysis 1 View Records
Islam / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Religious instruction 3 View Records
Islam / Grace / Mercy / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Grammar school / Christianity / Religious education / Religious instruction / School book / School book research / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Grammar school / Employment / North Rhine-Westphalia / Protestant religious instruction / Pupil / Religious education 1 View Records
Islam / Grammar school / Religious instruction / School year 8-9 1 View Records
Islam / Great Britain / Christianity / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Wales 1 View Records
Islam / Great Britain / Health policy / COVID-19 (Disease) / Judaism / Pandemic / Sex instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Great Britain / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Hermeneutics / Essentialism / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Higher studies / Germany / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Hinduism / Buddhism / Judaism / Religious pedagogy / World religion 1 View Records
Islam / Hinduism / Buddhism / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Hinduism / Buddhism / Religious instruction / School year 8-10 1 View Records
Islam / History 1886-1961 / Belgium / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Islam / History 1997-2004 / Germany / Lesson plan / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / History 2001-2010 / Religious instruction / USA 1 View Records
Islam / History teaching / Religious instruction / Strangeness 1 View Records
Islam / Holy books / Christianity / Judaism / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic countries / Culture / WebQuest 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic law / Discrimination / Freedom of speech / Bulgaria / Democracy / Kulturelle Rechte / Radicalism / Religious education / Religious freedom / Religious instruction / Secularism 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Ability / Knowledge / Muslim / Pupil 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Christianity / Martyr / Religious instruction / School year 9-10 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Christianity / Prophecy / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Church work / Funeral / Lower Saxony / Radicalization / Salafīyah / Universität Osnabrück, Institut für Islamische Theologie 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Denominational school / Netherlands / Social integration 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Education policy / History / Comparative pedagogics / Educational system / Islamic upbringing / Madrasa / Quran school / Religious instruction / Religious policy / Teaching Islamic religion 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Elementary school / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Ethics / Value education 3 View Records
Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Future / Germany / Human rights / Climatic change / Europe / Religious education / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / Sustainable development / Teacher training 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Religious instruction / School / States 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Head covering / Niqab / Religious freedom / State law of churches 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Islamic theology / İslam Toplumu Millî Görüş / Lower Saxony / Muslim community / Poor relief / Schura Niedersachsen / Top organization / Treaty / Türkisch-Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion / Verband der Islamischen Kulturzentren 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Language / Translation 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Islamic upbringing / Didactics 1 View Records
Islam / Islamophobia / Civics / Religious instruction / Tolerance / USA 1 View Records
Islam / Jesus Christus / Judaism / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Judaism / Learning goal / Lesson plan / Protestant religious instruction / Religious education 2 View Records
Islam / Judaism / Lesson plan / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Judaism / Lesson unit / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Judaism / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Judaism / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Judaism / Religious instruction / School book / Teaching material 1 View Records
Islam / Judaism / Religious instruction / Teaching research 1 View Records
Islam / Judgment / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Learning at stations / Project work 1 View Records
Islam / Media / Media job / Protestant religious instruction / Vocational training school / Western world 1 View Records
Islam / Mosque / Muḥammad 570-632 / Muslim / Religious instruction / School year 7-8 1 View Records
Islam / Multi-cultural society / Teaching the Humanities 1 View Records
Islam / Netherlands / Religious instruction / Social integration 1 View Records
Islam / Non-violence / Peace / Religious instruction / Violence 1 View Records
Islam / North Rhine-Westphalia / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / North Rhine-Westphalia / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Norway / Polarization / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam / Prayer / Religious instruction / School year / School year 1 View Records
Islam / Project work / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Protestant religious instruction / School year 1-6 2 View Records
Islam / Religious education 1 View Records
Islam / Religious education / Religious instruction / Teacher 1 View Records
Islam / Religious education / Religious instruction / X, Malcolm 1925-1965 1 View Records
Islam / Religious instruction 20 View Records
Islam / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / Subject didactics 2 View Records
Islam / Religious instruction / Saudi Arabia 1 View Records
Islam / Religious instruction / School year / Teaching material 1 View Records
Islam / Religious instruction / School year 3-4 1 View Records
Islam / Religious instruction / School year 3-6 1 View Records
Islam / Religious instruction / School year 5-7 2 View Records
Islam / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 11 View Records
Islam / Religious instruction / Secularism / Turkey 1 View Records
Islam / Religious instruction / Strangeness / Theological studies 1 View Records
Islam / Religious instruction / Swedes / Syrians 1 View Records
Islam / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Islam / Religious pedagogy / School teaching 1 View Records
Islam / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islam / Sexual ethics 1 View Records
Islam / Turkey 1 View Records
Islam / Unterrichtsmaterial 1 View Records
Islam / Western world 2 View Records
Islamgesetz 1 View Records
Islamic art 1 View Records
Islamic art / Religious education / Religious instruction / School year 10-13 1 View Records
Islamic law 28 View Records
Islamic Law 1 View Records
Islamic law / Austria / Religion 1 View Records
Islamic law / Germany / Religion 2 View Records
Islamic law / Religion / Switzerland 1 View Records
Islamieten 1 View Records
Islamkritik 1 View Records
Islamkunde 1 View Records
Israel 3 View Records
Israel / Curriculum development / Bible lessons / Jewish religious instruction 1 View Records
Israel / Germany / Jewish upbringing / Protestant religious instruction / School teaching / Teaching comparative religion 1 View Records
Israel / Jewish school / Jewish upbringing 1 View Records
Israel / Jewish upbringing / Pedagogics 1 View Records
Israel / Jewish upbringing / Public school 1 View Records
Israel / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Torah 1 View Records
Israel / Religious instruction / Theology 1 View Records
istruzione 1 View Records
Italy 64 View Records
Italy / Catechesis / Religious instruction 3 View Records
Italy / Catholic church / Public school / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Italy / Catholic church / State law of churches 1 View Records
Italy / Catholic religious instruction 2 View Records
Italy / Catholic religious instruction / Canon law / Public school / State law of churches 1 View Records
Italy / Catholic religious instruction / Church work / Catholic church / Lay theologian 1 View Records
Italy / Catholic religious instruction / Public school 3 View Records
Italy / Catholic university / Church / Family / Catholic school / Marriage / Public space / Religion / Religious freedom / Religious instruction / Sexual abuse / State / Symbol 2 View Records
Italy / Church / Religious instruction / State 2 View Records
Italy / Church / State 19 View Records
Italy / Church law / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Italy / Church music / History 1900-1950 / Catholic church / Netherlands / Reform / Ward, Justine Bayard 1879-1975 1 View Records
Italy / Concordate 8 View Records
Italy / Confessionality / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Italy / Controversy / Catholic church / Public school / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Italy / Cyprus / Europe / Greece / Andorra / Malta / Monaco / Portugal / Religious instruction / San Marino / School / Spain 1 View Records
Italy / Educational reform / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Italy / Elementary school / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Italy / Erotic literature / France / History 1534-1685 / England / Sex instruction 1 View Records
Italy / France / Catholic religious instruction / Jews / School book / Spain 1 View Records
Italy / Germany / Religion teacher / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Italy / Geschichte 1984 / Concordate 1 View Records
Italy / Geschichte 1998 / Church / State 1 View Records
Italy / Grammar school / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Italy / History / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Italy / History 1500-1600 / Europe / Religious instruction / Russia / Theological studies 1 View Records
Italy / History 1900-1984 / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Italy / History 1979-1989 / History of religion studies (Subject) / Catholic religious instruction 1 View Records
Italy / History 1984-2004 / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Italy / History 1987-1989 / Religious instruction / School policy 1 View Records
Italy / Law / Religion 2 View Records
Italy / Method / Pluralism / Religion / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Italy / Multi-cultural society / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Italy / Religion / School 1 View Records
Italy / Religion / University 1 View Records
Italy / Religion teacher / Religious instruction / State law of churches 1 View Records
Italy / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Italy / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Italy / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Italy / Religious instruction / Science of Religion 1 View Records
Italy / Religious instruction / Teaching subject 1 View Records
Italy / Religious instruction / Vereinte Nationen, General assembly, Verfasserschaft1, Resolution 70/1 (2015) 1 View Records
Italy / School / Sex instruction 1 View Records
Italy / State law of churches 3 View Records
Ius divinum 1 View Records
Informatics instruction 2 View Records
Informatics instruction / Business school 1 View Records
Informatics instruction / USA 1 View Records
