Catholic theological faculty 7 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Academic / Decrease of / Germany / Jahrbuch für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften 1 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Alber, Johann N. / Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem / Exegesis / History 1806-1820 1 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Argentina / Gera, Lucio 1924-2012 1 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Austerity program / Germany 1 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Austria 2 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Austria / Der Synodale Weg (Corporations) 1 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Austria / Discipline (Science) / Interdisciplinarity 1 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Austria / Evaluation / Practical theology / Quality control 1 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Austria / Germany / Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule SVD / Theological studies 1 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Austria / Higher education 2 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Austria / History 1995-2021 / Philippines / Solidarity / Student exchange 1 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Austria / Study program reform 1 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Autonomy / Scientific freedom / Theology / University 1 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Autonomy / State law of churches 1 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Award of an honorary degree / Germany / Muslim / Religion 1 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Balkan peninsula / Discipline (Science) / History 1800-1920 1 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Bavaria 5 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Bavaria / Austerity program 2 View Records
Catholic theological faculty / Benedikt, XVI., Pope 1927-2022 / Germany 1 View Records