Assassination attempt 180 View Records
Assassination attempt / Abe, Shinzō 1954-2022 / Geschichte 2022 / Japan / Vereinigungskirche 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / African National Congress / Africa / History 1975-1994 / Inkatha Freedom Party / Persecution 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / Ăgca, Mehmet Ali / Geschichte 1981 / Geschichte 2000 / Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 / Pardon 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / Ağca, Mehmet Ali 1958- / Geschichte 1981 / Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / Airplane downing / Huster, Stefan 1964- / Struggle against / Terrorism 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / al-Qaida / Geschichte 2004 / Madrid 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / Amish / Geschichte 2006 / Nickel Mines / School 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / Amon Judah, King / Bible. Chronicle 2. 33,21-25 / Bible lessons 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / Antisemitism / Bowers, Robert 1972- / Christianity / Geschichte 2018 / Islam / Tree of Life Synagogue (Pittsburgh) 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / Antonov, Sergej I. ca. 20.Jh. / Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / Asia / Ancestors / Atlanta, Ga. / Bible. Hebräerbrief 11,1-12,2 / Biblical studies / Commentary / Descent / Faith / Geschichte 2021 / Hermeneutics / Immigrants / Method / Migration / Promised Land / Rest 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / Assassination / Antisemitism / Berlin / Geschichte 1922 / National Socialism / Rathenau, Walther 1867-1922 / Right-wing radicalism 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / Assassination / History 1503-1980 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / Aum-Shinri-Kyo-Sekte / Gases, Asphyxiating and poisonous / Geschichte 1995 / Murakami, Haruki 1949- / Subways / Survivor / Tokyo 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / Aum-Shinri-Kyo-Sekte / Geschichte 1995 / Subways / Tokyo 2 View Records
Assassination attempt / Baha'i faith / Geschichte 1852 / Nāṣir-ad-Dīn, Iran, Schah 1831-1896 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / Bastien-Thiry, Jean M. / France / Geschichte 1963 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / Bavaud, Maurice 1916-1941 / Gerbohay, Marcel 1917-1943 / History 1939-1944 / Hitler, Adolf 1889-1945 1 View Records
Assassination attempt / Bavaud, Maurice 1916-1941 / Hitler, Adolf 1889-1945 1 View Records