Information Acquisition 1 View Records
Integrativekinesiatrics / Elementary school / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Intercultural education 19 View Records
Intercultural education / Catholic religious instruction / Social education 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Child's game / Everyday culture / Ancient Orient / Orient 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Comprehensive school / Kassel-Waldau / Project / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Context / Religious education / Religious instruction 3 View Records
Intercultural education / Dialogue / Conflict / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Educator / Children's day care center / Religious education / Religious education / Training 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Educator / Germany / Children's day care center / Religious education / Vocational training 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Elementary school 1 View Records
Intercultural education / England / Hermeneutics / Africa / Postcolonialism / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / England / Religious instruction / Swedes 3 View Records
Intercultural education / Ethics / Bilingual instruction / Religion / School book / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Ethics teaching / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Extracurricular youth development / Project / Religious education / Value education 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Germany / Europe / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Germany / History / Christianity / Judaism 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Global ethic / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Great Britain / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Greece / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Identity development / Europe / Pluralistic society / School teaching 1 View Records
Intercultural education / International comparison / Europe / Religious pluralism / Teenagers 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Islamic religious instruction / Art education / Protestant religious instruction / Religious education 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Islamic religious instruction / Europe / Germany 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Islamic religious instruction / Germany 2 View Records
Intercultural education / Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Islamic upbringing 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Islamic religious instruction / Public school / Spain 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Islamic upbringing / Art education / Christian upbringing / Religious education 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Multi-cultural society / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 2 View Records
Intercultural education / Norway / Religious education / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Norway / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Postcolonialism / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Project / Religious instruction / Value education 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Refugee / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Solidarity / Teaching material 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Religious education / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Intercultural education / Religious education / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 2 View Records
Intercultural education / Religious education / Religious instruction / School year 7-8 / Secondary school level / Switzerland 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Religious education / Religious instruction / Zimbabwe 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Religious education / Religious pedagogy 2 View Records
Intercultural education / Religious education / Religious pedagogy / Religious pluralism / School pedagogics 2 View Records
Intercultural education / Religious identity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Religious instruction 13 View Records
Intercultural education / Religious pedagogy 2 View Records
Intercultural education / School 1 View Records
Intercultural education / School year 1-10 1 View Records
Intercultural education / Subject didactics 1 View Records
Interkultureller Dialog 3 View Records
Interpersonal Relations 1 View Records
Interreligious Dialogue 1 View Records
Interreligious Learning 6 View Records
introductory literature 1 View Records
Illustrated magazin / Illustration / Sex instruction / Sexuality 1 View Records
Illustrated magazin / Illustration / Sexual development / Sexuality / Teenagers 1 View Records
Illustration 4 View Records
Illustration / Bible 2 View Records
Illustration / Bible / Rainer, Arnulf 1929- / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Illustration / Bible / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Illustration / Bible / Religious instruction / School book 2 View Records
Illustration / Bible history / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Illustration / Catechism 1 View Records
Illustration / Catholic religious instruction / Elementary school / Bible 1 View Records
Illustration / Children's bible 1 View Records
Illustration / Children's bible / Bible / Religious instruction / School year / Teaching material 1 View Records
Illustration / Children's bible / Geschichte 2003 / Catholic religious instruction / Rehberg, Silke 1963- 2 View Records
Illustration / Ecclesiastes / Life experience (Motif) / Petrarca, Francesco 1304-1374, Trionfi / Religious instruction / Transitoriness (Motif) 1 View Records
Illustration / Halbfas, Hubertus 1932-2022 / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Illustration / Illustration / Catholic religious instruction / Germany / Art work / Baden-Württemberg / Junior high school / Middle school / School book / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Illustration / Illustration / Didactics / Germany / Protestant religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Illustration / Illustration / Germany / History / Religious instruction / School book / Teaching material / Viewing a picture / Visual learning 1 View Records
Illustration / Image prohibition / God / Religious education / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Illustration / Imparting the faith / Germany / Islamic religious instruction / Muslim / Muslim woman / School book / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Illustration / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Illustration / Protestant religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Image of God 1 View Records
Image of God / Human dignity / Pupil oriented teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Image of God / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
immigration / emigration / migration 1 View Records
Imprisonment 1 View Records
Imprisonment / Debt / Coping / Religious instruction / Young adult 1 View Records
Individuelle Entwicklung 1 View Records
Interculturele opvoeding 1 View Records
International comparison 1 View Records
International comparison / Comparative research / Methodology / Religious instruction 1 View Records
International comparison / Concordate / History 1933-1998 / Catholic religious instruction 1 View Records
International comparison / Concordate / History 1933-1998 / Catholic school 1 View Records
International comparison / Controversy / Public school / Religious instruction 1 View Records
International comparison / Democracy / Education policy / Europe / Christianity 1 View Records
International comparison / Education research / Religious education / Religious education 2 View Records
International comparison / Education research / Religious instruction / School pedagogics 2 View Records
International comparison / England / Norway / Religious education / Religious education / Teaching comparative religion 1 View Records
International comparison / Europe / Church / Religious instruction / State 2 View Records
International comparison / Europe / Educational system / Religious education 2 View Records
International comparison / Europe / Employment / Religiosity / Teenagers (14-16 Jahre) 1 View Records
International comparison / Europe / Employment / Religious education / Teenagers (14-16 Jahre) 1 View Records
International comparison / Europe / Employment / Religious instruction / Teenagers (14-16 Jahre) 1 View Records
International comparison / Europe / Legal status / Religious instruction 1 View Records
International comparison / Europe / Multi-cultural society / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
International comparison / Europe / Public school / Religious instruction 1 View Records
International comparison / Europe / Religiosity / Teenagers 1 View Records
International comparison / Europe / Religious instruction 3 View Records
International comparison / Europe / Religious instruction / State law of churches 1 View Records
International comparison / Freedom of religion / Religious freedom / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
International comparison / General education / Education research / Religious education 2 View Records
International comparison / Germany / Protestant religion teacher / Self-organization / Teachers' association / Teachers' ongoing training / Teacher training 1 View Records
International comparison / History 1871-1961 / Controversy / Political education / Public school / Religious freedom / Religious instruction 2 View Records
International comparison / Islamic religious instruction 2 View Records
International comparison / Nordic states / Pluralistic society / Religious education / Religious instruction / Secularism / Specialist knowledge 1 View Records
International comparison / Religious education 1 View Records
International comparison / Religious education / Religious instruction 2 View Records
International comparison / Religious instruction 1 View Records
International comparison / Religious instruction / Theology 1 View Records
Interreligiöse Beziehung 19 View Records
Interreligiöse Kompetenz 2 View Records
interreligious education 2 View Records
Inter-religious learning 1 View Records
interreligious tolerance 1 View Records
inter-worldview learning 1 View Records
Islam Europe 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamophobia / Discrimination / Educational system / Racism 1 View Records
Islamization 2 View Records
Islamophobia 3 View Records
Islamophobia / Discrimination / Antisemitism / School 4 View Records
Islamophobia / Prejudice / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islamophobie 1 View Records
Inclusive Education Ghana 1 View Records
intergroup contact theory 1 View Records
interreligiöse Hochschule 1 View Records
Inter-religious education 1 View Records
inter-worldview education 1 View Records
Icon painting 1 View Records
Icon painting / Geschichte 1720 2 View Records
Imagelessness 1 View Records
Images of God 1 View Records
Immanuel Kant 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Improvisation / Bible drama / Musical education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Improvisation / Ecumenical hymn / Cantus firmus / Organ music 1 View Records
Improvisation / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inclusive Education Malawi 1 View Records
Individualized instruction 3 View Records
