School book research 16 View Records
School book research / Civics / Gesellschaftssystem / Group identity / History teaching / Independence / Islamization / Lebanon / Political system / Religious instruction / Arabization 1 View Records
School book research / Computer supported teaching / Teaching material / Teaching research 1 View Records
School book research / History 1800-2009 1 View Records
School book research / Interdisciplinary teaching / Protection of animals ethics / Religious instruction / Biology teaching 1 View Records
School book research / Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Christianity 2 View Records
School book research / International understanding (Motif) 1 View Records
School book research / Kursbuch Religion / History 1976-2009 1 View Records
School book research / Methodology / Perspective adoption / Arab countries 1 View Records
School book research / Religious education / Japan 1 View Records
School book research / Religious education / Teaching material 1 View Records
School book research / Religious instruction / Teacher training 1 View Records
School book research / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
School book research / School book / Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung / Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien, Georg-Eckert-Institut / Curriculum research / Curriculum / Teaching material 1 View Records
School book research / School book / Historical educational research 1 View Records
School book research / School book / Islam / Religious education / Religious instruction / Grammar school / Christianity / Secondary school level 1 View Records
School book research / School book / Religion / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / History 1988-2018 / Curriculum / Science of Religion / Theory / Transnational policy 1 View Records
School book research / School book / Religious education / Religious instruction / Education standard / Development 3 View Records
School book research / School book / Religious instruction 1 View Records
School book research / School book / Religious instruction / Religious education / Germany 1 View Records