Aramaic language / Social system / Arameans / Designation 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Sociolinguistics / Hebrew language / Hebrew studies / Middle Ages / Bilingual text / Vowel 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Sociolinguistics / Hebrew language / History 1-100 / Jesus Christus / Latin / Multilingualism / New Testament / Palestine / Greek language 2 View Records
Aramaic language / Sodom / Early Judaism / Gomorrha / Jambres / Jannes / Michael Archangel / Devil / Spring 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Son / Genealogy / Human being / Kinship / Noun / Phraseology / Place name / Daughter / Syntax / Targum / Targum Neofiti I 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Son / Grief / Hebrew language / Loss (Motif) / Poetry / Romanus, Melodos 485-562 / Ephraem Syrus 306-373 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Song / Gnome 2 View Records
Aramaic language / Song of Songs / Ecclesiastes / Form criticism / Jewish literature / Lamentations / Midrash / Old Testament / Bible / Structural analysis / Targum / Text history / Translation 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Song of Songs / Exegesis / Jewish literature / Judaism / Midrash / Narrative theory / Bible / Targum / Translation 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Son of Man 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Son of Man / John / Translation 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Son of Man / Synoptic Gospels 1 View Records
Aramaic language / South Arabian / Arabic language / Ammonite / Akkadian language / Assyrian language / Babylonian language / Canaanite languages / Eblaite language / Harari / Hebrew language / Konsonantengruppe / Moabite language / Morphology / Near East / Old Ethiopian language / Qatabani / Sabean / Safaitic / Semitic studies / Amharic language / Tigre language / Ugaritic language / West Semitic languages 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Source criticism / Mark 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Source criticism / New Testament / Historical background 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Safīra / Arameans / Inscription / Inscription 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Safīra / Inscription 2 View Records
Aramaic language / Safīra / Inscription / Curse 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Saint's life / Abraham Kidunaia, Saint 267-366 / Handwriting / History 400-450 / Fragment 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Samaritan language / Lexicon / Dictionary / Samaritans 1 View Records