Geschichte 1978 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Abortion / Italy / Legislation 4 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Archivio Segreto Vaticano 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint 354-430, De civitate dei / Publication (Print) 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Bible (Württembergische Landesbibliothek) Bb lat.145401 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Brigate Rosse / Assassination / Moro, Aldo 1916-1978 3 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Brigate Rosse / Italy / Martyr / Moro, Aldo 1916-1978 / Politics / Violence 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Brunmayr, Erich 1973-1998 / Churchliness / Austria / Teenagers 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Buber, Martin 1878-1965 / Jubilee 2 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Catedral Metropolitana de San Salvador (San Salvador, El Salvador) / Church / Asylum / Patron saint / Romero, Oscar A., Saint 1917-1980 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Overcoming of / Public announcement / Terrorism 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Wyszyński, Stefan 1901-1981 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Catholic church, Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart / Jubilee 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Bischöfe / Bishop / Instruction / Religious 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Bischöfe / Church authority / Bishop / Instruction / Religious 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Bischöfe / Instruction / Local church / Order 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Christian life / Faith and Order / Brosseder, Johannes 1937-2014 / Hope / Müller-Fahrenholz, Geiko 1940- / Public announcement 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Christian life / Faith and Order / Brosseder, Johannes 1937-2014 / Hope / Public announcement 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Church / Constitution / Catholic religious instruction / Spain / State 1 View Records
Geschichte 1978 / Church teaching office / Family / Catholic church / Johannes Paul, I., Pope 1912-1978 / Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 / Marriage / Paul, VI., Pope 1897-1978 1 View Records