Anthropocentrism 94 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Altruism / Environmental ethics / Lamaism / World view 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Animals / Animal remains / End of the world / Mercy / Qumran / Vegetarianism 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Animals / Aristoteles 384 BC-322 BC / Dignity 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Animals / Bitsch, Jutta 1969-, Mit allen Augen / Creation 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Animals / Catholic theology / Protection of animals ethics / Speciesism 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Animals / Clough, David 1968-, On animals 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Animals / Depth psychology / Human being / Lacan, Jacques 1901-1981 / Protection of animals ethics 3 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Animals / Image of God / Incarnation 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Animals / Plants / Rejection of / Zhu, Xi 1130-1200, Lunyu-jizhu / Zhuangzi 365 BC-290 BC 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Animals / Theology 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Animal sacrifice / Animals / Blood / Genesis / Human being / Kashrut / Kinship / Leviticus / Protection of animals ethics 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Anthropogenous climate-change / Evolution / Exhibition / Koch, David H. 1940-2019 / National Museum of Natural History 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Anthropology / Catholic church, Pope (2013- : Franziskus), Verfasserschaft1, Laudato si' / Transhumanism 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Anthropology / Creation / Evolutionism 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Anthropology / Dignity / Geology, Stratigraphic / Law / Responsibility / Theology / Uniqueness / Van Huyssteen, J. Wentzel 1942-2022 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Anthropology / Image of God 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Anti-realism / Knowledge / Realism (Ontology) / Theocentrism / Truth 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Arminians 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Arrogance / Bible. Ijob 38-41 / God 1 View Records