Publication (Print) / Acts of the Apostles / Text genesis / Textual criticism 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / Aetheria, Peregrinatio ad loca sancta / Translation 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / Aristoteles 384 BC-322 BC 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / Augustinerkloster Erfurt, Library 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / Bible / Athanasius Alexandrinus 295-373 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / Bible / Sankt Anna (Schwerin <Pfarrei>), Library 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / Breviary (Bibliothèque Municipale Troyes) Ms. 2030 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / Catholic church, Kongregation für den Gottesdienst und die Sakramentenordnung / Instruction / Liturgy / Catholic church / Usage / Vernacular language 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / Codex Freerianus 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / Codex Leningradensis 3 View Records
Publication (Print) / Codex Zakynthius 4 View Records
Publication (Print) / Concordance 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / Dedication / History 1931-1939 / Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 1906-1945 / Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York 2 View Records
Publication (Print) / Devotional literature / History 1520-1600 / Consolatory writing 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / Erasmus of Rotterdam 1466-1536 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / Facsimile / Tegernseer Haggadah 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / German language / Bible / Translation 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / Geschichte 1550 / Handwriting / New Testament / Estienne, Henri 1531-1598 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / Geschichte 1595 / Goulart, Simon 1543-1628 / Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de 1533-1592, Essais / Geneva 1 View Records
Publication (Print) / Geschichte 1616 / Jonson, Ben 1572-1637 / Folio 1 View Records