Confession of faith / Cuba / Barmer theologische Erklärung / Geschichte 1977 / Presbyterians / Reception 2 View Records
Confession of faith / Cuba / Geschichte 1977 / Presbyterians 1 View Records
Confession of faith / Cuba / Presbyterian Church 1 View Records
Confessional studies / Church 1 View Records
Confessional studies / Church / Ecumene 1 View Records
Confessional studies / Church / Religious instruction / School year 5-8 1 View Records
Confessional studies / Church policy / Church / State 1 View Records
Confession of sin / Church law / Catholic church, Diözese Konstanz / Publicity 1 View Records
Confession of sin / Church law / Catholic church, Erzdiözese Bamberg / History 1450-1550 / Publicity 1 View Records
Confession of faith / Christian life 6 View Records
Confession of faith / Christian life / Confessio Augustana 1 View Records
Confession of faith / Colloquy / Cathars / Geschichte 1165 / Lombers 1 View Records
Confession of faith / Corinth / Council 1. (325 : Nizäa) / Inscription / Justinian I Byzantine Empire, Emperor 482-565 1 View Records
Confession of faith / Calendar / Council 1. (325 : Nizäa) / Jubilee / Orthodox Church 1 View Records
Confession of faith / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Catholic / Geschichte 1968 1 View Records
Confession of faith / Christian ethics / History 30-800 / Paraenesis 1 View Records
Confession of faith / Conflict / Bekennende Kirche / History 1933-1934 1 View Records
Confession of faith / Calvinism / Controversial theology / Antwerp / Geschichte 1566 / Lord's Supper / Lutheranism 1 View Records
Confession of faith / Calvinism / Ecumenical theology / Geschichte 1599 / Lutheranism / Margravate 1 View Records
Confession of faith / Calvinism / Ecumenical theology / Geschichte 1599 / Lutheranism / Margravate / Schloss Staffort (Stutensee) 1 View Records