Emotion / Love / Heart / Faith / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Metaphor 1 View Records
Hate / Love / John 1 View Records
Emotion / Love / Humanity / Fair play / Pupil / Respect / School / Sympathy / Teacher 3 View Records
Emotion / Happiness / Joy / Mental health / School child / Wellness 1 View Records
Emotion / Ecstacy / Hope / Joy / Philosophy / Religion 1 View Records
Emotion / Lamaism / Hate / Anger / Meditation / Pity 1 View Records
Emotion / Letter / Joy / Bible. Thessalonicherbrief 1. / Municipality / Paul Apostle / Philippians / Prayer 1 View Records
Emotion / Grief / Historiography / History of ideas 900-1250 / Piety / Worry 1 View Records
Emotion / Buddhism / Fear / Gentleness / Psychoanalysis / Watchfulness 1 View Records
Emotion / Love / History 1945-1949 1 View Records
Anxiety / Arts / Hope / Grief / Joy / Catholic church 1 View Records
Emotion / Love / Horatius Flaccus, Quintus 65 BC-8 BC, Odae 4,1 / Devotion / Militia Christi / Radicalism / Venus, Goddess 1 View Records
Emotion / History 1520-1970 / Joy / Protestantism 1 View Records
Emotion / Hate / Ideology / Political philosophy / Religious policy / USA 1 View Records
Emotion / Love / Benedikt, Pope 1927-2022, Catholic church, Pope (2005-2013 : Benedikt XVI.), Verfasserschaft1, Deus caritas est / Integrity / Concept of / Privacy / Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274 1 View Records
Emotion / Love / Christian ethics / Norm (Ethics) 1 View Records
Emotion / Love / Christianity / Church 1 View Records
Emotion / Love / Emotional behavior / Muḥammad 570-632 / Obedience / Piety / Sermon / Thānvī, Ašraf ʿAlī 1863-1943 1 View Records
Emotion / Love / Respect / Sympathy 1 View Records
Christian / Love / Instrumentalization / Joy / Kierkegaard, Søren 1813-1855 / God / Maimonides, Moses 1135-1204 / Self-abnegation / Self-sacrifice 1 View Records