Latin 352 View Records
Latin / Abbreviation 3 View Records
Latin / Abbreviation / Middle Latin language 1 View Records
Latin / Abbreviation / Paleography 3 View Records
Latin / Accademia Toscana di scienze e lettere La Colombaria / Papyrus / Philosophy 1 View Records
Latin / Accusative with infinitive 1 View Records
Latin / Acts of Paul and Thecla 1 View Records
Latin / Acts of the Apostles / Teaching material / Typography 1 View Records
Latin / Acts of Thomas / Stranger / Thomas, Apostle 1. Jh. 1 View Records
Latin / Addition / Sirach / Vice / Virtue 1 View Records
Latin / Adventure story 1 View Records
Latin / Agriculture / Technical literature 9 View Records
Latin / Ambrose Saint, Bishop of Milan 339-397 / Psalms / Translation 1 View Records
Latin / Anastasius the Persian -628 / Martyr acts / Translation 1 View Records
Latin / Anastasius the Persian -628 / Saint's life 1 View Records
Latin / Apostolic fathers / Translation 2 View Records
Latin / Apuleius, Madaurensis 123-170, Metamorphoses 4,28-6,24 / Prose / Technical literature 1 View Records
Latin / Apuleius, Madaurensis 123-170 / Prose / Technical literature 1 View Records
Latin / Arabic language / Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris) / Dictionary / History 1640-1660 / Abraham, Ecchellensis 1605-1664 1 View Records
Latin / Arabs / Scholarly publishing / Translation 1 View Records