narrative theory 7 View Records
Narrative theory 1914 View Records
Narrative Theory 2 View Records
Narrative theory / Acts of the Apostles 2 View Records
Narrative theory / Acts of the Apostles / Rhetoric / Silence / Silence / Speech / Speechlessness 1 View Records
Narrative theory / Adorno, Theodor W. 1903-1969 1 View Records
Narrative theory / Aramaic language 1 View Records
Narrative theory / Aramaic language / Dead Sea scrolls, Qumran Scrolls / Exegesis / Genesis-Apokryphon (Qumran Scrolls) / Judaism / Midrash / Abraham, Biblical person / Targum 1 View Records
Narrative theory / Benjamin, Walter 1892-1940 1 View Records
Narrative theory / Bible 1 View Records
Narrative theory / Bible / Dead Sea scrolls, Qumran Scrolls / Exegesis / Genesis / Genesis-Apokryphon (Qumran Scrolls) / Interpretation of / Midrash / Aramaic language / Old Testament / Structural analysis / Translation 1 View Records
Narrative theory / Bible / Ecclesiastes / Aramaic language / Structural analysis / Targum / Translation 1 View Records
Narrative theory / Bible / Esther / Exegesis / Jewish literature / Judaism / Aramaic language / Targum / Translation 1 View Records
Narrative theory / Bible / Exegesis / Jewish literature / Judaism / Midrash / Aramaic language / Song of Songs / Targum / Translation 1 View Records
Narrative theory / Bible. Johannesevangelium 11 / Bible. Johannesevangelium 4 / Exegesis / John / Bible. Johannesevangelium 10 1 View Records
Narrative theory / Bible. Johannesevangelium 18,28-19,16b 1 View Records
Narrative theory / Bible. Markusevangelium 14,1-11 1 View Records
Narrative theory / Bible. Markusevangelium 6,14-44 1 View Records
Narrative theory / Bible study / Bible lessons 1 View Records
Narrative theory / Biblical studies / Pragmatics 1 View Records