Greek language / Romance / Intertextuality / Martyr acts 1 View Records
Greek language / Intertextuality / John / Mark / Literary criticism / kai euthys / New Testament / Tradition-historical research 1 View Records
Greek language / Revelation / Intertextuality / Myth / Herodotus ca. 485 v. Chr.-424 v. Chr. / Apollo / Literature / Heavenly Jerusalem / Babylon (Motif) 1 View Records
Greek language / Bible. Offenbarung des Johannes 1,13 / Intertextuality / Mastos / Bible. Hoheslied 1,2 1 View Records
Greek language / riṣpā / Intertextuality / Hebrew language / Bible. Johannesevangelium 19,19-22 / Lithostroton / Bible. Samuel 2. 21,1-14 1 View Records
Greek language / Reception / Intertextuality / Church / Literature / New Testament / Pseudepigrapha / Epic 1 View Records
Greek language / Revelation / Intertextuality / Latin / Literature / Classical antiquity 1 View Records
Greek language / Intertextuality / Literature / Metaphor / Song of Songs 1 View Records
Greek language / Agatha Saint 225-250 / Handwriting / Martyr acts / Kloster El Escorial, Library 1 View Records
Greek language / arrab / Intertextuality / Idea of God / Papyrus / Pauline letters 1 View Records
Greek language / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 2,23 / Intertextuality / Hebrew language / Nazirite / Nazōraios / New Testament / NZR / Old Testament / Word stem 1 View Records
Greek language / Bible. Thessalonicherbrief 1. 5,14 / Intertextuality / ataktos / Hebrew language / Dead Sea scrolls, Qumran Scrolls / SRK / Word stem 1 View Records
Greek language / Bible reading / Intertextuality / Allusion / Classic / Latin / Literature 1 View Records
Greek language / Byzantine Empire / History 300-900 / Martyr acts / Prison (Motif) 1 View Records
Greek language / Classical antiquity / Intertextuality / Citation / Latin / Literature 1 View Records
Greek language / Ezekiel / Intertextuality / Ezechiel, Tragicus ca. 3 BC./2. Jh. 1 View Records
Greek language / Febronia ca. 3./4. Jh. / Handwriting / Martyr acts / Text history 1 View Records
Greek language / First-person narrative / Intertextuality / Literature 1 View Records
Greek language / Fulfilment / Intertextuality / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 2,23 / Nazōraios / New Testament / Old Testament / Old Testament / Promise 1 View Records
Greek language / Handwriting / Martyr acts / Paraskeva Pyatnitsa ca. 2. Jh. / Text history 1 View Records