Self-determination 191 View Records
Self-Determination 1 View Records
Self-determination / Assisted living 1 View Records
Self-determination / Authority / Religious identity / Austria / Woman 1 View Records
Self-determination / Autonomy 1 View Records
Self-determination / Bioethics / Hospice / Moral theology / Autonomy 1 View Records
Self-determination / Biography research / Narrativity / Nursing home / Aged 1 View Records
Self-determination / Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 1906-1945 / Dementia / Apotheosis 2 View Records
Self-determination / Catholic social teaching / Participation / Caritas 1 View Records
Self-determination / Causality / Free will / Neurobiology / Buddhism 1 View Records
Self-determination / Christian ethics / Holiness / Art of living 1 View Records
Self-determination / Church / Departure / Asceticism / Woman 1 View Records
Self-determination / Church work / Beauty ideal 1 View Records
Self-determination / Civil rights movement / Latin America / Blacks 1 View Records
Self-determination / Cone, James H. 1938-2018 / God / Black theology / Trinity 1 View Records
Self-determination / Conflict / Dementia / Disease / Quality of life / Caring for 1 View Records
Self-determination / Conflict / France / Gender composition / Girls' education / History 1800-1900 / Reception / American woman 1 View Records
Self-determination / Conspiracy theory / Equal rights / Freedom / Liberalism / Nationalism / Political participation / Right-wing populism / Autonomy / Threat 1 View Records
Self-determination / Cooperation / Geriatric care / Mental handicap / Old-age assistance / Old person (60-90 years) / Assistance to the handicapped 1 View Records