Interdisciplinary research / Methodology / Religious instruction / Subject didactics 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary research / Popular culture / Religious instruction 1 View Records
interdisciplinary teaching 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching 10 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Bavaria / Protestant school 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Biology teaching / Protection of animals ethics / Religious instruction / School book research 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Böhmer, Marga 1887-1969 / Barlach, Ernst 1870-1938 / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Bread / Religious instruction / School year / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Chagall, Marc 1887-1985, Die weiße Kreuzigung / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Constitutional law / Ethics teaching / Berlin / Philosophy teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Creation / Religious instruction / School year / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Crime victim / National Socialist crime / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Diaconia / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Elementary school teaching / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / English teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Ethics teaching / Preschool education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Exodus tradition / English teaching / Liberation (Motif) / Pop music / Reception / Religious instruction / Springsteen, Bruce 1949- / Vocational school 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Fable / Language teaching 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Fair trade / Love of neighbor / School year / Senegal 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / German teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Germany / Ethics teaching / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Germany / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Baden-Württemberg / Müntzer, Thomas 1489-1525 / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Go down, Moses (Negro spiritual) / Human rights / English teaching / Musical education / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Working conditions 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Grammar school / Anabaptists / Reformation / Secondary school level / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Grammar school / German teaching / Project / School year / Symbol education 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Grammar school / Protestant religious instruction / Theology / Tillich, Paul 1886-1965 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Grammar school / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Gymnasial teaching / Genesis / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Gymnasial teaching / Joseph Patriarch / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / History 1920-1999 / Art 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / History teaching / Anabaptists / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / History teaching / Calvin, Jean 1509-1564 / Reformation / Religious instruction / Sacrament / Secondary school level / Secondary school level / Zwingli, Ulrich 1484-1531 2 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / History teaching / Heinrich, VIII., England, König 1491-1547 / Reformation / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / History teaching / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Müntzer, Thomas 1489-1525 / Peasants' War, (1525) / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / History teaching / Reformation / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Islamic religious instruction / Austria / History teaching / Social studies teaching 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Islamic religious instruction / History teaching / Geography teaching / Germany 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Islamic religious instruction / Religious education 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Language education / Technical language 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Love / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Mathematics teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Meaning / Religiosity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Media / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Musical education / Protestant religious instruction 2 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Natural science teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Osterlandgymnasium Gera / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Poverty / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Project / Quasi-religion / Religious instruction / Soccer 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Protestant religious pedagogy / Religious education 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Religious instruction 6 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Religious instruction / School development 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Religious instruction / Steinbeck, John 1902-1968, The grapes of wrath / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Secondary school level / Sex instruction 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary teaching / Sex instruction 2 View Records
Internet videoconferencing 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / AIDS patient / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 5,38-39 / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 7,3-5 / Conflict management / Bible. Exodus 21,24 / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Communication / Marriage / Religious instruction / Teaching material / Technical college 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Community / Carnival / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Computer supported teaching / Pupil / Religious instruction / Teacher 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Confirmation lessons / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Conflict handling / Confession of sin / Pupil / Reconciliation / Religious instruction / School year / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Conflict handling / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Conflict handling / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Conflict management / Bible. Corinthians 1. 12 / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Conflict management / Child / Justice / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Conflict management / Recompense / Religious instruction / Teaching material / Teenagers 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Conflict resolution / Religious instruction / School year / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Dialogue / Brazil / Public school / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Elementary school / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Equal opportunity / Grammar school / Bible. Genesis 4,1-16 / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Gestalt pedagogy / Personality development / Relationship to God / Teenagers 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Gursky, Andreas 1955- / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Secondary school level / Viewing a picture 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Häberlin, Jürg 1945- / Confirmation lessons / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Happiness / Esau, Biblical person / Jacob / Religious instruction / Victory 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Hate / Bible. Genesis 4,1-16 / Religious instruction / School year / Teaching material / Violence 2 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Hate / Bible. Genesis 4,1-16 / Religious instruction / Teaching material / Violence 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Identity development / Experience of the self / Project / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Identity development / Teenagers 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Language / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Listening / Religious instruction / School year 3-4 / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Metaphor / Net / Relationship to God / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Neighborhood / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Religious instruction / School year / Teaching material 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Religious instruction / Social class 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Religious instruction / Stranger 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship / Religious instruction / Stranger / Teaching material 2 View Records
Interreligiöse Beziehungen 1 View Records
interreligiöse Kooperation 1 View Records
Irreligiosity / Catholic church / Missions theology 1 View Records
Irreligiosity / Irreligiousness / Marginal Christian / Religious instruction / Teenagers / Theology for young perople 1 View Records
Islam (Motif) / Great Britain / Liberalism / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Islam (Motif) / Method / Religious education / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Islam Germany 2 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Catholic church / Communicatio in sacris / Catechesis / Religious instruction / University 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Catholic church / Protestant Church / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Catholic church / Protestant Church / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Catholic religious instruction / Confessionality / Cooperative teaching / Difference / Heterogeneity / Baden-Württemberg / Protestant religious instruction / Teaching research 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Christianity / Catholic religious instruction / Religious education / Religious identity / Symbol 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Confessionality / Difference / Baptism 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Cooperation / Confessionality / Orthodox Church / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Cooperation / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Cooperative teaching / All Saints Day / Religious instruction / School year / School year 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Cooperative teaching / Catholic church / Lord's supper / Protestant Church / Religious instruction / School year / School year 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Cooperative teaching / Catholic church / Protestant Church / Religious instruction / Saint / School year / School year 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Cooperative teaching / Classroom management / Project / Religious education / Religious instruction 4 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Cooperative teaching / Conflict / Jews / Mission (international law / Paul Apostle / Peter Apostle / Religious instruction / School year / School year 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Cooperative teaching / Duisburg / Eccentricity (Sociology) / Confessionality / Osnabrück / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Cooperative teaching / Elementary school / Berlin / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Cooperative teaching / Religious education / Religious instruction 3 