Collaboration 123 View Records
Collaboration / Administrative official / France / History 1940-1944 / Orchestration / Protestant / Third Reich 1 View Records
Collaboration / Antisemitism / Germany / History 1933-1945 / National Socialism / The Humanities / Third Reich / University 1 View Records
Collaboration / Artist / History 1 View Records
Collaboration / Babylonia / Gedaliah / Geschichte 586 v. Chr. / Judah (Monarchy) / Occupying policy 2 View Records
Collaboration / Baltic countries / History 1941-1944 / Orchestration / Pskov / Russisch-Orthodoxe Kirche 1 View Records
Collaboration / Belarus / History / World War 1 View Records
Collaboration / Belgium / France / History 1938-1946 / Mayor / Netherlands / Orchestration 1 View Records
Collaboration / Berlin / Bekennende Kirche / Deutsche Christen / History / National Socialism / National Socialism (1933-1945) / Protestant Church / Resistance 1 View Records
Collaboration / Betrayal / Jewish persecution / Jews / National Socialism 1 View Records
Collaboration / Brazil / History 1964-1985 / Intellectual / Military dictatorship 1 View Records
Collaboration / Catholic church / Adlerwerke Vorm. Heinrich Kleyer / Defense industry / Forced labor / France, Service du Travail Obligatoire / History 1942-1945 / National Socialism / Resistance / Young Workers 1 View Records
Collaboration / Catholic church / Baudrillart, Alfred 1859-1942 / France / Geschichte 1940 1 View Records
Collaboration / Catholic church / History 1944-1989 / Poles / Priest / State security service 1 View Records
Collaboration / Catholic church / History 1945-1956 / Poles / Priest / State 1 View Records
Collaboration / Châteaubriant, Alphonse de 1877-1951 / Catholicism / National Socialism 1 View Records
Collaboration / Christianity / Catholicism / Germany / History 1941-1943 / Osvobodilna Fronta Slovenskega Naroda / Slovenia / Slowenische Landwehr / Yugoslavia 1 View Records
Collaboration / Church / Denazification / National Socialism / University 1 View Records
Collaboration / Church / Germany / History / Institute of higher learning / Jews 1 View Records
Collaboration / Civilian population / Jewish persecution / national minority / Orchestration / Religious community / Resistance / Ukraine / World War 1 View Records