Literary criticism 354 View Records
Literary Criticism 133 View Records
Literary criticism / "We" passages / New Testament 1 View Records
Literary criticism / 4Q365 / Tempelrolle (Qumran Scrolls) 1 View Records
Literary criticism / 4Q76 / Malachi / Minor Prophets 1 View Records
Literary criticism / Abschiedsreden Jesu 1 View Records
Literary criticism / Amos 4 View Records
Literary criticism / Amos / Vision 1 View Records
Literary criticism / Analysis / Friendship (Motif) / Aesthetics / Philosophy of language / Poetry (Begriff, Motiv) / Reader-response criticism 1 View Records
Literary criticism / Animals / Bible / Animal nomenclature / Zoology 1 View Records
Literary criticism / Anointing in Bethany 1 View Records
Literary criticism / Arabic language 1 View Records
Literary criticism / Athanasius, Alexandrinus, Heiliger 295-373, Epistulae festales 1 View Records
Literary criticism / Authority / New Testament 1 View Records
Literary criticism / Authority / New Testament / Paul Apostle 1 View Records
Literary criticism / Authorship / New Testament / Revelation 1 View Records
Literary criticism / Baptism / Bible. Lukasevangelium 11,14-23 / Bible. Lukasevangelium 3,1-17 / Bible. Markusevangelium 1,1-8 / Bible. Markusevangelium 3,22-27 / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 3,1-12 / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 3,22-30 / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 3,3-17 / Christology / Baptism / Mark / Miracle / Q / Q / Synoptic problem / Temptation / Two source theory 2 View Records
Literary criticism / Baptism / Mark / Synoptic problem 2 View Records
Literary criticism / Baptism / Q / Synoptic Gospels / Temptation / Tradition-historical research 1 View Records
Literary criticism / Bel and the dragon 2 View Records