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Cooperative teaching / Religious instruction 3 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Cooperative teaching / Religious instruction / Research project 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Cooperative teaching / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Didactics / Religious instruction / Theology 2 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Doctrine / Confessional documents / Lutheran Church 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Eastern Church / Catholic church / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Ecumene / Cooperative teaching / Religious instruction / Sibling 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Ecumenical theology / Didactics / Religious instruction 3 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Elementary school / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Elementary school / Religious instruction / Saxons 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Eucharist / Lord's supper / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Germany / Cooperative teaching / Religious education / Religious instruction / Vocational training school 2 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Germany / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Hesse / Cooperative teaching / Religious instruction / Teacher training 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Lower Saxony / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Poetry / Psalms / Religious instruction / Teenagers 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Protestant religious instruction / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / Religious pedagogy / Saxony-Anhalt 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Religious education 2 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Religious education / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism 2 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Religious instruction / Saxony-Anhalt 1 View Records
Inter-confessional dialogue / Religious instruction / Subject didactics 1 View Records
Intercultural communication 2 View Records
Intercultural understanding 2 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Africa / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Ancestors / Old person (60-90 years) / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Child / Elementary school / Bavaria / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Competence / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Empathy / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Fair trade / Development policy / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Foreigner / Audio-CD / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Germany / Religious instruction / Synagogue 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Globalization / Multi-cultural society / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Great Britain / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Hamburg / Cape Town / Multi-cultural society / Religious instruction / Sanctuary 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Identity development / Strangeness 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Liberation theology / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Orient / Religious instruction / School year 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Person seeking political asylum / Refugee / Religious instruction / Switzerland 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Province (Province) / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Reconciliation / Religious instruction / School year / Teaching material 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Religion / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Religious education / Religious identity / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Swedes 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Religious instruction / Student exchange 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Religious instruction / World Day of Prayer 1 View Records
Intercultural understanding / Religious pedagogy 2 View Records
Intergenerational relations / Congregational pedagogy 1 View Records
Intergenerational relations / Ethics / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intergenerational relations / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Intergenerational relations / Religious instruction / Symbol education 1 View Records
interkonfessioneller Dialog 2 View Records
Interkonfessionelles Lernen 1 View Records
Identification 1 View Records
Ilha de Marajó / Public school / Religious instruction / Ritual / Rural area / Sacred object 1 View Records
inklusive Religionspädagogik 1 View Records
Internationale Verständigung 1 View Records
interreligiöse Verständigung 1 View Records
inviting religious education 1 View Records
Islamic Ethics 1 View Records
Islamkonferenz 2 View Records
Inclusive Religious Education 1 View Records
Initiation of legal procedure 1 View Records
interreligiöse Zusammenarbeit 1 View Records
interweltanschauliche Bildung 1 View Records
Identity crisis / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Identity search / Altar-piece / Religious instruction / Saint's image 1 View Records
Identity search / Authenticity / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity search / Bruners, Wilhelm 1940- / Net (Motif) / Religious instruction / Story 1 View Records
Identity search / Child / Bible / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity search / Child / Poetry / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity search / Creation theology / Employment / Affectivity / Protestant religious pedagogy / Pupil / Religious instruction / Social psychology / Theory of evolution 1 View Records
Identity search / Ethics teaching / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Identity search / Evangelisch-Lutherische Landeskirche Sachsens / Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg / Religious pedagogy / Teenagers 1 View Records
Identity search / Experience of faith / Bible / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity search / Gender-specific role / Elementary school teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity search / Religious education 1 View Records
Identity search / Religious education / Spirituality 1 View Records
Identity search / Religious instruction / Remembrance 1 View Records
Identity search / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 3 View Records
Identity search / Religious instruction / Self-realization / Social education / Social responsibility / Social skills 1 View Records
Identity search / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Identity search / Religious instruction / Value education 1 View Records
Igreja Católica 1 View Records
Implementierung 1 View Records
Integrated religious education 1 View Records
Interreligiöse Pflegekompetenz 1 View Records
Irreligiousness 4 View Records
Irreligiousness / Catechumenate / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Catholic church / Poles / Politics / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Change / Organizational form / Religious instruction / Secularization / World view 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Educational duty / Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland / Church membership / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Elementary school child / Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Religious development / Religious instruction / Religious socialization 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Empowerment / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / England / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Ethics / Germany / COVID-19 (Disease) / Pandemic / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Ethics teaching / Religious education / Religious instruction / Secularism 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Ethics teaching / Religious instruction / Secularization 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland / Educational work / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Germany / Pupil / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Germany / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Germany (Östliche Länder) / Elementary school teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Germany (Östliche Länder) / Experience account / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Germany (Östliche Länder) / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Irreligiousness / Germany (Östliche Länder) / Religious instruction / Secularization 2 View Records
Irreligiousness / Grammar school / Baden-Württemberg / Religiosity / Religious pedagogy / Teenagers / Vocational school 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Practical theology / Religious sociology 3 View Records
Irreligiousness / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Protestant religious instruction / Saarland 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Religion / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Religiosity / Religious philosophy 3 View Records
Irreligiousness / Religious identity / Religious instruction 3 View Records
Irreligiousness / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Irreligiousness / Religious instruction / Task analysis in education 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Religious instruction / Theodicy 1 View Records
Irreligiousness / Religious instruction / Ticino 1 View Records
Islam Doctrines 2 View Records
Islam Education 1 View Records
Islamic Studies 2 View Records
Islam Textbooks 1 View Records
Islamunterricht 4 View Records
Interdenominational cooperation 3 View Records
Identity (Motif) / Funakoshi, Katsura 1951-2024 / Person portrayal / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Illustrated book 18 View Records
Illustrated book / Biblical person / Jewish religious instruction 2 View Records
Illustrated book / Biblical person / Jewish upbringing 2 View Records
Illustrated book / Education, Elementary / Religious education 1 View Records
Illustrated book / Nursery school / Preschool education / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Illustrated book / Religious education / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Illustrated book / Religious instruction 3 View Records
images of pupils 1 View Records
implied audience 1 View Records
Integrativer Religionsunterricht 1 View Records
interreligiöses Begegnungslernen 1 View Records
interreligiöse Unterrichtsmodule 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic theology / Educational process / Religious education 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic theology / Extracurricular youth development / Guided tour / Mosque 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic theology / Germany / Higher education / Religion teacher / State law of churches / Theological studies / Training 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic theology / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / Teaching Islamic religion 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic theology / Staatliche Rassul-sade-Universität Baky 1 View Records
Islamic theology 7 View Records
Islamic Theology 1 View Records
Islamic theology / Educational philosophy / Teaching Islamic religion 2 View Records
Islamic theology / Europe / Discipline (Science) / University 1 View Records
