Old Testament / Semantics / Metaphor / Hebrew language / Scribe / ktb / Writing 1 View Records
Old Testament / Semantics / Metaphor / Hebrew studies / Septuaginta deutsch / tsel 1 View Records
Old Testament / Sexual ethics / Monogamy / New Testament / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 19,1-12 / Reception / Divorce 1 View Records
Old Testament / Sexual ethics / Monogamy / New Testament / Divorce / Reception / Jesus Christus 1 View Records
Old Testament / Sexuality / Marriage / Hospitality 1 View Records
Old Testament / Sexuality / Marriage / Old Testament / Bible. Tobit 8 / Interpretation of / Bible (Vulgata) 1 View Records
Old Testament / Savior / Messiah 1 View Records
Old Testament / Shelomoh ben Yitsḥaḳ 1040-1105 / Midrash / Nachmanides, Moses 1194-1270 / Exegesis / Ibn-ʿEzra, Avraham Ben-Meʾir 1092-1167 1 View Records
Old Testament / Shepherds (Motif) / Messiah 1 View Records
Old Testament / Socialism / Marxism / Nietzsche, Friedrich 1844-1900 / Critique of religion / Plato 427 BC-347 BC / Platonism / Heidegger, Martin 1889-1976 1 View Records
Old Testament / Socio-historical exegesis / Marxism 2 View Records
Old Testament / Solomon Israel, King / Matthew / Christology / Reception / Exorcism (Motif) / Son of David 1 View Records
Old Testament / Song of Songs / Midrash / Form criticism / Jewish literature / Lamentations / Ecclesiastes / Aramaic language / Bible / Structural analysis / Targum / Text history / Translation 1 View Records
Old Testament / Son of David / Matthew 2 View Records
Old Testament / Soteriology / Matthew / Fulfilment / Promise / New Testament 1 View Records
Old Testament / Soteriology / Matthew / New Testament 1 View Records
Old Testament / Speech / Midrash / Acts of the Apostles 1 View Records
Old Testament / Spring / Matthew / Bible / Christianity / Gospels / Judaism / Aramaic language / Metaphor / New Testament / Agriculture / Polemics / Aramaic language / Targum / Translation / Vineyard 1 View Records
Old Testament / Stele / Mesa-Inschrift / Ethnicity / Meschach, Heiliger, Biblische Person / Moabite / Bible. Könige 2. 3 / Dibon, Paul 1915-1995 1 View Records
Old Testament / Structural analysis / Midrash / Exegesis / Genesis / Genesis-Apokryphon (Qumran Scrolls) / Interpretation of / Dead Sea scrolls, Qumran Scrolls / Narrative theory / Aramaic language / Bible / Translation 1 View Records