torah 2 View Records
Torah 1541 View Records
Torah / African woman / Hermeneutics / Socioeconomic system / Africa / Woman 1 View Records
Torah / Assyrian language / Assyrians / Bible. Josua 8 / Ebal / Old Testament / Septuaginta (Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum) / Ashurbanipal Assyria, King 669 BC-627 BC 1 View Records
Torah / Avesta / Ezra / Iran (Antiquity) / Legislation / Nehemiah / Ahura Masda / Zarathustra 628 BC-551 BC 1 View Records
Torah / Bergpredigt 1 View Records
Torah / Bergpredigt / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 5 / Legislation / Antithesis 1 View Records
Torah / Bergpredigt / Midrash / Reception / Antithesis 1 View Records
Torah / Bible / Christianity / Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Judaism / Koran / Old Testament / Patriarchal history / Abraham, Biblical character 1 View Records
Torah / Bible / Koran / Abraham, Biblical character 1 View Records
Torah / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 17,2-3 / Bible. Lukasevangelium 24,45 / Greek language / Hermeneutics / syniēmi / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 16,14 / Verb 1 View Records
Torah / Bible. Chronicle 1.-2. 2 View Records
Torah / Bible. Corinthians 1. 11,26 / Bible. Deuteronomium 5 / Bible. Nehemia 8 / Church / Eucharist / Liturgy / Passover / People of God / Rise of / Bible 1 View Records
Torah / Bible. Deuteronomium 20 / Bible. Exodus 23 / Bible. Numeri 21 / Biblical studies / Exegesis / Judaism / Moses / Old Testament / Peace / Rabbi / Bible. Deuteronomium 2 1 View Records
Torah / Bible. Exodus 20,22-23,13 / Bible. Deuteronomium 12-26 2 View Records
Torah / Bible. Genesis 1-3 1 View Records
Torah / Bible. Genesis 50,1-14 1 View Records
Torah / Bible. Hexateuch / Decalog / Legislation / Moses / Bible. Daniel 9 1 View Records
Torah / Bible. Ijob 38-39 / Bible. Psalmen 107-150 / Bible. Psalmen 18 / Bible. Psalmen 3-41 / Bible. Samuel 2. 22 / Bible. Sprichwörter 30 / Bible. Deuteronomium 32 1 View Records
Torah / Bible. Jesaja 66,18-24 / Prophecy / Bible. Jesaja 56,1-8 1 View Records