Affectivity 17 View Records
Affectivity / Animals / Dance / Religion / Schaefer, Donovan O. 1981-, Religious affects 1 View Records
Affectivity / Animals / Fremdgruppe / Ingroup / Islamophobia / Muslim / USA 1 View Records
Affectivity / Astonishment / Emotion / Hagiography / Islam / Narrativity 1 View Records
Affectivity / Bible. Corinthians 1. / Bible. Philipperbrief 2,6-11 / Melancholy / Pauline letters / Philippians 1 View Records
Affectivity / Bible. Corinthians 1. / Emotion / Ignorance / Knowledge / Paul Apostle / Shame 1 View Records
Affectivity / Bible. Corinthians 2. / Emotion 1 View Records
Affectivity / Body / Christianity / History 1 View Records
Affectivity / Calvin, Jean 1509-1564 / Providence 1 View Records
Affectivity / Catholic church / Democratic Republic / Priest / Sexual behavior 1 View Records
Affectivity / Christianity / Prayer / Sociality 1 View Records
Affectivity / Commentary / John / Knowability of God / Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274 1 View Records
Affectivity / Concept of / Disposition (Psychology) / Enactivism / Faith / Power 1 View Records
Affectivity / Creation theology / Employment / Identity search / Protestant religious pedagogy / Pupil / Religious instruction / Social psychology / Theory of evolution 1 View Records
Affectivity / Cultic object / Judaism / Thing 1 View Records
Affectivity / Culture / Difference / Pastoral theology / Way of life 1 View Records
Affectivity / Embodiment / Judaism / Transgender 1 View Records
Affectivity / Emotion / Epistolography / Hermeneutics / Paul Apostle / Philemon 1 View Records
Affectivity / Emotion / Epistolography / Pauline letters / Stoicism 1 View Records
Affectivity / Emotion / Externalism / Self / Value 1 View Records