Catholic church / Priestess / Vocation 1 View Records
Catholic church / Priestess / Vocation / Young woman 1 View Records
Catholic church / Primacy / Universal church / Bishop / Synodales Prinzip / Local church 1 View Records
Catholic church / Primacy / Universal church / Local church / Eastern Church / History 1-1000 1 View Records
Catholic church / Process / Catholic theological faculty / Professor / Vocation 1 View Records
Catholic church / Project / Universal church / Research institute / Mission (international law 1 View Records
Magyars / Preparation of / Participant in / Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965 : Vatikanstadt) 1 View Records
Catholic church / India / Teenagers / Violent behavior / Youth 1 View Records
Catholic / Australia / Adult (25-40 Jahre) / Churchliness / Interrogation 1 View Records
Catholic church, Erzdiözese Bamberg / Piety / Marginal Christian / Occasional church ceremony / Interrogation 3 View Records
Catholic church / Africa / Evangelization / Teenagers / Initiation 1 View Records
Catholic church / Professional recruits / USA / Europe / Order / Vocation 1 View Records
Catholic church / Participation / Liturgy / Pius, XII., Pope 1876-1958, Mediator Dei / Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965 : Vatikanstadt), Sacrosanctum concilium / Visitor 1 View Records
Catholic church, Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart / Parochial pastoral assistant / Parochial pastoral assistant / Vocation 1 View Records
Catholic church, Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart / Parochial pastoral assistant / Vocation 1 View Records
Catholic parish / Parish work / USA / Interrogation / Church life / Germany 1 View Records
Catholic church / Preparation of / Liturgy / Theology / Spirituality / Celebration 1 View Records
Catholic church, Curia Romana / Pacha, Augustin 1870-1954 / History 1950-1951 / Interrogation / Espionage / Romania, Ministerul de Interne / Show trial 1 View Records
Catholic church / Participation / Lord's Supper / Adoration 1 View Records
Catholic church / Pastoral theology / Church work / Germany / Layman / Vocation / Church service 1 View Records