Yugoslavia 456 View Records
Yugoslavia / Border regulation / History 1945-1954 / International policy / Istria / Italy / Administrative reform 1 View Records
Yugoslavia / Bosnia 1 View Records
Yugoslavia / Bulgaria / China / Communism / Dictatorship / Germany (DDR) / Persecution / Romania / Albania 1 View Records
Yugoslavia / Campaign / Freemason / Geschichte 1940 / Jews / Reporting / Vreme (Zeitung, Belgrad) (1921-1941) / Antisemitism 1 View Records
Yugoslavia / Catholic church 6 View Records
Yugoslavia / Catholic church, Sancta Sedes 1 View Records
Yugoslavia / Catholic church / Commemoration of the dead / Extradition / History 1945-2008 / Kroatischer Soldat / Bleiburg 1 View Records
Yugoslavia / Catholic church / Communism / Dictatorship / History 1944-1954 / Oppression / Albania 1 View Records
Yugoslavia / Catholic church / History 1934-1946 / Ideology / Religious policy / Stepinac, Alojzije 1898-1960 / Catholic action 2 View Records
Yugoslavia / Catholic theology 1 View Records
Yugoslavia / China / History 1947-1954 / International policy / Religion / Soviet Union / Catholic church, Sancta Sedes 1 View Records
Yugoslavia / Christian ethics / Marxism / Aesthetics 1 View Records
Yugoslavia / Christianity / Collaboration / Germany / History 1941-1943 / Osvobodilna Fronta Slovenskega Naroda / Slovenia / Slowenische Landwehr / Catholicism 1 View Records
Yugoslavia / Church / Church / Church / Church / Czechoslovakia / Germany (DDR) / Hungary / Poles / State / State / State / State / State / Church 1 View Records
Yugoslavia / Church / Church policy / State / Catholic church 1 View Records
Yugoslavia / Church / Concordat policy / Croatia / History 1922-1938 / Serbia / Serbia / State / Catholic church, Sancta Sedes 1 View Records
Yugoslavia / Church / History 1945-1990 / Socialism / State / Catholic church 2 View Records
Yugoslavia / Church / Science of Religion / Atheism 1 View Records
Yugoslavia / Church history studies 1 View Records