consequences of conflict / consequences of war / post-conflict reconstruction 402 View Records
Conscience 1 View Records
Conscientious objector 1 View Records
conscientious objectors 1 View Records
Constitutional law 1 View Records
Constitutional Law 1 View Records
Concept of / History / Just war 1 View Records
concept of death 2 View Records
concept of state 1 View Records
Confessing Church / Bekennende Kirche 1 View Records
Confession of sin / Bußbücher 2 View Records
Conflict 9 View Records
conflict prevention / prevention of war 23 View Records
Conflict psychology 1 View Records
Conflict resolution / Reconciliation 2 View Records
Congregationalist Church 1 View Records
congregations / orders 2 View Records
conventional weapons 4 View Records
Conference of German Bishops / Fuldaer Bischofskonferenz / Deutsche Bischofskonferenz 2 View Records
coalition Wars / revolutionary Wars 1 View Records