North Rhine-Westphalia 268 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Administrative procedure / Organ / Tender 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Agrarian politics 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Agriculture / Protestant Church / Structural change 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Archaeology / Material popular culture / Middle Ages / Abandonment of settlements / Pre- and early history / Settlement archeology / Westphalia 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Art / Liudolfinger, Family ca. ab 9. Jh. / Middle Ages / Archaeology / Painting / Pre- and early history 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Art guide book 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Arts and crafts 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Arts education / School development 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Autonomy / Project / School 2 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Baden-Württemberg / Bavaria / Germany / Hesse / Lesson plan / Abraham, Biblical person / Protestant religious instruction / Saxons / Schleswig-Holstein / School book / Thuringia 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Baden-Württemberg / Bavaria / Germany / Islamic religious instruction / Lesson plan / Lower Saxony / Abraham, Biblical person 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Bavaria / Catholic religious instruction / Curriculum / Germany / Grammar school / Hesse / Lower Saxony / Baden-Württemberg / Secondary school level / Secondary school level 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Bible. Lukasevangelium 19,1-10 / Child / Curriculum / Exegesis / Bible. Genesis 22,1-19 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Bibliography / Research report 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Bologna declaration / Reception / Study program reform / Teacher education / Verein Katholischer Deutscher Lehrerinnen 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Brandenburg / Catholic religious instruction / Germany / Hesse / Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Berlin / Saxony-Anhalt / Schleswig-Holstein / School year 5-6 / Secondary school level / Thuringia 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Brandenburg / Catholic religious instruction / Germany / Hesse / Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Berlin / Saxony-Anhalt / Schleswig-Holstein / School year 7-8 / Secondary school level / Thuringia 2 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Brandenburg / Crusades / History teaching / Lesson plan / Bavaria / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
North Rhine-Westphalia / Brandenburg / History teaching / Islamic religious instruction / Bavaria / Religious instruction 1 View Records