Letter 937 View Records
Letter / Adana / Navigation / Queen / Route of travel / Ugarit 1 View Records
Letter / Aelfric 955-1022 / Middle Latin language 1 View Records
Letter / Aetheria ca. 400 / Pilgrimage / Sanctuary 1 View Records
Letter / Africa (Continent) / Mission (international law 1 View Records
Letter / Akkadian language 2 View Records
Letter / Albrecht, Preußen, Herzog 1490-1568 / Seriousness, Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Celle, Herzog 1497-1546 1 View Records
Letter / al- Matḥaf al-ʿIrāqī (Bagdad) / Old Babylonian language 1 View Records
Letter / Amarna / Verb 1 View Records
Letter / Ambrose Saint, Bishop of Milan 339-397 1 View Records
Letter / Amenophis, III., Ägypten, Pharao 1402 BC-1364 BC / Chronology / Echnaton, Ägypten, Pharao ca. 14 BC. Jh. / International communication / Kadesh / Amarna / Orontes / Qatna / Suppiluliuma, I., Hethiterreich, König ca. 1375 v. Chr.–1335 v. Chr. / Tell Acharneh / Toponymy 1 View Records
Letter / Amurru (Mesopotamia) / Mari (Euphrates) / Nomadism / Sedentariness / Spring 1 View Records
Letter / Ancient Orient 2 View Records
Letter / Ancient Orient / Boğazkale / Findings / Amarna period 1 View Records
Letter / Anselm, Canterbury, Erzbischof, Heiliger 1033-1109 / Woman 1 View Records
Letter / Anthropology / Colonial war / Correspondence / Culture / Diary / Ghana / Ghana / History of religion studies / Africa / Military campaign / Togo / Togo (Nord) / War 1 View Records
Letter / Antim, Bulgarien, Exarch 1816-1888 / Geschichte 1876 / Aleksandr, II., Russland, Zar 1818-1881 1 View Records
Letter / Antiquity 2 View Records
Letter / Antonius, Abbas 251-356 1 View Records
Letter / Antonius, Abbas 251-356 / Power of judgment / Spirituality / Wisdom 1 View Records