involvement 8 View Records
Involvement 1 View Records
Involvement in change 1 View Records
involvement of stakeholders 1 View Records
involvement in self-help groups 1 View Records
Influence / God / Human being / Decision / Prayer 1 View Records
Innovation / Ideology / Griechisch-Orthodoxe Kirche / Church administration / Religious change / Traditionalism 1 View Records
Insight 1 View Records
Integration 1 View Records
Interaction 1 View Records
Interactionism 1 View Records
Institutional Task 1 View Records
individual outcomes 1 View Records
Industrial relations 1 View Records
Institutional Theory 1 View Records
Idealism 1 View Records
Irreligiosity / Italy / Child (11-14 Jahre) / Forgiveness / Religious practice 1 View Records
Issues 1 View Records
Identification 1 View Records
internal and external threats 1 View Records