Anthropogenous climate-change 2 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Africa / Environmental damage / Environmental geology 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Anthropocentrism / Evolution / Exhibition / Koch, David H. 1940-2019 / National Museum of Natural History 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Asia / Asia / Christianity / Global warming (Meteorology) / Greenhouse effect 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Bergsveinn Birgisson 1971-, Lifandilífslækur / Ghost / Iceland / Natural catastrophe / Post.colonial literature 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 1906-1945, Schöpfung und Fall / Connolly, William E. 1938- 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Buddhist philosophy / Śāntideva 6XX-7XX, Bodhicaryāvatāra / World view 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Catholic / Doubt / Foundations of 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Catholic church, Pope (2013- : Franziskus), Verfasserschaft1, Laudate Deum 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Catholic church, Pope (2013- : Franziskus), Verfasserschaft1, Laudato si' / Creation theology / Ethics of responsibility / Indigenous peoples / Natural philosophy 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Catholic church, Pope (2013- : Franziskus), Verfasserschaft1, Laudato si' / Poverty / Social justice 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Catholic social teaching / Creation theology / Ecological theology / Environmental crisis / Environmental ethics / Moral theology 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Catholic social teaching / Environmental ethics / Globalization / Public good / Social justice 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Christian ethics / Environmental crisis / Environmental ethics / Franciscans / Spirituality 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Christian ethics / Global warming (Meteorology) 2 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Christian philosophy / Globalization / International policy / Trade war 2 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Christian social ethics / Ecological theology / Environmental ethics / Liberation theology / Social justice 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Church / Climate protection / Deutsche Bischofskonferenz, Kommission für Gesellschaftliche und Soziale Fragen / Germany / Global warming (Meteorology) 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Communication / Contradiction / Formation of opinion / Neo-liberalism / Political correctness / Publicity 1 View Records
Anthropogenous climate-change / Complexity / Criticism / Problem solving / Semantics / World view 1 View Records