catholic 2 View Records
Catholic 447 View Records
Catholic / Abortion / Deputy / History 1976-1984 / Legislation / USA 1 View Records
Catholic / Abortion / Deputy / Legislation / Pluralistic society 1 View Records
Catholic / Abortion / Disciplining / Excommunication / Legislation / Politician / USA 1 View Records
Catholic / Abortion / Election behavior / Geschichte 2008 / McCain, John 1936-2018 / Obama, Barack 1961- / Presidential election / USA 1 View Records
Catholic / Abortion / Election behavior / Legislation / Politician / USA 1 View Records
Catholic / Abortion / Employment / History 1992-1996 / Protestant / USA 1 View Records
Catholic / Abortion / Legislation / Political protest / USA 1 View Records
Catholic / Abortion / Legislation / Politician / Rejection of 1 View Records
Catholic / Academic / Prussians / Teacher 1 View Records
Catholic / Academic / Religious identity 1 View Records
Catholic / Administrative official / History 1815-1918 / Nobility / Silesia 1 View Records
Catholic / Adult / Empirical research / Flanders / Idea of God 1 View Records
Catholic / Adult / Jews / Protestant / Religiosity / Wellness 1 View Records
Catholic / Adult (18-30 Jahre) / Germany / Milieu / Qualitative interview 1 View Records
Catholic / Adult (18-40 Jahre) / Religious life / USA 1 View Records
Catholic / Affective bonding / Adult (18-45 Jahre) / Korea / Narcissism 1 View Records
Catholic / Africa / Homosexual / Homosexuality / Priest 2 View Records
Catholic / Age of life / Faith 1 View Records