Islamic theology / Europe / Teaching Islamic religion 1 View Records
Islamic theology / Germany / Discipline (Science) / State university 1 View Records
Islamic theology / Hadith 1 View Records
Islamic theology / Higher education / Germany / University teaching 1 View Records
Islamic theology / Teaching Islamic religion 3 View Records
Islam--Relations 1 View Records
Islam und Westen 1 View Records
Islam Unterricht 1 View Records
Israel Antiquity 2 View Records
Israelitengesetz 1 View Records
Italian language / Austria / Böhmisch / Chemistryinstruction / Drawing / Geography teaching / Geometry, Descriptive / German language / History teaching / Art education / Junior high school / Mathematics teaching / Modern language teaching / Natural history (Subject) / Penmanship / Physical education / Physics teaching / Religious instruction / School language / Secondary school level / Stereometry 2 View Records
Italian language / Erotic literature / French language / History 1534-1685 / English language 1 View Records
Italian language / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Missale Romanum / Translation 1 View Records
Interaction analysis in education 1 View Records
interreligiöses Begegnungslernen 1 View Records
Iconoclastic controversy / Image prohibition / Caricature / Muḥammad 570-632 / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Identitätsbildung 1 View Records
identity building 1 View Records
Ideology critique 1 View Records
Illustrated Bible 2 View Records
Illustrated Bible / Children's bible / Picture 1 View Records
Image prohibition 1 View Records
Image prohibition / Grammar school / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Image prohibition / Islamic religious instruction 1 View Records
Image prohibition / Islamic religious instruction / Art / Jewish religious instruction / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Image prohibition / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interaktion im Religionsunterricht 1 View Records
Interpersonal relationship (Motif) / Film / Music video / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islamic countries 10 View Records
Islamic countries / Africa / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islamic countries / Christianity / School book 1 View Records
Islamic countries / History teaching 1 View Records
Islamic countries / Islamic religious instruction / Christianity / History 1998-2011 / School book 1 View Records
Islamic countries / Islamic religious instruction / Christianity / School book 1 View Records
Islamic Education 13 View Records
Israel (Theology) / Community / Exodus / Bible lessons / People of God / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy 3 View Records
Israel (Theology) / People of God 1 View Records
innen für das Fach Ethik, Katechet / Teacher / innen / innen, Seelsorger / innen, kirchliche Jugendarbeiter 1 View Records
interreligiöser Religionsunterricht 2 View Records
Interreligiöser Religionsunterricht 3 View Records
Ideology criticism 2 View Records
Ideology criticism / Cognitive science / Rahmenanalyse / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Ideology criticism / Religious instruction 4 View Records
Ideology criticism / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Implicit knowledge 1 View Records
Integrated class for the handicapped / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Interaction of teaching and learning 1 View Records
interreligious educational processes 1 View Records
Islam and politics 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic upbringing / China (Nordwest) / Educational work / Secularism 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic upbringing / Culture sociology / Daʿwa / Europe / Ahmadiyya / Bert, Lore 1936-, Europe / Milli Görüş / Mission (international law / Muslim / Reform movement / Religious life / Religious life / Religious movement / Science of Religion / Sect / Tablighi Jamaat / Union des organisations islamiques de France 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic upbringing / Democratic education / Finland / Multi-cultural society / Religious identity / Religious tolerance 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic upbringing / Educational institution 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic upbringing / Educational institution / Europe 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic upbringing / Educational system / Education policy / Europe / Africa / Democratic education 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic upbringing / Education policy / Azerbaijan / Educational institution 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic upbringing / Europe 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic upbringing / Europe / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic upbringing / Expectation / Muslim / Parents / Teacher 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic upbringing / Germany / Muslim community / Secularization 3 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Islamic upbringing / Germany / Secularization 2 View Records
Islamic upbringing 10 View Records
Islamic upbringing / Albanians / History 1900-2017 / Albanian language / Muslim / Nordmazedonien / Religious instruction / School / School language 1 View Records
Islamic upbringing / Austria 1 View Records
Islamic upbringing / Children's book / Germany / Child / Teaching material 1 View Records
Islamic upbringing / Christian upbringing / Religious pedagogy / Religious pluralism / Theology of religions 2 View Records
Islamic upbringing / Democratic education 1 View Records
Islamic upbringing / Educational institution / History / Azerbaijan 1 View Records
Islamic upbringing / Educational theory 1 View Records
Islamic upbringing / Europe / Educational system 2 View Records
Islamic upbringing / Europe / Education policy 3 View Records
Islamic upbringing / Europe / Turkey 1 View Records
Islamic upbringing / Germany / Fundamentalism / Turks 1 View Records
Islamic upbringing / Germany / Religious education 1 View Records
islamische Bildung 2 View Records
islamische Gruppen 1 View Records
Islamische Länder / Islamische Welt Islam Auslandsbild Religion Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1949-1990) School teaching Textbook 1 View Records
Islamische Länder / Islamische Welt Islam Religion Religiöse Praxis History of religion studies 1 View Records
Islamische Länder / Islamische Welt Islam Textbook Religion Auslandsbild Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1949-1990) 1 View Records
Israel (Antiquity) / Clothing / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Israel (Antiquity) / History 1 View Records
Israel (Antiquity) / Religion 1 View Records
Israel (Antiquity) / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identitätsgleichnis 1 View Records
Identity development / Imparting the faith / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Ideologia de gênero 1 View Records
ideología de género 1 View Records
Ignatius of Antioch 1 View Records
Illustrated magazin / Sex instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith 5 View Records
Imparting the faith / Appropriation (Psychology) / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Avant-garde / Musik / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Barth, Alfred / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Bartholomäus, Wolfgang 1934-2008 / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Bible / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Catechesis / Knowledge communication / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Catholic church / Youth work 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Catholic religious instruction 2 View Records
Imparting the faith / Catholic religious instruction / Geschichte 2000 / Austria / Lesson plan 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Catholic religious instruction / Geschichte 2000 / Austria / Lesson plan / Scharer, Matthias 1946- 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Catholic religious instruction / Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Christology / Jesus Christus / Religiosity / Religious instruction / Youth culture 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Church / Media 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Church building / Religious instruction / Space perception 3 View Records
Imparting the faith / Church congregation / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Communication / Catechesis / Relationship to God 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Confirmation lessons / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Correlation / Everyday life / Catholic religious instruction 2 View Records
Imparting the faith / Disturbance / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Drewermann, Eugen 1940- / Depth psychology / Religious instruction / World of experience 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Education / Case study / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Education / Competence / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Education / Religion teacher / Religious instruction / Tolerance 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Effects / Germany / Bible / Literacy / PISA-Studie, PISA (Test) / Pupil / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Elementary school teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / England / Christology / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Europe / Religious instruction / Society 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Experience account / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Experience of faith / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Experience of faith / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Experience of faith / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Experience of faith / Religious instruction / Role-play 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Experience of God / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Imparting the faith / Frauenkirche Dresden (Dresden) / Congregational pedagogy / Religious instruction / Space perception 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Game / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / German language area / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Germany (Östliche Länder) / Church work with children 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Germany (Östliche Länder) / Family training / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Hammelsbeck, Oskar 1899-1975 / Preaching / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Hermeneutics / Bible 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Hermeneutics / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Imparting the faith / History 1990-2005 / Estonia / Religious instruction / Secularization 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Liturgy / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Narration / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Picture / Religious instruction 4 View Records
Imparting the faith / Pop music 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Public school / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Relationship to reality / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Imparting the faith / Relationship to reality / Religious instruction / Science fiction film / Television series 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Religious instruction 15 View Records
