Self-determination right 417 View Records
Self-determination right / Catholic church / Germany / LGBT / Anthropology 1 View Records
Self-determination right / Christian ethics / Medical ethics / Palliative treatment / Assisted suicide / Terminal care 1 View Records
Self-determination right / Church development aid / Organizational law / Bischöfliches Hilfswerk Misereor 1 View Records
Self-determination right / Church development aid / Organizational law / Brot für die Welt (Corporations) 1 View Records
Self-determination right / Church labor law / Church institution 2 View Records
Self-determination right / Church labor law / Consideration / Freedom of coalition / Germany / Church 1 View Records
Self-determination right / Church labor law / Discrimination / Europäische Union / Church 1 View Records
Self-determination right / Church labor law / Duty of allegiance / Europäischer Gerichtshof / Europäische Union, Verfasserschaft1, Antidiskriminierungsrichtlinie / Germany / Jurisdiction / Personnel policy / Church 1 View Records
Self-determination right / Church labor law / Employee / Employee resignation / Germany / Church 1 View Records
Self-determination right / Church labor law / Europäische Union / Church 1 View Records
Self-determination right / Church labor law / Industrial agreement law / Protestant Church / Caring for 1 View Records
Self-determination right / Church service / Right to strike / Church labor law 2 View Records
Self-determination right / Circumcision (Man) / Germany / Jurisdiction / Religious freedom / Boy 1 View Records
Self-determination right / Circumcision (Man) / Human rights / Religious organization / Child 1 View Records
Self-determination right / Clergy / Court / Embezzlement / Germany / Penal authority / Catholic church 3 View Records
Self-determination right / Comparative law / Terminal care 2 View Records
Self-determination right / Constitutional right / Employee / Employee resignation / Europäische Union / Germany / Loyalty / Religious pluralism / Church labor law 1 View Records
Self-determination right / Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms (1950 November 4) / Religious freedom / Church 1 View Records
Self-determination right / Diaconia 1 View Records