of Alexandria 1 View Records
Oath 3 View Records
Obituary 1 View Records
Ocean floor 1 View Records
Oikonomia 1 View Records
Old Armenian / Philo, Alexandrinus 25 BC-40 / Translation 1 View Records
Old Testament 6 View Records
Old Testament / Allegoric exegesis / Aristeas, Epistolographus, Ad Philocratem / Aristobulus, Iudaeus ca. 2 BC. Jh. / Hellenistic Jews / Alexandria / Philo, Alexandrinus 25 BC-40 1 View Records
Old Testament / Anthropology 1 View Records
Old Testament / Aristeas, Epistolographus, Ad Philocratem / Library use / Alexandrinische Bibliothek / Rise of 1 View Records
Old Testament / Aristobulus, Iudaeus ca. 2 BC. Jh. / Demetrius, Iudaeus ca. 3. Jh. v. Chr. / Ezechiel, Tragicus ca. 3 BC./2. Jh. / Aristeas, Epistolographus, Ad Philocratem / Translation 1 View Records
Old Testament / Asclepius / Bible. Jesaja 26,14 / Bible. Psalmen 88,11 / Cult / Alexandria / Translation 1 View Records
Old Testament / Canon 2 View Records
Old Testament / Concept of / Germany / History 1871-1918 / Israel (Antiquity) / Kulturprotestantismus / Biblical studies / Religion 1 View Records
Old Testament / Curse / Amalekites 1 View Records
Old Testament / Dating 1 View Records
Old Testament / Demetrius Phalereus 350 BC-283 BC / Alexandrinische Bibliothek 1 View Records
Old Testament / Early Judaism / Wisdom / Wisdom literature 1 View Records
Old Testament / Exegesis 1 View Records
Old Testament / Exegesis / Cosmology / Philo, Alexandrinus 25 BC-40 1 View Records