Interpretation of / Legal theory / Jurisdiction / Restriction 1 View Records
Exegesis / Legislation (Theology) / Interpretation of / Admonition / Bible. Numeri 21,18-19 / Pescher / Qumran Community / Torah 1 View Records
Esther Biblical character / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Interpretation of / Antisemitism 1 View Records
Catechetics / Lord's Prayer / Interpretation of / History 1300-1500 1 View Records
Ceramics / Lost articles / Interpretation of / History 700 BC-300 BC / History / Context / Tell en-Nasbeh 1 View Records
Hermeneutics / Literary text / Interpretation of / Theology 1 View Records
Interpretation of / Legal thinking / Juridical methodology / Ratio legis / Savigny, Karl Friedrich von 1814-1875 1 View Records
Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius 345-420 / Literal meaning / Interpretation of / Meaning / Minor Prophets 1 View Records
Esotericism / Leonardo, da Vinci 1452-1519, Mona Lisa / Interpretation of / History 1800-1900 / New religion 1 View Records
Assyriology / Legal transaction / Interpretation of 1 View Records
Bible. Psalmen 115 / Literature studies / Interpretation of 1 View Records
Christian Poetry / Literary criticism / Interpretation of / Romanian language / Rumänisch-Orthodoxe Kirche 1 View Records
Cultural sciences / Literature studies / Interpretation of / Hermeneutics / Philosophy / Praxeology / Theology 1 View Records
Interpretation of / Literature studies / Veda 1 View Records
Interpretation of / Luther, Martin (2017) / Reception / Reformation / Topicality 1 View Records
Gospel / Legislation (Theology) / Interpretation of / Kirchengeschichte Anfänge-254 1 View Records
Exclusivism / Layman / Interpretation / Buddhism / Monasticism 1 View Records
Bible / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Interpretation of / Church teaching office 1 View Records
Interpretation of / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 2 View Records
Archaeology / Lovecraft, H. P. 1890-1937 / Interpretation of / Cult / Lovecraft, H. P. 1890-1937, Tales of the Cthulhu mythos / Murray, Margaret Alice 1863-1963 / Wicca 1 View Records