physical punishment 1 View Records
Physical punishment 3 View Records
Physical punishment / Bible 1 View Records
Physical punishment / Bible. Sprichwörter 3,11-12 / Bible. Hebräerbrief 12,5-6 1 View Records
Physical punishment / Charmoisy, Claude de / François, de Sales 1567-1622 / Geschichte 1613 / Intrigue / Letter / Mediation / Berthelot, Pierre 1 View Records
Physical punishment / Child / Greece (Antiquity) / Hinduism / Islam / Judaism / New Testament / Buddhism / Salvation / Story 1 View Records
Physical punishment / Christian upbringing / History 600-1000 / Monasticism / Anglo-Saxons 1 View Records
Physical punishment / Contribution (Psychology) / Liberalism / Mother / Conservatism / Religiosity 1 View Records
Physical punishment / Legislation / Islam 1 View Records
Physical punishment / Martyrdom / Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint 354-430, Confessiones 1 View Records
Physical punishment / Old Testament / Member of the body / Recompense 1 View Records
Physical punishment / Press / Controversy / Geschichte 2005 / Child / Christian upbringing / Reporting 1 View Records
Physical punishment / Prohibition / Australia / Child 1 View Records
Physical punishment / Protestantism / Child / Conservatism / USA 1 View Records
Physical punishment / Punishment / Criminal law 8 View Records
Physical punishment / Punishment / Criminal law / Law 7 View Records
physical punishment of children 1 View Records
Punishment 1 View Records
Psychometric measure 1 View Records