Avesta 47 View Records
Avesta / Achämeniden / Religiosity / Zoroastrianism 1 View Records
Avesta / Achämeniden / Religious policy 1 View Records
Avesta / Ahura Masda / Ezra / Iran (Antiquity) / Legislation / Nehemiah / Torah / Zarathustra 628 BC-551 BC 1 View Records
Avesta / Ahura Masda / Gods 1 View Records
Avesta / Amesha Spentas 1 View Records
Avesta / Amram, Biblical person / 4Q542 / Determinism / Enoch / Freedom / Research report / Theology / Vision Amrams 1 View Records
Avesta / Anquetil-Duperron, Abraham Hyacinthe 1731-1805 / Orientalism (Cultural sciences) / Oriental languages / Philology / Translation 1 View Records
Avesta / Avesta. Yašt 1 View Records
Avesta / Avestian / Semantic field / Wages 1 View Records
Avesta / Avestian / Verb 1 View Records
Avesta / Buddhist art / Devil 1 View Records
Avesta / Canon / Iran (Antiquity) / Zoroastrianism 1 View Records
Avesta / Confession of sin 1 View Records
Avesta / Cult / Elamite / Gods / History 500 BC-300 BC / Iran (Antiquity) / Persepolis / Priest / Prophet / Religion / Zarathustra 628 BC-551 BC 1 View Records
Avesta / Culture / Indo-Aryan / Rise of 1 View Records
Avesta / English language / Parsi-Gujarātī 1 View Records
Avesta / Eschatology / Hadith / Islam / Zoroastrianism 1 View Records
Avesta / Evil / The Good / Zoroastrianism 2 View Records
Avesta / Festivity / Season 1 View Records