Protection magic 133 View Records
Protection magic / Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint 354-430 / Catechumenate / Cross, Sign of the / Face / Affiliation with 1 View Records
Protection magic / Australia / Church / Amtsgeheimnis / Seal of confession / State 1 View Records
Protection magic / Bible / Animals / Veganism 1 View Records
Protection magic / Bible. Josua 6 / Bible. Josua 9 / Bible. Judge 4-5 / nokhrî / Bible. Josua 2 / Terminology 1 View Records
Protection magic / Bible. Psalmen 8 / Creation / Faith / God / Healing / Anthropology / Religion / Success / Yoruba 1 View Records
Protection magic / Biomedicine / Human dignity / Human embryo / Beginning / Reproductive medicine 1 View Records
Protection magic / Bishops' conference / Minor / Bishop / Sexual abuse / USA 1 View Records
Protection magic / Bolivia / Indigenous peoples / Amazon region 2 View Records
Protection magic / Buddhism / Spirituality / Tipiṭaka. Suttapiṭaka. Dīgha-nikāya 1 View Records
Protection magic / Canon law / Law / Amtsgeheimnis / Seal of confession 1 View Records
Protection magic / Canon law / Seal of confession 1 View Records
Protection magic / Catholic church, Pope (2013- : Franziskus), Verfasserschaft1, Vos estis lux mundi / Guidelines / Minor / Misuse of power / Catholic church / Sexual abuse 1 View Records
Protection magic / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex iuris canonici (1983). 220 / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex iuris canonici (1983). 1390 / Slander 1 View Records
Protection magic / Child 1 View Records
Protection magic / Child / Catholic church / Sexual abuse 1 View Records
Protection magic / Child / Romania / Social service institution 1 View Records
Protection magic / Child abuse 2 View Records
Protection magic / Christian ethics / Child / Woman 1 View Records
Protection magic / Church / Asylum / Religion / Sanctuary Movement / Secularism / Space / State power 1 View Records