Legal theory 663 View Records
Legal Theory 17 View Records
Legal theory / Asia 1 View Records
Legal theory / Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint 354-430 2 View Records
Legal theory / Bartolus, de Saxoferrato 1314-1357 / Philosophy / Reception 1 View Records
Legal theory / Bible. Levitikus 24,10-23 / Bible. Numeri 15,32-36 / Bible. Numeri 27,1-11 / Bible. Numeri 36,1-12 / Bible. Numeri 9,1-14 / Ancient Orient / Sovereignty 1 View Records
Legal theory / Bible. Levitikus 24,10-23 / Bible. Numeri 15,32-36 / Bible. Numeri 27,1-11 / Bible. Numeri 36,1-12 / Bible. Numeri 9,6-14 / Ancient Orient / Sovereignty 1 View Records
Legal theory / Bihbahānī, Muḥammad Bāqir Ibn-Muḥammad Akmal 1706-1791 / Islam / Baḥrānī, Yūsuf al- 1695-1772 / Shi'ah 1 View Records
Legal theory / Brusiin, Otto 1906-1973 1 View Records
Legal theory / Calvin, Jean 1509-1564 1 View Records
Legal theory / Canon law 5 View Records
Legal theory / Canon law studies 1 View Records
Legal theory / Church / Indonesia / Calvinism / Pañcaśīla (State ideology) / Public theology / Religious freedom / State / Theological ethics 1 View Records
Legal theory / Church law / Philosophy of law / Rechtspluralismus 1 View Records
Legal theory / Civil law / Canon law / USA 2 View Records
Legal theory / Civil rights 1 View Records
Legal theory / Cognition theory 2 View Records
Legal theory / Communism 1 View Records
Legal theory / Contract / France / History 1600-1800 / Austria / Marriage / Sacrament / State law of churches 1 View Records
Legal theory / Court decision / Judge / Case law / Philosophy of law 1 View Records