legislative power 1 View Records
Legislative power 71 View Records
Legislative power / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex iuris canonici (1983). 466 / Diocesan synod / Bishop 1 View Records
Legislative power / Conflict / Court / Harmony / Jewish law / Justice / Compromise / Neighbor / Truth 1 View Records
Legislative power / Executive power / Comparative political science / Separation of powers 1 View Records
Legislative power / Hate crime / Human rights / International law / Genocide / War crime 1 View Records
Legislative power / Jurisdiction / Hungary, Alkotmánybíróság 1 View Records
Legislative power / Law / Idea of God / King / Decalog / Ancient Orient / Politics / Power 1 View Records
Legislative power / Legislation / Ius divinum / Torah 1 View Records
Legislative bodies 1 View Records
Legislative power United States 1 View Records
Legislation 39 View Records
Legislation / Civil law / Canon law 1 View Records
Legislation (Canon law) 1 View Records
legal authority 1 View Records
Legal community 1 View Records
Legal norm 1 View Records
Legal order 1 View Records
Legal status / Diocesan synod / Canon law 1 View Records
Legal System 1 View Records