Peace / Germany / France / Foreign policy / Europe / History 1598-1618 / Ireland / Netherlands / Great Britain / Spain 1 View Records
Peace / Germany / France / Peace treaty / Effects / Policy on history / Conception of History / Great Britain / History 1919-2019 / History teaching / International comparison / Narrative (Social sciences) / Nation (university) / Collective memory / Education / Depiction / School book / Treaty of Versailles (1919 June 28), Treaty of Versailles (1919 Juni 28) / USA 1 View Records
Perception of Germany / Germany / Future / National Socialism / History 1940-1945 1 View Records
Pluralism / Germany / France / England / Educational system / Legitimation / Comparative law / Religion / Secularism / Symbol 1 View Records
Poles / Germany / France / England / History 1789-1800 / Italy / Austria 1 View Records
Poles / Germany / France / England / Hungary / Church / State 1 View Records
Pedagogics / Germany / France / The Postmodern / USA 1 View Records
Peace efforts / Germany / France / Stock, Franz 1904-1948 1 View Records
Protestant religious instruction / Germany / France / Protestant religious pedagogy / England / Digitalization / Islam / Judaism / New media / Non-formal education / Congregational pedagogy / Education policy / Religion teacher / Religious education / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / Religious socialization / School 1 View Records
Pakistan / Germany / France / Austria / Egypt / Bangladesh / Belgium / Brazil / Canada / Chile / China / Church / Colombia / Azerbaijan / Finland / Australia / Argentina / India / Indonesia / Iran / Israel / Laos / Lebanon / Myanmar / Nigeria / Algeria / Russia / Saudi Arabia / Scotland / Spain / State / Turkey / USA 1 View Records
Pakistan / Germany / France / Bangladesh / Egypt / Belgium / Brazil / Canada / Chile / China / Church / Cuba / Democratic Republic / Belarus / Ethiopia / Austria / Australia / Hungary / Iceland / India / Indonesia / Ireland / Israel / Japan / Kazakhstan / Korea / Malaysia / Myanmar / Nigeria / Algeria / Religion / Russia / Saudi Arabia / Scotland / Spain / Sri Lanka / State / Switzerland / Tanzania / Turkey / USA 1 View Records
Pakistan / Germany / France / Bhutan / Ethiopia / Church / Cuba / China / Europäische Union / Belgium / Bangladesh / Great Britain / Greece / India / Indonesia / Iran / Israel / Japan / Kenya / Kosovo / Kyrgyzstan / Mauretanien / Niger / North Korea / Azerbaijan / Russia / Serbia / State / Sudan (Nord) / Syria / Tajikistan / Turkmenistan / Ukraine / USA / Vietnam / Yemen 1 View Records
Pakistan / Germany / France / China / Egypt / Church / Europäische Union / Belgium / Bangladesh / Great Britain / India / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Israel / Moldavia / Morocco / Nigeria / Northern Ireland / North Korea / Azerbaijan / Russia / Saudi Arabia / State / Sudan / Turkey / USA / Vatikanstadt 1 View Records
Pakistan / Germany / France / Palestine / Egypt / Philippines / Eritrea / Belgium / Austria / Great Britain / Guatemala / Hungary / India / Indonesia / Iraq / Kenya / Mexico / New Zealand / Nigeria / Argentina / China / Church / Russia / Spain / State / Tajikistan / USA 1 View Records
Pakistan / Germany / France / Philippines / Eritrea / Church / Cuba / Denmark / China / Europäische Union / Belgium / Australia / Great Britain / India / Indonesia / Iran / Israel / Italy / Kazakhstan / Myanmar / Northern Ireland / Norway / Africa / Canada / Russia / Saudi Arabia / State / Sudan / Swedes / Tajikistan / Tunisia / Turkey / USA / Yemen 1 View Records
Pakistan / Germany / France / Poles / Egypt / Belarus / Bulgaria / Canada / China / Church / Colombia / Azerbaijan / Armenia / Argentina / Great Britain / Hungary / Ireland / Israel / Italy / Kenya / Nepal / Nigeria / Northern Ireland / Algeria / Australia / Romania / Russia / Sabah / South Korea / State / Sudan / Tajikistan / Turkey / USA 1 View Records
Pakistan / Germany / France / Poles / Egypt / Denmark / Eritrea / Europäische Union / China / Bolivia / Great Britain / Greece / Iceland / India / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Ireland / Malaysia / Nigeria / Algeria / Church / Ruanda / Russia / State / Sudan / Switzerland / Tajikistan / Turkey / Ukraine / USA 1 View Records
Pakistan / Germany / France / Poles / ElSalvador / Cuba / Church / Europäische Union / Finland / Canada / Australia / Ghana / Great Britain / India / Ireland / Israel / Kenya / Montenegro / Netherlands / Nicaragua / Afghanistan / China / Russia / State / USA 1 View Records
Protestant / Germany / France / Emancipation / Great Britain / History 1800-1900 / Italy / Jews / national minority / National state / Catholic 1 View Records
Philippines / Germany / France / Belarus / Egypt / Canada / China / Church / Denmark / Belgium / Eritrea / Ethiopia / Austria / Australia / India / Indonesia / Ireland / Israel / Kazakhstan / Niederland / Algeria / Russia / Samoa / State / Ukraine / USA / Uzbekistan / Vatikanstadt 1 View Records