love poetry 1 View Records
Love poetry 28 View Records
Love poetry / Abaelard, Peter 1079-1142, Epithalamica / Abaelard, Peter 1079-1142, Virgines castae / Héloïse 1101-1164 / Abaelard, Peter 1079-1142 1 View Records
Love poetry / Akkadian language / Sumerian language 1 View Records
Love poetry / Arts / Reception / Song of Songs 1 View Records
Love poetry / Assyria / Song of Songs 1 View Records
Love poetry / Bible. Hoheslied 3,5 / Bible. Hoheslied 8,4 / Bible. Hoheslied 2,7 1 View Records
Love poetry / Bible. Hoheslied 5,10-16 / Bible. Hoheslied 7,1-6 / Doves (Family) / Bible. Hoheslied 4,1-7 / Metaphor 1 View Records
Love poetry / Bible. Hoheslied 6,9 / Bible. Sprichwörter 31,10-31 / Egypt (Antiquity) / Ideal (motif) / Acrostic / Wisdom literature 1 View Records
Love poetry / Blood (Motif) / Passion (Motif) / Ronsard, Pierre de 1524-1585 1 View Records
Love poetry / Botticelli, Sandro 1445-1510, Primavera / Medici, Lorenzo de' 1449-1492 / Surroundings 1 View Records
Love poetry / Christian literature / Bhakti poetry / Marathi 1 View Records
Love poetry / Citation / Divinity / Grief / Hero / Holy books / Bibliography / Maqām / Soul 1 View Records
Love poetry / Classical antiquity / Bible. Wisdom 1,16 / Reception / Tragedy 1 View Records
Love poetry / Collection / Edition / Handwriting / Héloïse 1101-1164 / Abaelard, Peter 1079-1142 1 View Records
Love poetry / Cuneiform text / Babylonia 1 View Records
Love poetry / Egypt (Antiquity) 2 View Records
Love poetry / Egypt (Antiquity) / Beauty 1 View Records
Love poetry / Emotion (Motif) / Song of Songs / Textual linguistics 1 View Records
Love poetry / Epigram / Byzantine Empire 1 View Records