Vineyard 17 View Records
Vineyard / Aramaic language / Aramaic language / Bible / Christianity / Gospels / Judaism / Matthew / Metaphor / New Testament / Old Testament / Polemics / Spring / Targum / Translation / Agriculture 1 View Records
Vineyard / Association / Bible. Jesaja 5,1-7 / Jerusalem / Personification / Ancient Orient / Woman 1 View Records
Vineyard / Bible. Johannesevangelium 15,1 / Christology / Israel (Theology) / Metaphor / Bible. Jesaja 5,1-7 1 View Records
Vineyard / Body / En-Gedi / Metaphor / Bible. Hoheslied 1,14 / Woman 1 View Records
Vineyard / Cistercian monastery / History / Brandenburg 1 View Records
Vineyard / Classical antiquity / Evil tenants / Historical background / Leasehold / Bible. Jesaja 5,1-7 1 View Records
Vineyard / Cognitive linguistics / Destruction / Bible. Jesaja 1-39 1 View Records
Vineyard / Councils and synods / Evil tenants / Metaphor / People of God / Bible. Jesaja 5,1-7 1 View Records
Vineyard / Farm law / Grapevine / Jewish law / Planting / Rabbi / Talmud / Farmer 1 View Records
Vineyard / Garden / Love poetry / Metaphor / Song of Songs / Ancient Orient 1 View Records
Vineyard / Greece (Antiquity) / Israel (Antiquity) / Love poetry / Metaphor / Alcaeus, Carmina 1 View Records
Vineyard / Israel (Antiquity) / Love poetry / Metaphor / Song of Songs / Greece (Antiquity) 1 View Records
Vineyard / Midrash / Parable / Rabbi / Torah / Metaphor 1 View Records
Vineyard / Old Testament / Metaphor 1 View Records
Vineyard / Viperidae / Frost / Mouse (Kind) / Schädlingsbefall / Sturmschaden / Ants / Fleas 1 View Records
vineyards 1 View Records
Vineyards 8 View Records
Vineyard Church 1 View Records
Vineyard (Motif) / Eber, Paul 1511-1569 / Epitaph / Stadtkirche Wittenberg (Wittenberg) / Cranach, Lucas, der Jüngere 1515-1586 2 View Records