Heroic epic 3 View Records
Heroic epic / Allegory / Milton, John 1608-1674 / Sidney, Philip 1554-1586 / Spenser, Edmund 1552-1599 1 View Records
Heroic epic / Battle of Maldon / Judges / Simile (Motif) 1 View Records
Heroic epic / Children's book / Childrens' literature / Folktale / German language / Germany (DDR) / Bartsch, Horst 1926-1989 / India / Literature / Meinck, Willi 1914-1993 / Orient / Text revision / Vālmīki / Vālmīki, Rāmāyaṇa 1 View Records
Heroic epic / Deuteronomistic history / Judge / Literary criticism / Old Testament / Superman, Fictitious character 1 View Records
Heroic epic / Egypt (Antiquity) / Divine King 1 View Records
Heroic epic / Heroism / Folktale / Hero / Humanity / Sumer 1 View Records
Heroic epic / History / Culture / India / Lawbook / Literature / Mahābhārata 1 View Records
Heroic epic / History 1200-1220 / Crusade / Wolfram, von Eschenbach 1170-1220, Willehalm 1 View Records
Heroic epic / History 1700-1800 / Gujarati 1 View Records
Heroic epic / Iran (Antiquity) 1 View Records
Heroic epic / Old French language / Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius 348-405, Peristephanon 1 View Records
Heroic epic / Religion (Motif) / The Profane / Wolfram, von Eschenbach 1170-1220, Willehalm 1 View Records
Heroic epic / Tibetan language 1 View Records
Heroic epic / Vālmīki, Rāmāyaṇa 2 View Records
Heroic ballad / Heroic saga (motif) 1 View Records
History 1580-1680 1 View Records