Geschichte 1968 5 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Afghanistan / Nomad / Pashtuns / Smuggling 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Berlin (West) / Left-wing Protestantism / Peace movement / Student movement / Veerkamp, Ton 1933-2022 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz 2 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Biafra conflict / Help / Public announcement 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Bischöfliche Aktion Adveniat e.V. / Pastoral letter 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Catholic church, Pope (1963-1978 : Paul VI.), Verfasserschaft1, Humanae vitae / Church teaching office / Contraception / Catholic church / Public announcement 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Catholic church / Pastoral assistant 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Catholic church / Peace work / Public announcement 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Church life / Faith / Catholic church / Public announcement 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Church work with children / Catholic church / Public announcement 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Confession of faith / Catholic 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Deacon / Catholic church / Training directory 2 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Diaspora (Religion) / Donations appeal / Catholic church 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Donations appeal / Bischöfliches Hilfswerk Misereor 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Halbfas, Hubertus 1932-2022 / Teaching 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Human rights / Public announcement 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Mass / Public announcement / Vigil 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Peace efforts / Public announcement 1 View Records
Geschichte 1968 / Catholic church, Lateinamerikanischer Bischofsrat / Medellin 1 View Records