Decrease of 26 View Records
Decrease of / Bible reading 1 View Records
Decrease of / Bible reading / Evangelical movement 1 View Records
Decrease of / Catholic church, Diözese Essen / Church tax / Austerity program 1 View Records
Decrease of / Catholic church / Folk church / Germany / Structural change 1 View Records
Decrease of / Catholic church / Folk church / Netherlands 1 View Records
Decrease of / Catholic church / Member / Switzerland 1 View Records
Decrease of / Catholic theological faculty / Academic / Germany / Jahrbuch für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften 1 View Records
Decrease of / Celibacy / Catholic church / Germany / Priestly ordination 1 View Records
Decrease of / Change / Catholic church / Monastery 1 View Records
Decrease of / Christian persecution / Church / Christianity / Growth / History 2010-2020 / Religious pluralism / State 1 View Records
Decrease of / Christlich-Demokratische Union Deutschlands / Faith / Society 1 View Records
Decrease of / Church attendance / Canon law / Mass 1 View Records
Decrease of / Church attendance / Catholic / Effects / History 1945-2000 / Liturgical reform / USA 1 View Records
Decrease of / Church attendance / Catholic church 1 View Records
Decrease of / Church attendance / Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland 1 View Records
Decrease of / Church attendance / Liturgy / Protestant Church 1 View Records
Decrease of / Church attendance / Sunday 1 View Records
Decrease of / Church center (Church) / Catholic church / Netherlands / Search for / Spirituality 1 View Records
Decrease of / Church congregation / Catholic church / Folk church / Priest 1 View Records