Devotion 135 View Records
Devotion / Accius, Lucius, Tragoediae 1 View Records
Devotion / Aesthetics / Liturgy 1 View Records
Devotion / Affective bonding / Hadewijch 1200-1260 1 View Records
Devotion / Ahab, Captain / Germany / Ideal type / Literature / Sorel, Julien / USA 1 View Records
Devotion / Analogy / Gift / Interpersonal relationship / Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 / Relationship to God 1 View Records
Devotion / Antiquity / Emotion / Group dynamics / Narrativity / Radicalism / Religion 1 View Records
Devotion / Aramaic language / Curse / Akkadian language / Excommunication / God / Herem / Shamata / Syriac language / Temple / Violence 1 View Records
Devotion / Art / Christian art / Counter-Reformation / Aesthetics / Europe / Sensualism / Sensuality 1 View Records
Devotion / Asceticism / Glory / History 400-500 / Immitation / Plot (Literature) / Saint's life / Seclusion 1 View Records
Devotion / Attukal Bhagavathy Temple (Thiruvananthapuram) / Pongol / Woman 1 View Records
Devotion / Authority / Empire / Performativity (Cultural sciences) / Radicalism / Symeon Stylites, the Elder 390-459 / Visibility 1 View Records
Devotion / Autonomy / Self-determination 1 View Records
Devotion / Bible. Corinthians 1. 11,23 / Greek language / paradidōmi 1 View Records
Devotion / Bible. Corinthians 1. 7 / Unmarried state / Vocation 1 View Records
Devotion / Bible. Ezechiel 34,1-16.31 / Egocentrism / Shepherd 1 View Records
Devotion / Bible. Markusevangelium 12,41-44 1 View Records
Devotion / Bible reading / Evangelical movement 1 View Records
Devotion / Body / Sufism 1 View Records
Devotion / Brotherhood / Europe / History 1200-1900 1 View Records