Geschichte 1999 / Bible, German language (Luther) 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Bisexual person / Homosexual / Lesbian / Münster / Worship service 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Bishops' conference / Abortion 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Bishops' conference / Near East / Pastoral letter / Uniate Eastern Church 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Bonifatiuswerk der Deutschen Katholiken / Jubilee 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Brenz, Johannes 1499-1570 / Jubilee 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Brigate Rosse / D'Antona, Massimo ca. 20.Jh. / Assassination attempt / Italy 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Calcutta / Missionarinnen der Liebe 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Canon / Historical criticism / Literature / Old Testament / Research 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Canon law 2 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Caritas (Journal) / Jubilee 2 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Catholic / Interrogation / Religiosity / USA 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Catholic church, Bischofssynode / Near East / Uniate Eastern Church 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Catholic church, Curia Romana 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Catholic church, Curia Romana / Administrative act / Statutes 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Catholic church, Curia Romana / Statutes 3 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Catholic church, Diözese Fulda / Preservation of monuments 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Catholic church, Diözese Limburg / Preservation of monuments 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Catholic church, Diözese Mainz / Preservation of monuments 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Catholic church, Diözese Speyer / Preservation of monuments 1 View Records