Görlitz 218 View Records
Görlitz / Authorities / History 1450-1600 / Social control 1 View Records
Görlitz / Bell / Leipzig / Via Regia 1 View Records
Görlitz / Bible 1 View Records
Görlitz / Böhme, Jakob 1575-1624 1 View Records
Görlitz / Catholic church / Church archive / Estate / Ferche, Joseph 1888-1965 / Bertram, Adolf 1859-1945 1 View Records
Görlitz / Catholic church / History 1500-1600 / Jurisdiction / Marriage court 1 View Records
Görlitz / Catholic hospital / History 1927-1998 1 View Records
Görlitz / Church / Christian 1 View Records
Görlitz / Church / Experience account / Bornkamm, Heinrich 1901-1977 / Society 1 View Records
Görlitz / Church building / Dominican monastery / Franciscan monastery / Brandenburg / History / Luckau (Landkreis Dahme-Spreewald) / Mendicant order / Mendicant order church / Monastery / Niederlausitz / Oberlausitz / Saxons 1 View Records
Görlitz / Church congregation 1 View Records
Görlitz / Church work / Czechoslovakia / Expulsion / Catholic church / History 1945-1950 / Refugee policy / Silesia / Social integration / Wrocław 1 View Records
Görlitz / Competency / Catholic church / Marriage court / Reformation 1 View Records
Görlitz / Confessionalization / Citizen / History / Reformation 1 View Records
Görlitz / Criminal prosecution / History 1450-1600 / Rule / Social control 1 View Records
Görlitz / Development / Evangelische Kirche der Schlesischen Oberlausitz / Church leadership / History 1945-1980 / Parish work 1 View Records
Görlitz / Educational system 4 View Records
Görlitz / Elite / Local politics / Piety / Social ascent / Social history studies 1300-1550 / Social situation / The Middle classes 1 View Records
Görlitz / Elite / Local politics / Piety / Social ascent / Social situation / The Middle classes 2 View Records