parallel texts 1 View Records
Parallel text 1 View Records
Parallel text / Bible / Software / Translation 1 View Records
Parallel text / Bible. Jeremia 52 / Bible. Könige 2. 25 / Greek language / Harmonization / Bible. Jeremia 40-43 1 View Records
Parallel text / Bible. Jesaja 38,8 / Bible. Könige 2. 20,11 / Glossen / Harmonization / Astronomy 1 View Records
Parallel text / Bible. Lukasevangelium 8,40-56 / Bible. Lukasevangelium 7,1-17 1 View Records
Parallel text / Bible. Psalmen 105-106 / Bible. Psalmen 18 / Bible. Psalmen 96 / Bible. Samuel 2. 22 / Canon / Intertextuality / Bible. Chronicle 1. 16 1 View Records
Parallel text / Genesis / Nuzi / Clay tablet 1 View Records
Parallel text / Gospels / Apocrypha 1 View Records
Parallel text / Luke / Acts of the Apostles 1 View Records
Parallel text / Luke / John 3 View Records
Parallel text / Mark 1 View Records
Parallel text / Matthew / Luke 1 View Records
Parallel text / New Testament / Apocrypha 1 View Records
Parallel text / Old Testament 1 View Records
Parallel text / Old Testament / Ancient Orient 1 View Records
Parallel text / Pauline letters / Synopsis 2 View Records
Parallel text / Pericope / Area measurement / Memory / Psychology / Synoptic Gospels 1 View Records
Parallel Passages tool 1 View Records
Paratext Bible translation software 1 View Records