Aramaic language / Bible 12 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Akkadian language / Bel and the dragon / Esther / Exodus / Ezra / Hebrew language / Loanword / Old Testament / Sumerian language 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Alttestamentliche Theologie / Eschatology / Grammar / Targum / Translation 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Arabic language / Akkadian language / Amharic language / Hebrew language / Syriac language 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Aramaic language / Agriculture / Christianity / Gospels / Judaism / Matthew / Metaphor / New Testament / Old Testament / Polemics / Spring / Targum / Translation / Vineyard 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Aramaic language / Barnabas / Amalekites / Christianity / Iustinus, Martyr, Heiliger -165 / Judaism / Malerba, Luigi 1927-2008, Il serpente / Mishnah / Moses / New Year festival / Polemics / Rabbinic literature / Spring / Targum / Translation 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Bel and the dragon / Ezra / Jüdische Liturgie / Poetics / Translation 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Dead Sea scrolls, Qumran Scrolls / Exegesis / Genesis / Genesis-Apokryphon (Qumran Scrolls) / Interpretation of / Midrash / Narrative theory / Old Testament / Structural analysis / Translation 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Dead Sea scrolls, Qumran Scrolls / Exegesis / Hermeneutics / Jewish literature / Judaism / Pseudepigraphy / Rabbinic literature / Research project / Structural analysis / Targum 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Ecclesiastes / Form criticism / Jewish literature / Lamentations / Midrash / Old Testament / Song of Songs / Structural analysis / Targum / Text history / Translation 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Ecclesiastes / Narrative theory / Structural analysis / Targum / Translation 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Esther / Exegesis / Jewish literature / Judaism / Literary criticism / Midrash / Targum / Translation 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Esther / Exegesis / Jewish literature / Judaism / Narrative theory / Targum / Translation 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Exegesis / Genesis / Judaism / Pseudepigraphy / Targum / Translation 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Exegesis / Jewish literature / Judaism / Midrash / Narrative theory / Song of Songs / Targum / Translation 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / German language 3 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Gospels / Hermeneutics / Koran 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Grammar 26 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Grammar / Lexicography / Linguistics / Morphology (Linguistics) / Morphosyntax / Semitic studies / Targum / Translation 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Bible / Grammar / Targum / Tradition / Translation 1 View Records