Designation 1 View Records
Designation / 1990-2022 / Germany / Islam / Public image / Publicity 1 View Records
Designation / Akkadian language / Member of the body / Metaphor 2 View Records
Designation / Akkadian language / Member of the body / Symbol 2 View Records
Designation / Arabia / Etymology / Hebrew language / History / Israel (Antiquity) 1 View Records
Designation / Arabic language / History 1150-1200 / Philosophy / Religion 1 View Records
Designation / Arameans / Aramaic language / Social system 1 View Records
Designation / Bible. Baruch 6 / Text history 1 View Records
Designation / Butler, Judith 1956- / Catholic theology / Acknowledgment 1 View Records
Designation / Christianity / God / History 597-700 / Loanword / Old English language 1 View Records
Designation / Church feastday / Romance languages 2 View Records
Designation / Cognition theory 1 View Records
Designation / Craft / Hittite language 1 View Records
Designation / Day / History 500-1500 1 View Records
Designation / Early Judaism / History 1930-1960 / Jews / Research 1 View Records
Designation / Egypt (Antiquity) / Gods 1 View Records
Designation / Emotion / God / Lacan, Jacques 1901-1981 / Psychoanalysis 1 View Records
Designation / Entertainment / Etymology / History 1657-2017 1 View Records
Designation / God / Revelation / Style of speech 1 View Records
Designation / Headgear / Ingholt, Harald 1896-1985 / Modius / Palmyra / Priest 1 View Records