Imparting the faith / Religious instruction / Revelation 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Religious instruction / Secularization 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Religious instruction / Society 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Religious instruction / Space perception 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Religious instruction / Tradition 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Religious instruction / World of experience 1 View Records
Imparting the faith / Space perception 1 View Records
Innere Organisation von Institutionen / Organisationen Ziele und Programme von Institutionen / Organisationen Mission (international law Islamization Religiöse Lehre Educational institution / Ausbildungseinrichtung School Religious education Minority Religiöse Bevölkerungsgruppe Germany France Muslimbrüder 1 View Records
Iro-Scottish Church / Reception / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islam and Education 1 View Records
İslam Din Dersleri 1 View Records
Islam in der Schule 1 View Records
Islam und Pädagogik 1 View Records
istruzione metodica 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary approach in education 1 View Records
international und interreligious issues 1 View Records
Identity development 5 View Records
Identity development / Australia / Jewish religious instruction / Multi-cultural society / Security 1 View Records
Identity development / Bible / Narrativity / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Identity development / Bible / Religious development / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity development / Biesinger, Albert 1948- / Religious development / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity development / Biografische Anamnese / Church history studies / Collective memory / Aesthetic education / Religious instruction / Theology for young perople 2 View Records
Identity development / Bodily experience / Body image / Bodiliness / Religious pedagogy / Teenagers / Theological anthropology 1 View Records
Identity development / Boy / Religious development / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Identity development / Catholic church / Coping / Homosexuality / Bodiliness / Priest 1 View Records
Identity development / Change / Magic tale / Reception / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity development / Child / Australia / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity development / Child / Religious instruction / Story 1 View Records
Identity development / Child / Sex instruction 2 View Records
Identity development / Coping with life / Media consumption / Media education / Teenagers 1 View Records
Identity development / David, Israel, König / Example / Biblical person / Religious development / Religious instruction / Samuel 1 View Records
Identity development / Elementary school teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity development / Empathy / Bible / Religious instruction / Story 1 View Records
Identity development / Ethics teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity development / Europe / Pluralistic society / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity development / Europe / Pluralistic society / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Identity development / Example / Religious development / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity development / Example / Religious development / Religious instruction / Saint 2 View Records
Identity development / Example / Search for meaning / Teenagers 2 View Records
Identity development / Faith development / Elementary school teaching / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity development / Faith development / Elementary school teaching / Religious instruction / School notebook 1 View Records
Identity development / Gender-specific role / Grammar school / Boy / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Teaching material 1 View Records
Identity development / Girl / Grammar school / Gender-specific role / Religious instruction / Secondary school level / Teaching material 1 View Records
Identity development / Greece / Pluralistic society / Publicity / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Identity development / Meaning / Religious instruction / The Postmodern 1 View Records
Identity development / Media consumption / New media / Religious instruction / Teenagers 1 View Records
Identity development / Media consumption / Religious instruction / Teenagers 1 View Records
Identity development / Mystagogy / Religious instruction / Teenagers 1 View Records
Identity development / Pupil / Religiosity / Religious instruction / School performance / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Identity development / Religious development / Religious instruction 6 View Records
Identity development / Religious development / Religious instruction / The Postmodern 1 View Records
Identity development / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Interkonfessioneller Religionsunterricht 1 View Records
internationale und interreligiöse Bezüge 1 View Records
Islamic civilisation 1 View Records
Islamic organization / Germany / Concept of / Religious instruction / Religious organization / Top organization 1 View Records
Islamic organization / Islamic religious instruction / Bosnia-Herzegovina / History 1878-1918 1 View Records
Islamic organization / Islamic religious instruction / History 1918-1991 / Yugoslavia 1 View Records
Islamic sects Europe 1 View Records
Islam in Deutschland 1 View Records
islamische Theologie 1 View Records
Identity search Motif 1 View Records
Imperial constitution 1 View Records
Improvisation (Music) 1 View Records
Interpersonal Relations Study and teaching 1 View Records
Information-technological basic instruction 2 View Records
Intercultural and Pluri-religious Societies 1 View Records
Islamic Education Asia 1 View Records
Islamic fundamentalism 2 View Records
Islamic primary school 1 View Records
Islamic renewal Europe 1 View Records
Ibrahim, Abdullah 1934- / Health promotion / Musik / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Ideological association 3 View Records
Islam and state Austria 1 View Records
Islam and state Germany 1 View Records
Islam Europe Congresses 1 View Records
Islamic sermons, Arabic 1 View Records
islamische Fachdidaktik 1 View Records
Islamische Fachdidaktik 1 View Records
Iconoclastic controversy 2 View Records
Islam and politics Egypt 1 View Records
Islam Germany Congresses 2 View Records
Islamic education Canada 1 View Records
Islamic Education Europe 5 View Records
Islamic Education Turkey 3 View Records
Islamic Higher Education 1 View Records
Islamic Religion Lessons 1 View Records
Islamische Spiritualität 1 View Records
Islam Study and teaching 2 View Records
Islam-Study and teaching 1 View Records
implementation challenges 1 View Records
Initiation rites Religious aspects Judaism History 1 View Records
Interdenominational cooperation Germany Congresses 1 View Records
Islamic education Germany 1 View Records
Islamic Education Germany 11 View Records
Islamic Education Ireland 1 View Records
Islamisation of knowledge 1 View Records
Islamische Religionslehre 1 View Records
International Security, Peace and Conflict Research 2 View Records
innen in Kindergarten und Vorschule,Religionslehrer / innen, Kindergottesdienstmitarbeiter und alle, die in der Gemeindearbeit mit Kindern zwischen 3 -7 Jahren tätig sind / Educator 1 View Records
Islam Germany Lower Saxony 1 View Records
Islamic religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Islamische Ideengeschichte 1 View Records
Islamophobia United States 1 View Records
Interdisciplinary approach in education United States 1 View Records
Identität und Verständigung 1 View Records
Interpersonal relations Religious aspects Christianity 1 View Records
Interpersonal Relations Religious aspects Christianity 1 View Records
Islamic Religious Education 17 View Records
Islamisch-religiöse Bildung 1 View Records
Islam and secularism Germany 2 View Records
Islam and state Saudi Arabia 1 View Records
Islamic Education Congresses 2 View Records
Islamic fundamentalism Egypt 1 View Records
Islamic-theological research 1 View Records
Islam Relations Christianity 8 View Records
Interdenominational cooperation Germany (East) Congresses 1 View Records
Interdenominational cooperation Germany Baden-Württemberg 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction 159 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Ability / Religion teacher / Religious education / Teacher training 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Abraham, Biblical person / Jewish religious instruction / Lesson plan / Protestant religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Abraham, Biblical person / Jewish religious instruction / Protestant religious instruction 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Aesthetic education 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Africa (Continent) 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Angel 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Ark of Noah / Noah / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Austria 5 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Austria / Religion teacher / Training 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Austria / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Baden-Württemberg 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Baden-Württemberg / Bavaria / Germany / Abraham, Biblical person / Lesson plan / Lower Saxony / North Rhine-Westphalia 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Baden-Württemberg / School experiment 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Baku 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Bavaria 3 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Belgium 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Belgium / Bulgaria / Cyprus / Denmark / England / Ethics / Europe / Feminism / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Hermeneutics / Human rights / Austria / Netherlands / Norway / Swedes / Switzerland 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Belgium / Germany / Austria / Netherlands / School experiment 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Belgium / Germany / Great Britain / Austria 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Berlin 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Bible 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Bible / Analogy / Koran / Parable 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Bible / Jewish religious instruction / Koran / Protestant religious instruction / Religious education / Torah 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Brandenburg / History teaching / Bavaria / North Rhine-Westphalia / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Bremen / Lott, Jürgen 1943-2023 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Bremen / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Catholic church 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Catholic religious instruction / Abraham, Biblical person / Lesson plan / Protestant religious instruction / School book 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Catholic religious instruction / Bible / Koran / Protestant religious instruction / Religious education 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Catholic religious instruction / Catholic church, Diözese Hildesheim 