Brandenburg 57 View Records
Brandenburg / Addiction aid / Catholic church / Youth social work 2 View Records
Brandenburg / Agriculture / Farm / Pomerania / Silesia 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Alien / Child / Intercultural understanding / Project 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Anhalt / Countdom / History 1517-1580 / Mitteldeutschland / Painted epitaph / Protestantism / Wittenberg 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Antisemitism / Drachenfuß, Georg ca. 16. Jh. / Drachenfuß, Johann ca. 16. Jh. / History 1558-1573 / Salt trade 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Archaeology / Church building / City development / Historic building 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Archaeology / Church building / Culture mediation / Geschichte Anfänge-1600 / Lutheran Church / Material popular culture / Pre- and early history / Reformation / Saxons / Saxony-Anhalt 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Architecture / Cistercian monastery / History 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Archivist / Historian / History 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Archivist / Historian / History 1800-2000 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Art / Angel (Motif) / History / Village church 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Art / History / Zisterzienser 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Art / History 1300-1600 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Art / History 1450-1550 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Art / Renaissance 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Austria / Fief 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Baden-Württemberg / Change of use / Practical theology / Protestant Church / Rural area / Village church 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Bavaria / Crusades / History teaching / Lesson plan / North Rhine-Westphalia / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Brandenburg / Bavaria / Expansion policy / History 1323-1425 / Netherlands / Tyrol / Wittelsbach Family 1 View Records