Colony 74 View Records
Colony / 312 BC-64 BC, Seleukiden / Edessa / Epigraphy / Historiography / History 200-299 / Osroene / Palmyra / Roman Empire / Syriac language / Tomb 1 View Records
Colony / Abolition of / France / Geschichte 1787 / Malesherbes, Chrétien Guillaume Lamoignon de 1721-1794 / Protestantism / Tolerance 1 View Records
Colony / Administration / History / Indonesia / Islam / Netherlands / Niederländisch-Indien / State 1 View Records
Colony / Administration / Portugal 1 View Records
Colony / Africa / Dienerinnen des Heiligen Geistes / Dissertation / Germany / History / Mission (international law / Missionary woman / Mission to women / Neuguinea / Togo 1 View Records
Colony / Africa / Economy / Mamdani-Methode / Rule 1 View Records
Colony / Africa / Empire / Old Testament / Reading / Science 1 View Records
Colony / Africa / Europe / History 1500-1900 1 View Records
Colony / Africa / Germany 1 View Records
Colony / Africa / Germany / History 1 View Records
Colony / Africa / Germany / History / Mission school 1 View Records
Colony / Africa / Germany / History 1884-1918 / Mission (international law / Protestantism 1 View Records
Colony / Africa / Guinea-Bissau / Independence movement / Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde / Racial discrimination 1 View Records
Colony / Africa / History 1875-1891 / Portugal 1 View Records
Colony / Africa / Missionary woman / Portugal 1 View Records
Colony / Africa (Continent) / Great Britain / History 1850-1875 / Indigenous peoples / Mission (international law 1 View Records
Colony / Algeria / France / Geschichte 1905 / Islam / Laicism 1 View Records
Colony / Anatolia / History 800 BC-500 / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Colony / Anglican Church / Expansion / Great Britain / History 1790-1860 1 View Records