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Catholic religious instruction / Jewish religious instruction / Prayer / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Catholic religious instruction / Jewish religious instruction / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Catholic school 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Child / Muslim / Probelm-oriented interview / Self-image / Teenagers 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Christianity / Jordan / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Christianity / Lebanon / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Combination / Catholic religious instruction / Jewish religious instruction / Protestant religious instruction 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Comparison of religions 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Competence / North Rhine-Westphalia / Religion teacher 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Competency-based teaching 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Competency-based teaching / Curriculum / Baden-Württemberg / Lower Saxony / North Rhine-Westphalia 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Competency-based teaching / Muslim / Religious education / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Competency-based teaching / Religious identity / Self-determination 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Computer game / Media education / Video game 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Confession / Christianity / North Rhine-Westphalia / Religious instruction / Vocational training school 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Confessionality 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Confessionality / Konfessionell-kooperativer Religionsunterricht / Lower Saxony / Religious education 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Constitutionality / Curriculum / Germany / Competency 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Constitutionality / North Rhine-Westphalia 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Constitutional law 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Cooperation / Catholic religious instruction / Jewish religious instruction / Protestant religious instruction / Religious education 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Cooperation / Catholic religious instruction / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Cooperation / Germany / Catholic religious instruction / Protestant religious instruction / Religious instruction 3 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Cooperation / Hesse / Cessation / Türkisch-Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Cooperation / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Correlation 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / COVID-19 (Disease) / Denmark / Commitment / Muslim woman / Virtual computer systems 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Creation / Theory of evolution 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Curriculum / Subject didactics 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Denmark / Cultural identity / Muslim / Religious identity 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Didactics / Conception / Lesson unit / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Didactics / Prayer 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Duisburg / Catholic religious instruction / Observed lesson / Project / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Educational work / Educational system 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Educational work / Educational system / Teaching Islamic religion 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Education policy / Ethics teaching / Austria / Jewish religious instruction / Religious education / Religious education / Religious instruction / School education / Switzerland / Teacher training 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Education standard 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Egypt / History 2001-2002 / Christianity / School book 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Egypt / Judaism / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Elementary school 8 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Elementary school / Curriculum 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Elementary school / Germany / Christen / School teaching / Secondary school level / Switzerland 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Elementary school / Parable 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Elementary school / Religious education 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Elementary school / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Elementary school / Teacher's manual 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Elementary school / Teaching material 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Elementary school teaching / London / Turks 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Empirical pedagogy / Cooperation / Protestant religious instruction / Pupil evaluation / Religious education / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Enemy image 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Ethics / Religious education 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Europe 8 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Europe / Curriculum / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Europe / Public school / School pedagogics 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Evaluation / Baden-Württemberg / Project / Public school 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Evil / Sufism / Theodicy 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Exegesis / Jewish religious instruction / Koran exegesis / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Foreign child 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / France / Germany / Comparative law / Religious freedom 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Fundamentalism / Berlin 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Gender / Koran 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Gender-specific role / Catholic religious instruction / Jewish religious instruction / Protestant religious instruction / Sex difference 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Gender-specific role / Social position / Woman 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / General education secondary school / Grounded theory / Antisemitism / Lesson plan 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany 68 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Austria 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Austria / Lesson plan / Netherlands 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Austria / Netherlands / Teaching material 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Baden-Württemberg / Public school / School book / School experiment 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Catholic church 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Catholic religious instruction / Jewish religious instruction / Protestant religious instruction / Public school 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Catholic religious instruction / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Children of immigrants / Muslim / Public school / Pupil / School book / School integration 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Church 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Constitution / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Constitutionality 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Constitutionality / Public school 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Constitutional law 3 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Constitutional law / Religion teacher / Teacher training 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Constitutional right 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Cultural identity / Muslim / Religious identity 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Curriculum 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Diversity / Religion / Teacher training 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Diversity / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Education, Elementary / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Elementary school / Subject didactics 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Frankfurt <Main, 2007> 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Germany / Religious freedom 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Heckel, Martin 1929- / Constitutional law 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Koran 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Kraft, Friedhelm 1955- 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Law 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Method / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Muslim / Muslim woman / Religious education / School year 5-6 / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Muslim / Muslim woman / Religious education / School year 7-8 / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / North Rhine-Westphalia 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Pedagogics 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Pluralistic society 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Public school 4 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Public school / Religious pedagogy 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Public school / Subject didactics 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Public school / Teacher training 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Pupil / World of experience 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Religion teacher 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Religion teacher / Training 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / School 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / School book 4 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Subject didactics 3 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Suspicion / Türkisch-Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany / Teacher training 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany (Bundesrepublik) 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / School 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Turkish child 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Geschichte 1998 / Berlin, Oberverwaltungsgericht / Jurisdiction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Geschichte 2005 / Germany, Bundesverwaltungsgericht / Jurisdiction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / God / Allah 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Golden rule / Global ethic 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Grammar school / Religious pedagogy / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Great Britain 3 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Great Britain / Critical realism / Teaching method / Variation 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Great Britain / Muslim / Religion teacher 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Habitus / Bosnia-Herzegovina / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Hadith 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Hadith / Faḫr-ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī, Muḥammad Ibn-ʿUmar 1149-1210 / Koran / Philosophy of language 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Heart / Ethics 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Heiliges Römisches Reich, Augsburger Religionsfriede 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Hermeneutics / Context / Koran / Subject (Philosophy) 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Hermeneutics / Koran 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Hesse, Hessische Landesregierung / Cooperation / Türkisch-Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / History 1839-2009 / Turkey 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / History 1923-2009 / Turkey 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / History 1998-2003 / Christianity / Palestine / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / History 1999-2001 / North Rhine-Westphalia / Project 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / History 1999-2002 / Christianity / School book / Turkey 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / History 2000-2010 / Canada / Jewish religious instruction / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / History 2002-2011 / Christianity / School book / Syria 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Human rights / Human dignity 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Īmān / Master / Universität Osnabrück 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Jewish religious instruction / Protestant religious instruction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Jews / Koran / Mecca / Medina 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Journal 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Judaism / Palestinian National Authority / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Judaism (Motif) / Method / School book / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Kenya / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Knowledge communication 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Koran 5 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Koran / Muḥammad 570-632 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Koran / Muḥammad 570-632 / Prophecy 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Koran / Muḥammad 570-632 / Prophecy / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Koran / Peace 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Koran / Prophet 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Koran / Revelation / Theme-centered interaction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Koran / Unbelief 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Koran exegesis 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Kritische Didaktik / Religious pedagogy / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Kuwait / Religious tolerance / School book / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Language 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Last Judgment 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Law 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Legislation 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Lower Saxony 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Lower Saxony / North Rhine-Westphalia / Project 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Lower Saxony / Rehburg-Loccum <2002> 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Lower Saxony / School 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Manditory education 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Monotheism / Project / Religious education / Vocational college 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Moral education 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Muḥammad 570-632 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Multi-cultural society 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Muslim / Social integration 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Narrative theology 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Netherlands 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / North Rhine-Westphalia 7 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / North Rhine-Westphalia / Pedagogical capability / Religion teacher / Religion teacher / Specialist knowledge 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / North Rhine-Westphalia / School experiment 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / North Rhine-Westphalia / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / North Rhine-Westphalia / Turks 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Peace / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Pluralistic society / Secularization 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Prayer 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Professionalization / Teacher 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Qualification / Religion teacher / Teacher training 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Religion teacher 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Religion teacher / Training 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Religious education 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Religious education / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Religious education / Religious instruction / Team teaching 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Religious freedom / Spain 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / Subject didactics 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Ruhr Region 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / School book / School year 5-6 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / School book / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / School year 5 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / School year / School year 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / School year 1-2 3 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / School year 5-6 4 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / School year 7-10 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / School year 7-8 2 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Secondary school 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Sex instruction 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Subject didactics 3 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Swedes 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Teacher 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Teachers' ongoing training / Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 1 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Turkey 3 View Records
Islamic religious instruction / Value education 1 View Records
Interpersonal relations Social aspects History 20th century 1 View Records
Islamic Education South Africa 1 View Records
Islamischen Religionspädagogik 1 View Records
Ideology Programmed instruction 1 View Records
Islam Study and teaching Europe 5 View Records
Islam-Study and teaching-Europe 1 View Records
Islam Study and teaching France 1 View Records
Islam Study guides Examinations 1 View Records
Indian Female Normal School and Instruction Society Periodicals 1 View Records
Intercultural communication Religious aspects Study and teaching 1 View Records
Islamic Education Germany (West) 3 View Records
Islamic religious education (RE) 1 View Records
Islamic Religious Pedagogy Today 1 View Records
Islamische Religionsgemeinschaft 1 View Records
Islamisch-theologische Forschung 1 View Records
Islam Study and teaching Germany 4 View Records
Islam Study and teaching Ireland 1 View Records
Islamic religious education (IRE) 1 View Records
Islam - Relations - Christianisme 1 View Records
Islam Study and teaching (Higher) 1 View Records
Islam Germany Lower Saxony History 1 View Records
Islamic Education Curricula Europe 1 View Records
Islamic Education Europe Textbooks 1 View Records
Islamic Religious Education Europe 8 View Records
Interkulturelle und International Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft 1 View Records
Islamic Education Europe Congresses 1 View Records
Islamic Education Germany Textbooks 1 View Records
Islamic Religious Education Germany 8 View Records
Islamische Religionspädagogik heute 1 View Records
Islam Study and teaching Congresses 1 View Records
Islamic Education Congresses Germany 1 View Records
Islamic Education Germany Congresses 1 View Records
Islam Study and teaching (Secondary) 1 View Records
Islamic Religious Education Congresses 1 View Records
Islam Study and teaching United States 1 View Records
Identity (Psychology) Religious aspects 1 View Records
Islamic civilization Study and teaching 1 View Records
Islamic civilization-Study and teaching 1 View Records
islamisch-religionspädagogisches Denken 1 View Records
Islam Relations Christianity Congresses 2 View Records
Islamic Religious Education Saudi Arabia 1 View Records
Islamic Education North Macedonia History 1 View Records
Identification (religion) Biblical teaching 3 View Records
Islam Study and teaching Germany Congresses 3 View Records
Islam ; Medien ; Ägypten ; Geschichte 20. Jh 1 View Records
Islamic Religious Education China, Northwest 1 View Records
Identification (Religion) - Biblical teaching 3 View Records
Identity (Psychology) Religious aspects Islam 1 View Records
Islam ; Predigt ; Ägypten ; Geschichte 20. Jh 1 View Records
Islamic civilization Study and teaching France 1 View Records
Islamic Religious Education Germany Congresses 1 View Records
Islamic literature Africa History and criticism 1 View Records
Islamic religious education of children Austria 1 View Records
Islamic religious education of children Germany 3 View Records
Islamische Welt Swedes Religionsgemeinschaften / Religion 1 View Records
Islam ; Erneuerung ; Ägypten ; Geschichte 20. Jh 1 View Records
Islamic civilization Study and teaching (Higher) 1 View Records
Islamic Education Germany North Rhine-Westphalia 2 View Records
Islam Study and teaching (Higher) Social aspects 1 View Records
Identification (Religion) - Enseignement biblique 3 View Records
Islam Congresses Study and teaching Germany Berlin 1 View Records
Islamic religious education of children Congresses 2 View Records
Islam Swahili women sex instruction weddings authority 1 View Records
Islamic Religious Education Law and legislation Germany 1 View Records
Islam Study and teaching Germany Lower Saxony Congresses 1 View Records
Internationale Gesellschaft für historische und systematische Schulbuch- und Bildungsmedienforschung e.V. (IGSBi) 1 View Records
Islamic Religious Education Germany North Rhine-Westphalia 1 View Records
Islamic religious education of children Germany Congresses 1 View Records
Islamic Religious Education Europe, German-speaking Congresses 1 View Records
Islamic civilization Study and teaching (Higher) Social aspects 1 View Records
Incorporated Society for the Conversion and Religious Instruction and Education of the Negroe Slaves in the British West Indies 1 View Records
Islam Study and teaching Germany North Rhine-Westphalia Congresses 1 View Records
Incorporated Society for the Conversion and Religious Instruction and Education of the Negro Slaves in the British West India Islands 1 View Records
Islamunterricht; Islam; Didaktik; Bildung; Integration; Interkultureller Dialog; Islamwissenschaft; Bildungspolitik; Zivilgesellschaft; Migration; Education; Islamic Studies; Educational Policy; Civil Society 1 View Records