Argentina 418 View Records
Argentina / Abortion / Church / Counter movement (Sociology) / History 1980-2018 / Non-governmental organisation / Strategy 1 View Records
Argentina / Abortion / Church / History 1980-2016 / Same-sex marriage / Sexual politics 1 View Records
Argentina / Acción Católica Argentina / History 1931-1970 / Male youth / Youth organization 1 View Records
Argentina / Adult catechesis / Catholic church / History 1992-1997 1 View Records
Argentina / Affiliation with / History 1914-1939 / Identity / Jews / Polish immigrant / Transnationaization 2 View Records
Argentina / Africa / Church / Civil society / Mexico / Nigeria / Schwellenländer 1 View Records
Argentina / Africa / Coming to terms with the past / Germany / Northern Ireland / Reparation 1 View Records
Argentina / Africa (Continent) / Australia / Jews 1 View Records
Argentina / Africa (Continent) / Church / Political responsibility 1 View Records
Argentina / Afro-American syncretism 1 View Records
Argentina / Afro-American syncretism / Blacks / Ethnic identity / Religious identity 1 View Records
Argentina / Air raid / Geschichte 1943 / Third Reich / Vatikanstadt 1 View Records
Argentina / Alexandria / Church / Early Judaism / Patristics 1 View Records
Argentina / Algeria / Australia / Austria / Azerbaijan / Bangladesh / Belgium / Brazil / Canada / Chile / China / Church / Colombia / Egypt / Finland / France / Germany / India / Indonesia / Iran / Israel / Laos / Lebanon / Myanmar / Nigeria / Pakistan / Russia / Saudi Arabia / Scotland / Spain / State / Turkey / USA 1 View Records
Argentina / Allowing a person to disappear / Crime victim / Diözese Neuquén / Family member / Military dictatorship / Support 1 View Records
Argentina / Anarchism / Feminism / Medina Onrubia, Salvadora 1894-1972 1 View Records
Argentina / Angelelli, Enrique Angel 1923-1976 / Beatification / Geschichte 1976 / Longueville, Gabriel 1931-1976 / Martyrdom / Military dictatorship / Murias, Carlos de Dios 1945-1976 / Pedernera, Wenceslao 1936-1976 1 View Records
Argentina / Anti-communism / Catholic church / History 1965-1978 / Integralism / Military dictatorship 1 View Records
Argentina / Anti-communism / Catholic press / Conflict / History 1940-1942 / Political Catholicism 1 View Records